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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sydney Episode #11: Post your reactions here

On tonight's episode, we begin to see the tension mount. Parisa (Sydney) blows up when Trisha (Sydney) antagonizes her. If you remember, this is hot of the heels of their tryst with the local Sydney boy they both made out with last week. This time, as the roommates were picking sides, we'll see a couple of roommates get involved with the fracas, and join either side.

How will this end?

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.


Anonymous said...

The only reason Shauvon has suddenly turned on Parisa 180 degrees is because Parisa just told her to relax, when she was all huffing and puffing about being called a six. Shauvon wanted Parisa to say, "Oh Shauvon, you're not a six, you're really a ten, those boys are wrong." Shauvon is so insecure!! That's why she feels the need to overtly display her fake boobs every little opportunity. I bet if Parisa would've kissed her ass and called her a ten, she would have sided with Parisa completely. I mean, WTF, Trisha has a BOYFRIEND! Does that not mean anything to people anymore? Trasha obviously wasn't thinking about how her bf would feel, and funniest thing...she keeps claiming to be a Christian!!! I'm sorry, where in Christianity is ok to hurt, deceive, and cheat on people? She CRIES about supporting a gay parade because she is SO CHRISTIAN. But I guess she turns off her Christianity when she is cheating and hurting people. What a whore.

Anonymous said...

I checked, and the new episode isn't on there anymore. do they always do that? show it early, then take it off on the day it airs?? guess it makes sense if they want decent ratings, but then why show it early at all. it's just like when mtv used to do that sneak peek in the late afternoon, then show it again later that night at its regular time. that didn't really make any sense...

Anonymous said...

8:30 am, you put it perfectly!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm that's weird, it was on there when I went to work at like 6am today but now it's gone. They might have accidentally put it up on the site before it aired.

Anonymous said...

daaaamn is that really what she said? ahahah I wiah i could watch the uncut version somewhere, in the previews it was priceless when trisha said if you are gonna say something why dont you say it to my face, and THEN? ahahah nice! makes it even better that shavoun was covering her mouth the whole time parisa is telling them off. WOnderful!

Anonymous said...

I thought Kelly Ann was Team Parisa, she to be talking out both sides of her mouth

Anonymous said...

what the hell is "shat?"

Anonymous said...

Why is Shauvon so damn STUPID when she's drunk? Someone should just tape her mouth shut when they know she's going to be drinking. Did you notice how she was waiting to pick something out to attack Parisa with? That's why it ended up being over a sandwich.

Cohutta cracked me up. That scene was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

8:15, what your dad does to your mom every night.

Anonymous said...

I love Cohutta and Isaac.

Shauvon is a MORON 99% of the time... only trumped by Trasha, who is a moron 110% of the time (yes, its' possible).

Parisa is absolutely in the right here. I'm glad she flipped out at the end... Trasha had it coming. It was much more tame than what I would've said in her position, that's for sure.

So hopefully Trasha is gone next week but it doesn't look like it's happening just yet... maybe we have to wait two weeks yet.

Anonymous said...

team parisa! word!

Anonymous said...

Wait-- is trisha getting kicked off?

Anonymous said...

Gross!!! Did anyone catch how huge her boobs were when Shauvon was getting dress.Bigger than Dolly parton.Anyway, I wish a piece of glass would have cut Cohutta so she would leave that minute.Trisha is more like the devil w/ hurting Parisa not a church goer at all and Mary-Anne seems 2 faced and retarded.

Anonymous said...

I was a little disappointed by Shauvon's actions and the way she treated Parisa this week, but she's just so hot...and those breast implants look so good on her...yummiest eye candy I ever tasted...I really hope she doesn't leave. As for the way Trisha treated Parisa, its really no surprise at all and I don't think Parisa wastes any time trying to patch things up with her...Parisa you go girl! You are in the right and Trisha will go down in her own flames eventually...she'll get her commuppance.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that Shauvon had been calling Cohutta "Co-ho-ta?" since Day 1? I did, and that's why I was cracking up when he corrected her this episode ("My name is Cohutta, not Co-ho-ta, never is, never was!"). That was my personal highlight from the episode. We need more of the boys. Shauvon is turning out to be a stupid bitch. I actually kinda liked her in the beginning....

Anonymous said...

Cohutta & Isaac are so funny. Cohutta talking to the grilled cheese sandwich has to be one of the funniest moments in Real World history.

What is up with Trisha? Doesn't she have a boyfriend that she claimed to love? Why is she even trying to hook up with Alex? If she is doing it just to beat out Parisa then that is wrong, especially to her boyfriend.

I feel bad for Parisa. I couldn't believe that Shauvon was telling Parisa to put the girls over the guys in the house when the guys were being better friends to her. Cohutta and Isaac were the ones defending Parisa from Shauvon over a grilled cheese sandwich. People have gotten angry on the Real World before but over a grilled cheese sandwich?

Anonymous said...

First, I thought Parisa was the reason for all the drama. I really thought she stirred up a lot of unnecessary drama and such. Now, as several episodes have aired, I am beginning to slowly change my mind. I actually am beginning to feel bad for her and think that it is the other girls that are actually psychotic. I think tonight's episode was a perfect example.

