This one of the only websites that actually contains up-to-date facts regarding us reality TV folk. -Sarah (Campus Crawl)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Mike "The Miz" will be making an appearance on the WWE

Apparently, Mike (Back to New York) will make an appearance on WWE. He's been in the wrestling biz for a little while now. But his tryout match is scheduled for Saturday at 10pm on Spike TV. It apparently already occurred (Mike lost).... I don't know if this is true or not, but thanks to the fan who sent it in!

Friday, December 05, 2003

Jacinda has a major role lined up for Bridget Jones Diary 2

Big news for Jacinda (London): We reported a while back that Jacinda scored a big role in the upcoming sequel to Bridget Jones' Diary starring Colin Firth, Renee Zellwegger, and Hugh Grant. However, Hollywood trade reports are reporting today that Jacinda's role as Bridget's co-worker will be more than just a platonic relationship. Yes, "Britney and Madonna-style", Bridget will develop a fling with Jacinda's character. And we're about a year and a half away from the premiere of the movie, this is already making headlines in movie news.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

The Inferno's cast is announced and the rules are detailed below

So, I'm sure you are dying to know what's up with the Inferno! The newest Challenge from those crazy people over at BMP... Well, we do have some scoop. Some of it is old news, some of it is new. Here's the lowdown (highlight to read):

According to TVTome, the cast for the next Challenge is:

Real World:
Syrus (Boston)
David (Seattle)
Julie (New Orleans)
Mike (Back To New York)
Coral (Back to New York)
Trishelle (Las Vegas)
Ace (Paris)
CT (Paris)
Leah (Paris)
Mallory (Paris)

Road Rules:
Timmy (Season 2)
Holly (Latin America)
Veronica (Semester At Sea)
Katie (The Quest)
Kendal (Campus Crawl)
Darrell (Campus Crawl)
Shane (Campus Crawl)
Abe (South Pacific)
Christena (South Pacific)
Jeremy (South Pacific)

Apparently, the show will be even more intense this time around as the vote-off process becomes even more greuling than The Gauntlet. Here's the big news: Road Rules wins the Challenge... Also, Julie (New Orleans), who returns after her dismal appearance and fight with former castmate Melissa on Battle of the Sexes rocked the world of reality TV, will again cause shockwaves. No, Julie does not get immediately voted off. However, there is a huge controversy, when Julie is accused of stealing... (like Veronica did on her season.) It's this whole big thing. And if you're wondering if Julie is friends with Coral... It's not a surprise that they aren't. Yes, Melissa's good friend Coral gets into a fight with Julie while their on the Challenge. And Julie asks Coral if they can take it outside and wrestle. Sounds like a tumultous challenge.

Monday, December 01, 2003

Party of Five's Scott Wolfe is engaged to New Orleans' Kelley

Here's some minor news:

Scott Wolfe was on the Wayne Brady Show the other day, talking about his engagement to Kelley (New Orleans). If you remember, Scott Wolf of Party of Five fame met Kelley shortly after she returned from filming Battle of the Seasons. She broke her relationship off with Peter, her then beau that she met in New Orleans, and met up with Scotty... Ruthie (Hawaii) apparently was on Blind Date, hestitant to talk about her Real World days... And those crazy people over at the Smoking Gun have recovered the search warrant for the San Diego rape incident. There is actually additional information that has come out. Apparently, "Justin", who is the accused, is a friend of Randy, one of the roommates. Plus, Jamie, another female roommate, is said to be a heavily part of the investigation, as she witnessed the accused coming out of the bedroom, and helping the victim back into her clothes, and into a bed.

That's it! Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Rape occurred at the San Diego house; Paris castmembers at the Inferno Challenge; Rachel doesn't get the co-host spot on the View


This is worth mentioning: The very night the thirteenth season of the Real World wraps up in Paris, we see the San Diego brats screaming for their piece of the pie... After a lot of flux about internet rumors, it has been confirmed by the San Diego Police Department. There has been an incident at The Real World: San Diego house. There has been an alleged rape that is currently under investigation at the house. Since it happened (about 10 days ago), there have been rumors flying like crazy. Apparently, a friend of one of the male roommates named Justin is the main suspect in the case. A 22-year old woman is said to be the victim of the rape case. Bunim-Murray Productions has made a statement about the allegations, telling the media that they are fully cooperating with the police. The news made the front page at 10:25EST tonight. Here is the link. This, comes after much publicity of the San Diego season. Since the cast moved in a couple of months ago, another female roommate, Robin was arrested for a bar brawl. There are also heavy reports being circulated that another female roommate, Frankie has left the cast. A replacement was apparently brought in; a male castmember, Charlie. All together, you will see Charlie (M), Brad (M), Jacques (M), Randy (M), Cameran (F), Robin (F), Jamie (F) and Frankie (F) appear on the next season of the Real World. The next season of the Real World will begin airing in January, alongside the next installment of the Challenge, which is being called the Inferno. For more information on the Real World: San Diego, check out Real World: SD.

