You know a marriage between you and me would never work out, don't you Stephen? Because you're a homosexual. -Irene (Seattle)
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Inferno 3: Top 10 Moments instead of traditional reunion is aired

Last night, in what was supposed to be a traditional reunion, MTV aired a "Top 10" segment, that brought the final 12 castmembers to comment on the Top 10 Moments of the Inferno 3.

Maybe MTV is trying to cut costs by saving the airfare and studio time, but last night's episode only featured comments on the Top 10 dramatic moments.

Although it wasn't the traditional reunion, the episode last night was relatively interesting. Tonya (Chicago) told us that she knew that CT (Paris) was lying when he said he was passed out after punching Davis (Denver). Susie (Australia) pretty much deemed herself the "new Beth (Los Angeles)", while John (Key West) spent most of the episode berating her. Ace (Paris), of course, is Mr. Nice Guy and is secretly in love with Cara (South Pacific).


Anonymous said...

To paraphrase a famous vice presidential debate line, "Susie, I know Beth, and you're no "Beth."

Nice try at justification, though.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with Susie's mouth? She has a lisp... and her teeth look like they are baby teeth. Girl needs to use the $10,000 and see a dentist and a speech therapist. She's always commenting on grammer and people needing to talk in complete sentences - you think the girl would work on her own ISSUES....

Alton apparently has a serious girl friend... He was dating her prior to the challenge... I doubt she is going to like hearing on National TV that her boyfriend cheated on her. Janelle is a whore for hooking up with him - IF she knew about his girlfriend. And, Alton... he might have lost the best girl in the world, all for what? Janelle? Whatever! And to the girlfriend, I feel horrible for her. She must be embarrassed to have that information announced on national television.

Susie - Please see a dentist. If you need a referral, I can give you one. My dentist is great AND so are my teeth. Speech therapist? Sorry, I learned how to say my "S's" when I was a little girl. Good luck ThuTh

Anonymous said...

you know if you were on tv you would try to hook-up w/ any of the boys maybe not abe. be real you would try to be just like them on camera.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that nobody mentioned that Cara is engaged

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwww how sweet Ace is in love with Cara i totally caled that and its especially sweet because i won $20 on that bet :P

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I wouldn't hook up with any of those guys... just because I or they are on tv. Janelle didn't hook up with Alton because of TV... They didn't even show the hook up. Reason being... they give the cast 2 days off of week with no filming - that is when the cast does the dirty things you HEAR about but you just don't SEE it. I am as real as it gets... I am competitive - so the challenges would be fun but I am also trustworthy, honest and true to myself - therefore, I wouldn't hook up with guys that have girlfriends. Ever been cheated on? I have... so I know how it feels. I wouldn't do that to some innocent girl who was probably supportive of Alton leaving to do that challenge. She probably looked forward to him coming home... and not only did he come home, but the bomb was dropped on National TV. Sorry... Dirty is Dirty. Not having any of that.

Quintin said...

Nice blog thanks for postting