He turned psychotic and bit by tongue off. -Neil (London)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Real World Casting has its ten finalists and a seventh roommate will be picked on in five days

Real World Casting, the search for a seventh roommate for the 20th season of the Real World, is finally coming to an end. After a long and convoluted process, which included confusion and cheating allegations, producers ended up choosing ten finalists for you to vote on.

Essentially, no one will knows who will win because casting has made this round "blind", meaning there's no way to tell who's in the lead and who will go on to live in the house. Presumably, we will find out once the season begins.

Here are the ten profiles:

Hashisback - link
AjayPaulS - link
MissFallon07 - link
VictoriaR - link
MissCAMERA - link
Kanik - link
Antasha - link
Caesar - link
Katiebaby88 - link
PretyBoy - link

There is no word yet for the location of the twentieth season.


Anonymous said...

It's really bulls^$@ that Ricky did NOT make it to the top ten. He was in the lead all but a few days and then went back in the lead. He would have been chosen for the show, so kicking him out is not letting the viewers choose! I asume pretty boy? will be picked since he was in second the whole time. What a boring cast member! :(

Anonymous said...

there is a rumor that season 20 is in LA.. it makes sense, every ten season they go back..

season 1- new york
season 10-back to new york
season 2- LA
season 20- back to LA

Anonymous said...

this is going to be the most annoying cast of all time. i cant find one guy or girl on there that has a "direction or aspiration". how is mtv going back to its roots with this one? all the guys are working out in the gym with their creatinine induced muscles- real sexy. this is terrible, who will watch these clowns?

Anonymous said...

honestly who cares anymore. its the same stuff every season. fights,drinking,hooking up. its time for the show to end.

Anonymous said...

only one of them is going to be on the show... there is 6 other people that we don't know

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, i know exactly how you feel about what that guy says. he thinks hes so hot but hes really not. just annoying is all he will ever be.

Anonymous said...

honestly who cares anymore. its the same stuff every season. fights,drinking,hooking up. its time for the show to end.

Probably the most accurate message ever posted on this board. Agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Well at least none of the finalists are that asshole they show everytime they show that commercial for this contest. You know, the one that wears the aviator sunglasses and says "i'm cute, I'm athletic, I'm handsome the list goes on and on"! Everytime that commercial comes on and they show him I just wanna throw my tv out the window.

That tool is actually a friend of Tina Barta (RR South Pacific, and several Challenges). A buddy of mine who writes for another MTV reality website passed on reliable info that he is an acquaintance of Tina and her fiance. No word on whether MTV is purposely promoting him because of his connections, or whether he'll actually make the show, but that's a hell of a coincidence that they chose him and his loser profile for the commercial, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

which of these is gay?

Anonymous said...

6:26 -
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

All the guy on there are gay. Look at them, they're all closet cases or openly gay.

Anonymous said...

its stupid how they do the RW twice in one city!! they should get out more... to those places that haven't even been visited yet! such as dallas, pittsburgh, nashville! i think a great idea for The Real World would be to go to Salt Lake City, Utah!!! With the whole Mormon religion.. i think it would get interesting! Or another idea is make the majority of the cast BLACK... so then the outnumbered white person will be able to feel what its like to be in the position on what it feels like to be considered and "outsider"! I don't like the whole idea of "PICK THE 7th CASTMEMBER"! it's just as stupid as the whole Road Rules Viewers Revenge voting system.. because the same damn people kept getting picked and kept on LOSING to the vets! RW Producers need to think of some new idea to get ppls attention and what not! And yes this new season preview looks like all the other ones! people getting drunk and doing stupid things! fights, fights, fights!! they need something crazy like FLAVOR OF LOVE where a crazy thing was happening every single episode! 1st episode crazyyy black girl fight.. 2nd episode girl poops on floor... 3rd episode girl is discovered to be a porn star!! ohhh how many ratings that shit pulled in!! but again.. that was only the second season for FLAVOR OF LOVE so the ideas were new.. as THE REAL WORLD ideas such as fighting drinking racism gay ppl etc. were new around its first seasons and people loved watching it but as of now in its 19 and 20 season.. the stuff is kinda bored on us and we just need something fresh!! :)

Anonymous said...

i hope they do it in Atalanta or Pittsburgh

Anonymous said...

I hope this 20th season isn't as bad as Road Rules: Viewer's Revenge!!!!!