Speaking of the Inferno, full lists of the participants of the Challenge are circulating but have yet to be confirmed officially. Expect to see Mallory, Ace, CT, and Leah from Paris join this upcoming Challenge. You'll see them next week in the Paris reunion...

And after all that hoopla, Rachel (San Francisco) failed to make the final cut for The View. She lost out to Survivor's Elisabeth Filarski Hasselback.

The new release date for Jacinda's (London) movie Ladder 49 was recently announced as October 8, 2004. It was moved back from November 2003.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Rachel is the frontrunner for co-host position on the View; Jacinda set to star in Bridget Jones Diary 2

Are we back? Yes. Due to unforeseen circumstances entailing a lot of different things... (How convoluted is that?) We are back. After a few months on hiatus... We're back with news. There are a few things going on and we just like to update you on some of them. Here are a few:

  • Rachel (San Francisco) is looking to be the front runner for ABCs The View. Rachel is competing against reality TV cutie Elizabeth Hasselback of Survivor: The Australian Outback fame. And she is also competing against Erin Presley, of the now defunct show Port Charles...

    So why is Rachel the front runner? Well, if you remember, a couple of years ago, Rachel was in the running to replace Debbie Matenopolous... She was outed from The View after the other four ladies started to hate her, citing the airhead, offbeat comments she made on air as reason for the boot. Rachel was actually the front runner back then too. And it was wildly disputed that she was going to get the spot. However, sources say that she turned down the spot because she was pregnant with her first child, Evita.

    So, this time around... It's much of the same story. The women of The View love Rachel. Barbara Walters was on Bill O'Reilly's radio show talking about how Rachel rounds out the panel... She also made a comment about how Erin Presely was a little unpredictable (in a Kelly Ripa sort of way...) And well, they really didn't talk about Elizabeth... The winner will be announced in two weeks.

    Until then, visit The View's website, email the ladies and tell them how much you love Rachel!

  • Jacinda (London) is well on her way to becoming a huge movie star. She recently starred in The Human Stain with Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman. Next, she will appear in Ladder 49, playing the wife of Joaquin Pheonix's character. John Travolta also stars. Ladder 49 is scheduled to premiere in early 2004. She is also starring in the independent film White on White with stars like William Dafoe and Claire Forlani. And she recently gained a role in the upcoming sequel to Bridget Jones' Diary, where she will play Renee Zewellger's co-worker.

  • And that's it for now!l

    The Blog is back; Rachel is one of three finalists for co-host spot on ABC's the View

    Are we back? Yes. Due to unforeseen circumstances entailing a lot of different things... (How convoluted is that?) We are back. After a few months on hiatus... We're back with news. There are a few things going on and we just like to update you on some of them. Here are a few:

  • Rachel (San Francisco) is looking to be the front runner for ABCs The View. Rachel is competing against reality TV cutie Elizabeth Hasselback of Survivor: The Australian Outback fame. And she is also competing against Erin Presley, of the now defunct show Port Charles...

    So why is Rachel the front runner? Well, if you remember, a couple of years ago, Rachel was in the running to replace Debbie Matenopolous... She was outed from The View after the other four ladies started to hate her, citing the airhead, offbeat comments she made on air as reason for the boot. Rachel was actually the front runner back then too. And it was wildly disputed that she was going to get the spot. However, sources say that she turned down the spot because she was pregnant with her first child, Evita.

    So, this time around... It's much of the same story. The women of The View love Rachel. Barbara Walters was on Bill O'Reilly's radio show talking about how Rachel rounds out the panel... She also made a comment about how Erin Presely was a little unpredictable (in a Kelly Ripa sort of way...) And well, they really didn't talk about Elizabeth... The winner will be announced in two weeks.

    Until then, visit The View's website, email the ladies and tell them how much you love Rachel!

