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Friday, July 13, 2007

Real World Sydney promos begin airing announcing premiere date of August 8

MTV has begun airing promos for the Real World: Sydney, the 19th season of the Real World.

The promos show brief glimpses of various different fights/hook-ups/etc during the season, but gives no real glimpse into who the seven strangers are. The MTV website is not yet up and running.

The Real World will premiere August 8th.


Anonymous said...

MM Agency revealed Parissa, Shauvon and Trisha on it's website

Anonymous said...

It looks like a good season. I can't wait until the premiere.

Anonymous said...

sydney wont be on the gauntlet 3 challenge though

Anonymous said...

Looks good, did anyone see that naked guy swimming in the fishtank??? Who was he???

Anonymous said...

the guy in the fishtank seems like it was Issac or Dunbar... i'm thinking Issac

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yuh yuh yuh yaaaaaaaaaay. I finally saw the promo today. Very quick. Im so excited for this season!!! Sydney is an UH-MAZING city and their job is KICK-ASS!!! cant wait. BTW...the naked man in the fish tank?...uhhh

cant wait.

Anonymous said...

Parisa and Trisha fight.. and Trisha get's kicked out

HipHop101 said...

its definently Isaac in the fishtank. he has a buzz cut and he is a dirtbag piece of shit according to his myspace. he seems awesome haha.

Anonymous said...

there are some fineeeeeeeeee girls this season.... looks sexy but well see they always make it look interesting in the promos.... like denver for examp... i guess we have to wait....

Anonymous said...

I've been a huge fan up until the Las Veags season. The fact that they have to use clips of roommates fighting and hooking up to get viewers is disappointing. Another season gone to waste. Another season I won't be watching. Sad face.

Anonymous said...

I miss the original casts where it was just regular people with real lives in a house. They didnt all want to be models or actors/actresses and didn't move to LA after the season. I think my favorite was boston :)

Anonymous said...

yeaa boston was really good..def one of my favs as well :)...i mean ok i wont lie, the sex, the fighting, the drama is kind of entertaining but i DO still miss the old formula..

Anonymous said...

if that were true "flavor of love" wouldn't have more viewers than pbs. you love it. admit it. own it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I miss the old format when they would follow the careers and relationships of people from the city in which it was being filmed. How many people in the cast are not from the USofA in the Sydney season?

Anonymous said...

who is putting this crap up?

Anonymous said...

everyone talks about how they want it the old way how they followed peopls lives and relationships.. umm they do, people's lives have changed since the 90's

Anonymous said...

The promo was confusing because quite frankly, I couldn't tell any of them apart. It looked like 30 seconds of the same drunken, horny, attention-starved blonde white person running across the screen making an ass of themself. At least on other seasons I could poke fun and say something really stereotypical and sarcastic like, "Did you see that angry Black guy screaming? And his passive White roomate being submissive?"
or "did you see that shy Asian girl crying when the obnoxiously vindictive gay guy called her a bullimic bitch? Man I can't wait for this new season!" Nope, they all look and act alike this season. Zzzzzzzzzz...another overseas disaster for BMP.

Anonymous said...

well, someone is gay because I saw in the promo someone holding a rainbow flag and getting whisky poured down their throat (probably "gay pride").. and it was a guy, so besides Shauvon, someone else must be gay

Anonymous said...

i actually think this season will be good
however i think mtv should play into the hollywood thing
and make season 20 in hollywood
i think it sounds good

Anonymous said...

they should start putting up the website and releasing more info, pictures and a trailer.. because The Hills Season 3 has a bunch of stuff for it and it premieres 5 days after Sydney

Anonymous said...

there is already a trailer on the website is not up

Anonymous said...

where is the trailer?
or are you talking about the 15 second commercial?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The trailer makes it look like the Hills...seriosuly, the weird music and everything??

Anonymous said...

Someone said a little while back that it was Shauvon who gets kicked off, but from the look of the trailer, it's Trisha. Trisha's wicked hot though =(. This season looks amazingly good.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they're going to kick anyone out

Anonymous said...

The Real World: Sydney Casting Special premieres on August 1st at 10pm.. of course on MTV

and it plays throughout the week.
there is currently no marathon schedule before August 5th.