What was so wrong with Parisa talking to the guys (to be specific Dunbar) about the whole situation between her, Alex, and Trisha. Maybe the Huddle ladies can explain this one to me. I mean, the girls (Trisha, KellyAnne, and especially Shauvon) acted like Parisa committed a mortal sin talking to a guy about the situation. Hello! Dunbar is a friend. I would certainly hope that a person could talk to their friend about a situation that was terribly bothering them whether or not it was a guy or a girl.

The next thing that really boggled my mind was the whole blowup between Shauvon and Cohutta. It all started because Shauvon asked if Parisa would make her eggs and tomatoes. Cohutta on the other hand asked if Parisa would be willing to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Shauvon flipped because Parisa agreed to make the sandwich for Cohutta, but was not going to make eggs and tomatoes for Shauvon.

HELLO! EGGS AND FRICKEN TOMATOES versus GRILLED CHEESE! Hmmm. One involves throwing a piece of cheese between two slices of bread, while the other involves getting out pots and pans and cooking eggs and then having to clean the pots and pans. How was this so hard for Shauvon to comprehend? And then, to top it off, she starts throwing bottles and cursing up a storm against Cohutta! Wow.

I really am beginning to feel that Parisa is getting the short side of the stick here, and I really think that the source of the problems in the house is actually centered around this Aussie Alex. It is so obvious that he is playing both Parisa and Trisha. He tells the one one thing, and then he tells the other another. Then, when one of the girls calls him out on it, he's like "no. I've never said such a thing". What a ####! I wish Parisa would just pull him aside in front of Trisha and just be like "alright, you have to decide right here and now which one of us you like" and get this b.s. over with.

Anonymous said...

Write a book.

Anonymous said...

Real men don't talk to girls that way, says Shavaun. But real girls bitch their friends out for the other side of the Equator to hear?

I'm a straight guy, no homo...but I love Cohutta. And who cares about what Parisa does, she's easily hotter than all of them.

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks anon 5:57 for the explanation. I thought Parissa was putting egg and tomato IN the grilled chesse and asked Shauvon to help prepare if she wanted a sandwich. I was previously kind of on Shauvon's side because Parissa asked her to help and not Cohutta.

Shauvon probably freaked out about being called a six because under the weave, makeup, and breast implants she IS a six. I admire her for being proactive and investing all that time/money in her looks, but she needs to calm down.

Did it strike anyone else as odd that Dunbar was completely absent in the "six" show? He is strange.

Anonymous said...

I think Trisha, Shauvon, and Kelly Anne are just the WORST!!!! I am a female and these girls depict how caddy and stupid girls are sometimes. Trisha is lame because SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!!! I don't know what made up girl code she's referring to somehow justify why Parisa needs to leave Alex alone-- she wants to talk about codes and crap, respect the #1 code when you are in a relationship with someone, DO NOT CHEAT!! Shauvon, she is a six!!! The bleach blonde hair, overdone make up, and the over exposure of the breasts, she looks trasy. And Kelly Anne is lame because she all of sudden decided Trisha and Shauvon and form the "Mean Girls" and be against Parisa.

Anonymous said...

Um, hello people...did anyone else notice when Parissa pulled Alex in the bathroom at the club and all that slurping and sucking ensued behind closed doors???

All those girls are so trashy and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

hello girls~~bring more men into the picture not just ALEX.

Anonymous said...

i don't like trisha or shauvon, but parisa is pathetic. there has to be more than one guy in syndey. i don't think i'd want trisha's sloppy seconds anyway. she really needs to find another guy-someone not involved in all this crazy drama. yes, these people get involved in the dumbest fights. for me, last night's episode was just painful to watch-it wasn't fun, all the yelling and screaming..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the song that was playing 5 minutes in, it goes "i know i know i should leave the past behind me , but nothings changed but me, its unfair its unfair. female singer

much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

You know what Trisha needs to GROW-UP and think before she opens her mouth.... Because she doesn't know what she is talking about half the time. She contradicts herself so much it is ridicilous!!!! From the beginning she has been an ass from the episode when the had the Gay Mardi Gras and she was boosting abou thow she had so many gay friends but yet and still you can't go and show your support..... GET A LIFE.... I hope your gay friends saw that episode so they will know how you really are.......
As for the latest episode it was AWESOME I applaud Parisa from stepping up and taking charge..... Fuck her for real because if you have a boyfriend dear heart you shouldn't be concerned about another man and who he is kissing up on.... And hell no there is no code if ya ass ain't available he is not urs........ MOVING ON!!!! Can't wait for the new one and I agree with you Anonymous post @ 8:30am....... HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love parisa but feel bad for her at the same time trasha and shavon just piss me off nither of these girls would have taked as much if someone like coral or annessa were a part of this fake cast

Anonymous said...

Parisa is entitled to kiss and slurp on who ever she wants to, she doesn't have a boyfriend. Further more, I think she just wanted to prove to Trisha that Alex likes to kiss Parisa's ass when she's not looking.

ooh, so scandalous, no?