  • Jacinda (London) is well on her way to becoming a huge movie star. She recently starred in The Human Stain
  • Jamie opens up his new website, SoulGear

    Jamie (New Orleans) has restarted his website SoulGear to become an online community. Take a minute, visit the site, join his community.

    Wednesday, October 08, 2003

    Brynn may have had her baby; Mike and Steven updating on the Gauntlet

    Several people are reporting that Brynn (Las Vegas) recently had her baby. This is all word of mouth, but apparently, Brynn had a baby boy at the end of last month. This is her child with Austin, her boyfriend on the show.

    Also, if you want to look for updates, you can also check out Mike (RW10) and Steve (RR10) and their reviews.

    Monday, October 06, 2003

    The Gauntlet airs its second episode; STA Travel having a Real World Tour

    The Gauntlet airs its second episode tonight. Check your local listings for air times. Plus, you can find reviews of Gauntlet episodes at: Norman (RW1), Colin (RW8), Melissa (RW9), and Sarah (RR11)'s sites.

    And just so you know, STA Travel, the agency that hooked up the Paris cast on their trek throughout Europe, is having a Real World tour across campuses in the United States. Several schools that have a STA Travel on campus have had Paris castmembers appear. Last year, the Vegas cast did the same. There should be announcements in your college newspaper.

    Thursday, October 02, 2003

    Site experiencing problems; Norman opens a website

    Blogger wasn't uploading correctly for the past few days. Anyway, for the time being we are able to update. Just a small note: Visit Norman (New York) on his website at He talks about the Gauntlet.

    Tuesday, September 30, 2003

    Lori confirms that engagement was a hoax; San Diego may have eighth roommate; Gauntlet premiered last night

    Yes, it was yet another hoax... Lori (Back to New York) officially announced today that she was not engaged. This comes off our announcement on Friday, that our suspicion was most likely, this was a hoax. The announcement came off the registry on The Wedding Channel. However, it is very easy to falsify registries, and therefore the validity of their engagement was in question. Again, this isn't the first time for something like this nature to happen. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who have nothing better to do than to concut these elaborate stories. Anyway, good luck to Lori and Kyle (Chicago)!.

    A great site to note: Real World San Diego is made by San Diego residents who have pictures, names, ages, and lots of information about the new cast in San Diego. So what's the latest word? There's an eighth roommate in the house.

    And yes, the Gauntlet premiered last night to much anticipation. Both Sarah (Campus Crawl) and David (New Orleans) were sent to The Gauntlet last night. (I'll keep mum on who won for those of you who are waiting on reruns... If you don't want to know more, don't read.) Elka (Boston) took the $10,000 for the first mission. And now a word on strategy: Yes, it's different. For the past two seasons, there's been a point system that at least one team follows. But with the point system out the door, the question of who to send to the Gauntlet is a huge question. However, I see the game turning to alliances. The whole point of the game is to stay to the end. You can try to win missions, but as long your team is working hard, you really don't have to make a huge effort. The missions aren't really important to the game, unless people are judging you on performances. If you have an alliance of seven, there is no way that you can really be sent home. And the pressure to trust your fellow alliance members is easy, because ultimately in the end, not everyone is going home. (That simple fact may make this game boring.) Even smaller alliances are beneficial as well. I think Matt (New Orleans) put it well when he said that this game is extremely political. Because all you have to do is sway the group... So, count on loud, popular castmembers to make it to the end.

    Monday, September 29, 2003

    Lindsay denies boob job allegations and the Gauntlet Fantasy Game opens up

    Well, here's the lowdown on Lindsay (Seattle). Apparently, Lindsay's extra size on her TV show was a big deal. Lindsay got a whole bunch of emails from Bert Show listeners about her supposed "boob job" on her Tampa TV show. Well, Lindsay herself decided to answer the allegations. Apparently, it wasn't nothing but our good friends at Victoria Secret. Her boob size didn't increase, it just looked that way to a pretty damn good bra.

    Tonight! The Gauntlet will premiere. Join the Fantasy Challenge at today. It looks like this first week will not count... But pick your team, just in case. If tonight doesn't count, use tonight's episode and the preview to pick your team! It looks like a great challenge this year. My only complaint is that this Challenge cast is too young. The oldest members of the Road Rules team are Roni (Northern Trail) and Veronica (Semester at Sea). While the oldest members on the Real World team are Norman (New York), Montana (Boston), and Elka (Boston)... Big gaps, anyone?

