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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Parisa and Trisha will get into a fight; Trisha leaves; Ashli replaces her

It's been quite a few seasons since a castmember on the Real World was replaced. If you think about it, it's only happened a handful of times: Beth A. replaced Irene and Glen replaced David in Los Angeles; Jo replaced Puck in San Francisco; Charlie replaced Frankie in San Diego. That's right, it's only happened four times. If you think about the actual number of people who left the show early or momentarily and were never replaced, there's Melissa (Miami), Irene (Seattle), Justin (Hawaii) and Ruthie (Hawaii) whom all left the show earlier than scheduled or in Ruthie's case, went to a treatment program for alcohol mid-season.

It's happening once again: Trisha (Sydney) either decides to leave or hits Parisa (Sydney). It's not clear at this point what exactly happens, but tensions between the two are heating up, as you see for previews for tomorrow night's episode. The trailer makes it seems as if Trisha runs up to push Parisa.

In the past, whether it be on Challenges, Road Rules, or the actual show, the policy on hitting or physical contact has been varied. Stephen (Seattle) actually slapped Irene (Seattle) while she was leaving the house and the rest of the cast was able to vote to keep her in. Brynn (Las Vegas) threw a fork at Steven (Las Vegas) and while he demanded at first that she leave, he rescinded and decided to let her stay. Gladys (Latin America) was immediately sent home after attacking Abe (Latin America), with no intervention from the cast, who later asked if she could back to the show. Steven (Las Vegas) was immediately sent home for slapping Shane (Campus Crawl) during the Battle of the Sexes 2. So, the policy has varied.

The incident which instituted a "no hitting" policy was Steven and Shane. So, by virtue of the fact that Trisha pushes Parisa (as we see in the trailer) she could be immediately sent home. Nevertheless, Trisha does go home midseason.

Who is her replacement?

Ashli (Sydney) - MySpace Page


Anonymous said...

Dont forget when Abe fought Donnell on Road Rules South Pacific. Fat ass deserved it.

Anonymous said...

I wish that Dumbar hits himself and goes home. I can`t stand his anger and hate.

Anonymous said...

This episodes already online at MTV.com. Parisa flips out on Trisha at the end of the episode. Shauvon decides to go hom next week because her ex-fiance wants her home, and Trisha gets kicked off a few episodes later.

Anonymous said...

actually the most recent was ct who hit davis on inferno 3.

Anonymous said...

i saw the episode its up on mtv i think its really nice of cohutta to stick up for parisa when all the girls are ganging up on her, thats high school stuff please. he is nice i think cohutta and issac are the two nicest and most normal people in theh house, and definately the most drama free

Anonymous said...

The last episode was drunk CT clocking Davis on the Inferno II and CT was sent home posthaste.

Anonymous said...

Abe hit Donell

CJ hit Davis

Beth hit Tina

Abe hit Adam

For someone who writes a RW/RR blog you sure do suck on you history

Anonymous said...

Didn't Tina hit Beth, not the other way around?

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:42PM,

Your spelling sucks and so does your history. Tina hit Beth and it was CT not CJ that hit Davis. There's not even a CJ in the whole RW/RR series. Also it is "suck on your history" and not "suck on YOU history" Get your crap right before you start insulting the creator of this website.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey 7:19PM, what the hell is a fapper. It's not even a word you dumbass. The purpose of that comment was to point out that someone sat there and criticized someone else for not knowing their history when they, themselves, can't even get the facts straight. Go back and read the comment, if you can even read. Oh and what the hell are you doing on this website if you think these shows are so "shitty". Take yourself to another website and leave these websites for those who actually appreciate the efforts of people to put together things like this for fans to read. Heres a hint, go to dictionary.com and learn some new words. Maybe actual words and not ones like "fapper".

Anonymous said...

So if Shauvon is also going home...who is going to replace her?

Unknown said...

Ok, guys, I think Mr. Real World was mainly pointing out when REAL WORLD cast members have gone home on their seasons. Anyway, the link to the replacement is at the bottom of the page....

Anonymous said...

7:50 not reading your novel, get a life, diaf FAPPER.

Anonymous said...

7:50, the periods go INSIDE of the quotes. Shitstain.

lol @ you actually taking the time to look up words.

