I don't wrestle... I fucking beat bitches up. -Coral (Inferno II)
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Fresh Meat II

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Reunited Season Finale: The cast happily leaves the Palms one last time with no regrets

On this final episode of Reunited, we see the cast start to wrap up their experience in the Palms Hotel/Casino for what may be the last time ever. The group goes to the Augustana concert and Frank (Las Vegas) and Arissa (Las Vegas) remark about how they are both glad they did the reunion, but are ready to leave. Steven (Las Vegas) is still angry at Alton (Las Vegas) for the remark he made at the Mint, and isn't sure that he would ever be friends with him.

As the group is in the suite, Awesome Anne, the motivational speaker that helped them the first time around, came to speak to the group once again to see if some of the relationships in the group can be repaired and some ill-feelings be alleviated. Most of the cast were under the impression that the experience was done, so no one is particularly receptive to Awesome Anne's advice. Alton leaves the group several times, especially after feelings about Irulan (Las Vegas) begin to surface. Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Steven seem to be opposed to the idea of Awesome Anne giving them advice.

When Awesome Anne asks the group to criticize each other, the group collectively agrees that they don't want to do that on the last day. The group does end up complimenting each other. Alton ends up getting some sort of closure with his relationship with Irulan as a result. However, he and Steven will seem to leave Las Vegas with a broken friendship.

The cast is at the pool next and they begin closing the pool as bees swarm the pool deck. Brynn (Las Vegas) actually gets stung and the group enjoys one last bit of fun as they take turns dressing the wound back up in the suite.

It's time for the cast to leave. Alton leaves first. Brynn is then greeted by Austin, Halen, and Nash, and she seems relieved that the experience is over and is looking forward to doing some laundry. Arissa (Las Vegas) and Irulan leave next, and they leave together, which is a change from how they came into the house, as near enemies. The last to leave are Frank, Steven and Trishelle who seem to be good friends. They remark that they will see each other in LA. Trishelle ends the season with appropriately saying that she knows in her heart that this will be the last time the seven of them are together.


Anonymous said...

Overall impression: Disappointing. Nice work Mtv. This show just gave a perfect example of how the Real World is on the decline. None of these kids made anything of themselves. No interesting careers, goals, relationships. All except for Brynn, who is pretty standard housewife. At least she didnt regress like Frank or Steven. Steven, go to anger management. Frank-----> alchoholics Anonymous and a free Clinic to take care of the damage you did to your privates after just 2 weeks in Vegas.

Anonymous said...

I actually enjoyeed this 'Reunited' season. I never saw the original season, so i dont know if that has anything to do with it. If they ever do another 'Reunited', It should definately be the Austin cast.

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed the reunited season too...i loved real world miami, it was funny, dramatic and entertaining...who can forget the spanking in the shower while others were trying to spy outside?..i know it would probably never happen but i think that was the best real world season

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I liked the show a lot. It gave me a chance to view this particular group of 7 strangers on the TV again. I liked how at the end they showed the old pic of when they were 1st in the Palms. They all have goals. They just weren't highlighted as much. Trischelle is acting so good for her. Irulan is doing her photography thing and she seems to be good at it.Arissa is doing the art and seems to be gifted. Steven is a personal trainer which I think is kind of dull but whatever.Frank finally went back to school and is working towards a degree. We all know that Brynn is enjoying life as a mom and then Alton is having fun doing the challenges. I don't know how people expected the Reunited season to be but it was everything I hoped it would be. It gave me an insight to how fancy the Palms place is. They are hosted the MTV VMA's there this year which I find to be funny

Anonymous said...

ikI think some people are crazy to do these shows, but I guess they must really not care about what people think about them or maybe even getting jobs in the real world where people dont live in a 40 story luxury hotel. Steven kinda held back so he came out on top. Well I guess most of the guys did. except Frank the skank!! I feel sory for Frank. Ugly Asian girls, Stds, drunken backflips, everything that came out of his mouth on the show pretty much....Good luck trying to pick up those pieces dude.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was great! perfect season to reunite
i liked it
you couldnt expect it to be as sexed up and dramatic as last time
in ANY case at all
but i thought it was greate
dont reunite austin
that season sucked
this was the perfect season to reunite first
the only ones worth "reuniting" would be
San Diego
Key West - later
New York 2
New Orleans
and maybe previous seasons
i just havnt seen prior to new orleans
great work MTV reunite vegas again in a couple more years!

Anonymous said...

The only thing I learned from this show is that Frank is now I douche!!!!