    Friday, September 26, 2003

    Lori and Kyle engagement is a hoax; Q100 takes poll on whether Lindsay got a boob job

    Just to clarify a bit: Yes, we did report that Kyle (Chicago) and Lori (Back to New York) are getting married. However, it seems that the only clarification or confirmation we are getting is from The Wedding Channel. Let me report to you, that this is a rumor pretty much until Lori or Kyle go public with it. It's not absolutely true, it can be yet another elaborate hoax...

    Speaking of alumni, Malik (Back to New York) is appearing in a Polo Sport commercial. It's very short, but he has a line in it. Look for it!

    And those people over at the Bert Show are taking a poll as to if Lindsay (Seattle) really did get a boob job. If you're feeling left out: Lindsay worked at the Bert Show, a morning radio show in Atlanta for many years, and just left to host a TV show in Tampa. The Bert Show obtained footage of Lindsay's show and it looks like she did get a boob job. But you be the judge, check it out!

    Thursday, September 25, 2003

    A wedding registry for Kyle and Lori opens up at the Wedding Channel

    Kyle (Chicago) and Lori (Back to New York) are getting married. Check this out. Thanks to everyone who emailed that link.

    Wednesday, September 24, 2003

    Tuesday, September 23, 2003

    Kyle and Lori are rumored to have been engaged

    This news is new: I'm getting word that Kyle (Chicago) and Lori (Back to New York) have been engaged. I've heard a date of October 16, 2004. However, I don't know if this is entirely accurate. Word should spread soon and we should find soon. Congratulations if it really did happen! Kyle and Lori are the third Real World couple to get married after Sean (Boston), Rachel (San Francisco), Pam (San Francisco), and Judd (San Francisco).

    And that footage of Lindsay should be posted today. (Look below.)

    Q100 is reporting that Lindsay may have gotten a boob job; Tami is on Oprah

    Apparently, Q100, the radio station that Lindsay (Seattle) was on, is reporting that she had gotten a boob job. Click the link that says Lindsay (RW7) for the radio station site and apparently, some footage.

    Tami (Los Angeles) will be appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show today discussing infedility in basketball star relationships. Since the Kobe scandal broke, she's been hitting the talk show circuit. Check local listings.

    Friday, September 19, 2003

    Leah opens up her very own website

    Leah (Paris) has debuted her new website and joins the many alumni of the show who have one:

    There won't be any updates for the next two or three days, but don't worry, we will be back sooner than you think!

    Thursday, September 18, 2003

    Is Jisela on the new season of the Challenge? Previews suggest that she may be

    Someone had commented to me about the fact that Jisela (The Quest) was seen in one of the previews for the Gauntlet. Although there is no official word yet, other castmembers might be thrown in for a twist. BMP has promised that this game has twists galore. Maybe bringing back other castmembers is a feature that this game has yet to reveal. Look forward to a lot of drama... Because the way this game is played, there is a lot of room for backstabbing and alliances.

    Wednesday, September 17, 2003

    Rules of the upcoming Gauntlet revealed; MTV is accepting tapes for upcoming season

    Overview of the Gauntlet: This time around, 28 competitors from The Real World and Road Rules will face off in The Gauntlet: The Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Johnny Moseley will host once again, as the competitors go through 14 serious physical and mental competitions. Missions include fighter plane dogfights and an ice-cream eating contest.

    There is a $150,000 jackpot at the final mission. Each mission will be worth $10,000. At the end of the mission, the remaining 14 players will battle for the cash. The Challenge starts September 28th.

    And for casting news... BMP is still accepting tapes until October 1, 2003. You can send your tapes to:

    Real World/Road Rules Casting
    6007 Sepulveda Blvd.
    Van Nuys,CA 91411

    As for open casting calls, check out the following dates:

    117 S West Street
    Raleigh, NC 27603
    Saturday, September 20, 2003

    La Val’s Pizza
    2516 Durant Ave
    Berkeley, CA 94704
    Saturday, September 20, 2003

    Campus Center - University of Massachusetts
    416 Student Union
    Amherst, MA 01003
    Tuesday, September 23, 2003

    Calls will also be made in the following cities... Locations will be announced soon:
    Sat., Sept. 27 - Atlanta, GA
    Sat., Sept. 27 - Philadelphia, PA
    Tues., Sept. 30 - Gainesville, FL
    Sat., Oct. 4 - Nashville, TN
    Sat., Oct. 4 - Brooklyn, NY
    Tues., Oct. 7 - Madison, WI
    Sat., Oct. 11 - Billings, MT