Anonymous said...

Yo anonymous

What's up with the n-word. Grow up, cave dweller

Anonymous said...

Didn't Shane smack Darrell during the Campus Crawl season? I remember cause Darrell walked away and was about to hit Shane back.

Anonymous said...

They are only saying the "N" word because they are hidden behind a computer and no one can actually do something to them. But karma's a bitch and Im sure their pathetic lives make up for what they are giving out. Im sure they wouldn't say that in a large group of different ethnicities.

Anonymous said...

"Stephen (Seattle) actually slapped Irene (Seattle) while she was leaving the house and the rest of the cast was able to vote to keep her in."

It's a typo, but so fitting for Stephen.

Anonymous said...

9:51 and 10:12...you both have a combined mental age of 12. however, you appear to be far greater humans than the rest of us, enabling you to judge the way others look or where they are from. tell satan i said hey.

Anonymous said...

ok well if ashli replaces trisha, who replaces shauvon?? does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

10:41AM, LMAO. So true.

Anonymous said...

9:33 didn't mispell anything. 10:40 doesn't seem to realize that periods go inside of quotes.

Anonymous said...

I dont think they will replace Shauvon because she didn't get kicked off, she chooses to leave and I dont think they'll bring someone new in. Like when Jo left on the Gauntlet II, there was no replacement even though there wasn't any competitions yet.

Anonymous said...

when frankie chose to leave san diego they replaced her, you dont make sense

Anonymous said...

Also it would be strange since it's supposed to be about 7 strangers, not 6...

Anonymous said...

Doesn't someone moderate these coments? And if so, perhaps its time to take some of the offensive remarks off???

Anonymous said...

just to clarify, ashli replaces shauvon, and a still yet unidentified MALE replaces trisha.

peace out

Anonymous said...

so shauvon leaves first? good i used to like shauvon in the beginning i thought she was a sweetheart, but these last few episodes have totally changed my opinion. first getting all mad because some drunk guy called her a six and shouting "every guy in that bar thought i was a 10" well if you think your a ten then why do you need to freak out about it. shes very insecure. secondly she treats her "friend" parisa like crap. and she keeps getting drunk and "acting like an anus" as issac puts it. HAHA that kid is hilarious

Anonymous said...

Justin left Hawaii!!!

Anonymous said...

Ashli definetly replaces Trisha, it was already confirmed, not that she replaces Shauvon. There has been NOTHING on a male replaces Shavuon or anybody for that matter.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

omg.. that ashli is hot. she looks like she is the type of person that likes frozen grapes. just sayin.

Anonymous said...

and seriously, has any replacement been confirmed? are you guys seriously believing this stuff?

Anonymous said...

If you read Ashli's comments from a few months ago, there are a bunch of "I miss you" and "good luck" comments...one even asking why she was in Sydney, so she definitely replaces Trisha.

I don't know who replaces Shauvon if anyone...

Anonymous said...

shavon goes home too, so there two new castmembers....

Anonymous said...

Whoever at BMP made the casting decisions should be fired. The ratings are bad because the cast is entirely unmemorable.

Anonymous said...

And to think that someone on this blog suggested that having no minorities on the show would increase ratings and quality. Well, you have it. This show is by far the worst RW ever. Give me RW London anyday. I agree who ever selected this cast needs to be fired. Parisa is by far the most normal person. Dunbar is a freakin loser, yet people continue to put up with his nonsense. Why, so-called good looking......No, there is truly a double standard amongst men. Certain men, no matter how horrible their behavior, gets a pass based on looks. And Dunbar is the example. Yet, Parisa and the other girl wanted to screw him despite his juvenile behavior. Amazing.........

Anonymous said...

I understand Parissa's background. I'm just referring to someone who failed to understand Parissa's ethnicity. Thus, suggesting that the show should be better, less drama, because no minorities were casted. Again, give me RW london anytime compared to this sorry show.

Anonymous said...

donnell did deserve thye abe bashing so did adam beacsue both of them started with abe know trisha is another story she pisse me off she is kind of a female abe on a challange i feel trisha would get her but voted off first

Anonymous said...

is this confirmed or rumors?

and you forgot that danny goes home after his mom dies and then later returns

Anonymous said...

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