C'mon be my baby tonight... -David (New Orleans)
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Reunited Season Finale: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the last new episode of Las Vegas Reunited.

Say goodbye (once again) to the Las Vegas cast as they party it up one last time in Vegas. Maybe Trishelle (Las Vegas) said it most appropriately when she mentioned that she knew it in her heart that this would be the last time the seven of them would ever be together.

Post your reactions here.


Anonymous said...

I have a comment about last week's show. Alton used a racial slur about Jewish people. It sure changed my view toward him. And he didn't see anything wrong with it. If Steven had said something to like "don't be a n****r about it" he would be considered a racist. Alton makes a racial slur about jews and money, and no one cares. Shows there is a double standard in this country.

I always liked Alton but not anymore. He is just a bigot like any red neck hillbilly in Alabama.

Anonymous said...

The N word is a word deeply rooted in racism and has a long history of berating a particular race. The word "Jew" is not considered as racially charged as the other. Though it's never appropiate to use the N word or the word "Jew" .. I don't think there was any malicious intent behind Alton's calling Steven that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike before you start calling people bigots you might wanna stop calling people redneck Hillbillies in the tone you typed it in.

Anonymous said...

in response to the topic at hand...the final vegas reunion show was a big YAWN...The Inferno 3 (non)reunion show was better...

Although I agree about Alton...he and Frank were disappointing, and I now love Brynn! :)

Anonymous said...

WTH? Steven was throwing racial crap around the pool all day long. He put racist words in Alton's mouth when he told the waitress that Alton called her "cracker," and when he said that Alton wouldn't share his shot with Steven because Steven was white. Give me a break. Steven can't make "jokes" all day and then get all worked up when Alton decides to throw a joke in there, too. Was it a stupid, stupid thing for Alton to say? Of course. He should never have said it. But, Steven shouldn't have been throwing the racial stuff around, either. Steven's a hypocrite.

Brynn is the only person from this cast that I'd care to spend any time with.

Anonymous said...

mtv needs a new, fresh, young producers.reunion was so stupid the most boring irisa and urlan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!steve is fem.

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT!!!! episode. I love the city of Vegas and the cast made this one of the TOP real worlds of ALL time!!! Thanks cast and I hope we see yall soon!

Anonymous said...

Dumbest idea Mtv has ever had. This show ruined it for both Frank and Steven. Frank mostly as the alchohlic trainwreck. He shouldnt have done it because he has changed for the worst. Overall thought- it shows how much the "real world" and the kids who sign on change for the worst. I agree that the only positive changes seem to be Brynn, Trishelle (from what she was on the last show and surreal life), and Irulan (outside of some drama she was normal too). Frank needs to see a shrink for sure though.

ps. Steven sure has a double standard. He cant throw out his own stupid jokes and get so worked up when someone does it back. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

yea. this reunion show was such a retarded idea!!! c'mon RW producers step it up and give up something juicy to watch!! i will agree though that Steven is a hypocrit.. but Alton should have never said what he said.. and especially not regret it at all!! and frank is just a dumbass.. i really think he wanted to change the worlds opinion that he isn't a little boring good boy, but that he can drink up and party!! well hell w/ it frank.. you look even more retarded trying to drink and hook up!! trishelle is boring as hell.. and i wasn't too entertained w/ irulan and arissa either!! although Brynn was the only one i enjoyed watching, because she was the only one out of the 7 who could take a joke and be mature, plus she really GREW from the past 5 years :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't see the part where steve makes racial jokes. Now I can see how Alton MIGHT have been kidding. Initially I thought he was being purposefully hurtful. (It was also shady how he waited until no cameras were around to say it).
Yet and still, Alton was out of line. I hate him and his shit-eating grin.

Anonymous said...

steven is beyond lame
worst cast member of all time

Anonymous said...

I didn't like Steven 5 years ago, and I hate him now. He is a drama queen.

When Brynn threw a fork at him, he made a HUGE deal out of it (from the first show) which I thought was ridiculous.
Also he treated Trishelle like a piece of meat and almost got her pregnant.

5 years later, he snapped at Alton. Yes what Alton said was inappropriate, but Steven made it unbelievably harsh. How Steven reacted and kept going on and on wasn't cool. Nobody would want to say sorry to anybody like that even if he was sorry.

Steven needs to see himself from a different light. Who does he think he is?