    Tuesday, September 16, 2003

    Last episode of South Pacific aired last night; Rebecca makes an appearance with her band

    Road Rules South Pacific just ended its run last night. Mid-season, it was thought to be that South Pacific would be the last season of Road Rules. There were several reports, however no official announcement, that BMP would stop with this twelfth season. However, probably because of its impressive ratings, BMP has decided to continue on the series. Casting has begun for the thirteenth season. This season, Road Rules consistently beat out The Real World Paris in ratings. For the past few seasons, Real World ratings have been at an all-time high, primarily due to the reason that it was a lead-in to the Osbournes. However, with the Osbournes bowing out early this year, Real World has been turning in dismal ratings... with Road Rules actually coming out on top. They even actually used South Pacific casting department to cast the San Diego season. Personally, this season of Road Rules was great. It was reminiscent of the older seasons, and the quality of this last season was probably not last seen since Australia. The only issue with the show is the voting out rule. Although, Chris, Tina, and Jeremy were great additions to the cast, it throws the group dynamic that is the heart of Road Rules. Road Rules was never a reality game show, it was more of Real World on the road. Our advice to BMP, save the games for the Challenges and Battles, revert to the old Road Rules design.

    Rebecca (Seattle) will be making an appearance with her band, Becky. You can check her out tomorrow on the Sharon Osbourne Show. Check your local listings for airtimes. (Notable: Keanu Reeves, star of The Matrix, is in the band.)

    Monday, September 15, 2003

    Brad joins the Real World San Diego cast; Official participants of the Gauntlet named

    A college newspaper is reporting that one of their students is in this upcoming season of the Real World: San Diego. SIU's Daily Egyptian is reporting that a recent graduate, Brad will be joining the cast of seven strangers in Diego. Check it out here.

    And you can check out the Gauntlet website over at MTV Check it out...

    Here are the official participants of the Gauntlet:

    Roni (Northern Trail), Veronica (Semester At Sea), Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour), Laterrian (Maximum Velocity Tour), Steve (The Quest), Katie (The Quest), Adam (The Quest), Sarah (Campus Crawl), Rachel (Campus Crawl), Darrell (Campus Crawl), Tina (South Pacific), Cara (South Pacific), Dave (South Pacific) and Abe (South Pacific)

    Norman (New York), Montana (Boston), Elka (Boston), Nathan (Seattle), Matt (New Orleans), David (New Orleans), Rachel (Back to New York), Coral (Back to New York), Mike (Back to New York), Tonya (Chicago), Theo (Chicago), Irulan (Las Vegas), Alton (Las Vegas), and Trishelle (Las Vegas)

    That is ALL!

    Friday, September 12, 2003

    Support Kit's tryout on ABC's talk show The View

    Hello, sorry for no updates for the past two days...

    Kit (USA Tour 1) appeared on ABCs The View yesterday. Now, it's your turn to help Kit out. She appeared on the chatfest trying out for the fifth co-host spot vacated by the twenty-something Lisa Ling. The remaining four women will pick the last co-host this November. Both Kit and Rachel (San Francisco) have tried out for the spot. Email the four ladies and tell them how much you love Kit and how you want to see her on the chair permanently! Email:

    Joy Behar
    Star Jones
    Meredith Vieria
    Barbara Walters

    Thank you!

    Tuesday, September 09, 2003

    San Diego house is revealed; Kit appears on ABCs the View trying out for a co-host spot

    Some news on the Real World House... First and foremost, Real World Houses has added new shots of the San Diego house. Including shots of the house at night... Check out the light setup for this year's season. And some news on the history of the house.

    Obviously, the house is located in the Point Loma area of San Diego. Although it is a waterfront property, many native to the San Diego area believed that the house would be located in other sections of San Diego. La Jolla, an affluent town, home to UC San Diego, was thought to be a front-runner to the San Diego home. Also, Mission Beach, site of MTVs Beachhouse, was also thought to be a great choice for the setting to the Real World. Also considered was Downtown San Diego. However, Point Loma became the evident choice, surprising many San Diego natives. Point Loma is known for fishing... and isn't a trendy spot in San Diego. Probably chosen for a greater sense of privacy, the waterfront home was once home to a seafood restaurant. Shortly before the roomies moved in, the house was known as the Blue Crab Restaurant. Once the restaurant went out of business, a company set up their offices in the building. And now it's known as the Real World house.

    And tomorrow, Kit (USA Tour 1) will be vying for the fifth co-host spot on ABCs The View. If you remember, Rachel (San Francisco) tried out for the spot this past month, sitting in with the ladies for two days. So far, no other MTV alumns have been interested in the spot... But the last time when The View was looking for a co-host, both Rachel (San Francisco) and Lindsay (Seattle) tried out. We will also tell you how you can help Kit tomorrow. The final decision will be made live November 26. Before then, most likely, finalists will be invited to sit in with the ladies one more time.

    Monday, September 08, 2003

    Jacinda appears in Vanity Fair and more news on the Robin San Diego arrest

    Jacinda (London) has recently appeared in an issue of Vanity Fair magazine. In it, she talks about her two new films, The Human Stain with Anthony Hopkins and Ladder 49 with Joaquin Pheonix. She even alludes to her Real World days as well in the article.

    And more news about the San Diego arrest from The San Diego Union Tribune. Some members of the cast were filming on Pacific Beach (where MTV crews set up their beachhouse a few years back) at a bar called Moon Doggies. Apparently, Robin got into an altercation with a marine who was also at the bar, and Robin scratched his arm and face. She posted bail on Wednesday, but no word yet on Robin's fate on the show.

    Thanks to Eddie and LE for their information!

    Friday, September 05, 2003

    News suggests that castmember Robin is arrested during filming of the San Diego series

    The Smoking Gun is reporting that a castmember of the Real World: San Diego has recently been arrested. 23-year-old Robin, a female bartender from Florida, has been arrested for a bar-room brawl with no one other than a marine. There is no picture of Robin on Smoking Gun's site (NOTE: Smoking Gun has NOW obtained a picture of her), but they have confirmed that she was a part of the cast. Never before has a castmember been arrested during filming, so this puts new light on the situation. There has been drunken fights on the show before (Seattle's David), but no arrests have ever been made. She spent some time in a jail before posting bail. It's unclear on whether or not she is going to continue on with the show.

    Thursday, September 04, 2003

    Domain name opening up, Tami appears on KTLA news, Paris DVD will be released

    Just something that we need to notify you of: Mid-summer, we reported that we were going to go public with an official domain that we had already purchased. We do have the dot-com already. However, the issue soon became web hosting. Well, with the enormous amounts of hits that we got all summer, we found out that we simply could not afford web hosting because the huge amount of traffic the site experiences monthly. So, that is put on hold until further notice.

    And KTLA5, a local WB affiliate in Los Angeles, apparently reported this morning that a Reality TV Award Show is in the works. After a couple of years of the burst of reality television shows on mainstream networks, an award show is finally being planned. However, they were quick to mention that it would be both hilarious and prestigious... One of the categories according to KTLA??? "Best Female Skank" The show should launch in February.

    And Tiger reported to us an interesting piece of information on the Paris DVD: Yes, on November 11th the Real World That You Never Saw: Paris DVD will be released. But also, it will come in a two-disc set with the 9 Degree Hookup Show that aired on MTV. Both DVDs are available at

    Wednesday, September 03, 2003

    Colin refuses to do appearances with Julie in the future, Melissa and Coral are moving in together

    New news! Yes, yes... Apparently, the appearance that we told you about with Colin (Hawaii), Lori (Back to New York), Nathan (Seattle), and Julie (New Orleans) didn't go as well as they wanted to. Apparently, Colin will not do any more appearances with Julie claiming that her on stage "creates a bad end-product". This having to deal with Julie's lies about spirituality, abstinence, drugs, and her 9/11 ordeal... It is unclear what that means exactly, but obviously Colin did have a problem with Julie. However, Colin is still giving away copies of his book... And he's going to be filming some upcoming appearances. Go to his website to keep up with him.

    Also, some news with other castmembers. If you follow any of Melissa's (New Orleans) rants on her webpage, you know that she and Coral (Back to New York) are great friends... So much so, that the two plan to move in together soon! Both Melissa and Coral moved to Los Angeles after their stints on the Real World.

    And rumor has it that both Coral (Back to New York) and Julie (New Orleans) have been both asked to do the next installment of the Challenge (after the Gauntlet), which will begin filming in October.

    And today was Rachel's (San Francisco) last day on ABCs The View. She is trying to get a spot on the show as a co-host. SUPPORT RACHEL! Read yesterday's post to see how exactly to do so! Congratulations to Rachel! She did wonderfully, even as Star Jones seemed to take a shine to her! Good luck!

    Tuesday, September 02, 2003

    Ruthie drives cross country, Lori will start singing, Rachel is a finalist and frontrunner on the View

    A few new updates on castmembers... Ruthie (Hawaii) who has been living out of Los Angeles for the past few years, recently upped and took a trip. She actually drove cross country and is temporarily in New York. She plans to work out of New York within the next few weeks.

    Another update on Lori (Back to New York)... Recently, she was seen to be singing at one of her appearances. After a long absence from singing, Lori is said to have something special in the works... But more information on that will be available later.

    And this morning, Rachel (San Francisco) appeared on ABCs daytime talk show, The View. She is the first of many hopefuls to try and attempt to fill the chair left vacant by the twentysomething Lisa Ling. Rachel tried out for the spot back in 1999, and she is the frontrunner in this second search. If you missed today, her MTV past wasn't really discussed, but she showed a picture of her husband Sean (Boston), and two children, Xavier and Evita.

    Meredith Viera emphazised that this year will be the Year of the Viewer, telling the audience that their opinion of the hopefuls will be a major determinant of who gets picked. So, we are going to lobby for Rachel. You might be curious as to why... But here at the Blog we are supportive of all former and current castmembers and their endeavors. We are asking YOU to write into the four current co-hosts of the View. We will also ask you to do this when Kit (Season 1) tries out for the spot later this month. However, we should mention a few things you should say to the co-hosts:

  • Don't say that you want Rachel to be on the View, just because she was on The Real World.

  • Talk about how Rachel's conservative, Republican views were a positive, refreshing change to the panel already existing on the show.

  • Mention how impressed you were with Rachel's involvement in politics. Today, she spoke about Arnold's bid for California Governor.

  • Mention how Rachel's lifestyle of being young, married, and a parent of two children brings a different light to the fifth chair.

  • Rachel's status as a C-list celebrity (as Kathy Griffin was explaning to Rachel this morning) lets her easily relate to guests on the show.

  • Just be supportive of Rachel and if you have something nice to say, say it!

  • With that said... Here is where you go to email the ladies of The View: These lead to webpages... You don't need to send them mail from your own personal mailbox. (Note: Star Jones is known to check her email diligently.)

    Joy Behar
    Star Jones
    Meredith Vieria
    Barbara Walters

    We'd like to say good luck to Rachel! Tomorrow is her final day on the View... Be sure to catch her final day and we'll remind you to write in tomorrow as well! Tomorrow's guests are Craig Kilborn and Jessica Simpson. Most likely she will be brought back for additional appearances on the show!

    Monday, September 01, 2003

    Donnell alienates his castmates at the VMAs, Colin and Lori talk about Julie, Puck is arrested

    Happy Labor Day! I'm sure your holiday weekend was a blast!!! As was ours!

    First things first, we still have the posts saved somewhere. But the archive is no longer accessible. So just FYI...

    And now news... The VMAs were last Thursday... and there are always some Roomies or Roadies in attendance. This year the South Pacific cast hit Radio City Music Hall. But... long after the trip ended there still seems to be a bit of tension in the air... Yes, Donnell (South Pacific) who was recently booted off, separated himself from the group by doing his own interviews on the red carpet, while the other members of the cast were together. And it seemed that he was in VERY good spirits as he was doing backflips all around the red carpet. My sources who saw the Roadies say that the Roadies weren't all too happy about Donnell's antics.

    And speaking of the VMAs, MTV recently ran ads for The Gauntlet at the VMAs. Kinda didn't show much, but a few very beat up castmembers. Should be interesting. It premieres on the 29th of September at 10pm.

    And bad blood just for television?? Well, at a recent speaking engagement both Colin (Hawaii) and Lori (Back to New York) were doing an appearance with none other than Julie (New Orleans) who was said to be a vicious backstabber in the world of speaking engagements during Battle of the Sexes. Although both Colin and Lori didn't take any official sides during the melee between Julie and Melissa (New Orleans), the fight on the show didn't stop Colin and Lori from making an appearance with her. They were even friendly enough to visit each other's hotel rooms during the engagement. Nathan (Seattle) was also at the appearance.

    Also, some news about another recent Real World arrest. The Smoking Gun recently reported that Adam (Paris) was arrested for public drunkenness in Statesboro, Georgia while visiting Ace (Paris). However, news comes that Puck (San Francisco) was recently arrested AGAIN. He was first picked up a while back for hitting his then fiancee, now wife. However, we do know that Puck was picked up in Memphis. It's unclear what the charges were, but we're sure more information will come up soon.

    Thursday, August 28, 2003

    Cameran joins the San Diego cast while the location of the house is revealed

    Obviously, the site is back to its old self! Good... a few changes, but no big differences.

    New news... Apparently, an area newspaper is reporting that Cameran will be a part of the San Diego cast this coming January. It's an interesting article that's located at this link. It also has a picture. Also, Real World Houses, a very good website, has pictures of the San Diego house which is located at the following address:

    4922 North Harbor Drive
    San Diego, CA 92106-2306

    Thanks to AJ and Wayne for that information.

    That's it for today!

    Wednesday, August 27, 2003

    Rachel and Kit tries out for a spot on ABC's The View; Mallory and Ace are dating; San Diego is filming

    I apologize for the sporatic updates... New news... In addition to Rachel (San Francisco) trying out for the fifth chair on ABCs hormonal chatfest, The View... Kit (USA - Tour 1) will also be taking a stab at it. Yes, other Real World/Road Rules alumni are taking a stab at the chair, just like last time around (Lindsay (Seattle)). While Rachel will be on the show next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, Kit will be on September 10th and 11th. Also of MTV fame, Kennedy, a former VJ, will be trying out on September 17th and 18th. Good luck to them! We'll notify you of their appearances and any way that you can turn out and support them!

    Also, Kristin on E-Online posts some interesting news... First, Mallory and Ace (Paris) are now an item. Mallory has been spotted for weeks in Statesboro hanging out with Ace... And just like Kate, Ace's girlfriend on the show, Ace has been heard spouting out that our pal Mal seems to be "the one". And we're not talking about the Matrix. She also reports that San Diego has begun filming... But some interesting information... Apparently, South Pacific is doing amazingly well in the ratings department... Even better than the Paris season... (No surprise, as the Real World fell out of the Top 10 this year with decline in the ratings of the Osbournes.) So the casting people who did South Pacific will be doing San Diego... And that a new guy will be taking America by storm on San Diego this season... Word is that his name is Billy... We can't confirm this yet, but we'll see once the season premieres.

    Monday, August 25, 2003

    Adam was arrested in Ace's hometown; E!'s True Hollywood Story aired last night;

    We are still working hard to get the site back online...

    In Real World related news, Adam (Paris) was recently arrested in Statesboro, Georgia... Ace's hometown. For the past few weeks, several castmembers including Leah, Adam, and Mallory have been seen in Statesboro. Go to the Smoking Gun to see details and the mug shot (which Adam seems to be in unsual high spirits...)

    The E! True Hollywood Story aired last night. Thoroughly enjoyable... Especially since it brought memories of the first few seasons. They focused much more on the documentary style of the series, instead of the newer format the show has taken on... I was also surprised to see Bonnie Burton, a goddess in the website circles, narrating much of the story... Bonnie was the first to start the Real World and Road Rules websites... And basically, our presence is due to Bonnie's early work. They also revealed some interesting viewpoints of things that happened. (IE. The Miami cast talking about the shower incident. Norman and Beth S.' perspective on the 10th Anniversary Takeover. And Julie's brush with death on September 11th. If you missed it... Try to catch some re-runs!

    Friday, August 22, 2003

    Please be patient: The Blog has a new look

    So? What's wrong?? Why does the Blog look so messed up?! Well, two weeks ago, we were initally having trouble getting to Blogger through our account name. We tried a couple of days later and we got through, but we were having publishing issues. We have spoken with representatives of Blogger and they have told us that it was an issue about having too much data on the account.

    However, they promised us that they would take care of it. It's been two weeks and the problem is still problematic. We will fix up this version of the Blog and will get this running like the old one. Maybe even better. However, it is unclear when this will all work out.

    Thanks for holding out with us and we appreciate it! These past few weeks have been weeks of frustration and disappointment (regarding Blogger and site adminstration). And with impending news from TVTome, that Road Rules has not been picked up for an another season, and with anticipation that the fifteenth season of the Real World will be it's last, we realize that we are in the 11th hour of the series, and we hope to be your prime source for Real World and Road Rules information. For those who have been sticking with us for the past five years (when we weren't "the Blog")... Thank you. You are the reason why we keep doing this.
    Hello! Yes, we are back after a two-week absence. Hold on. We are testing this version of the Blog.

    Monday, August 18, 2003

    Jisela gets the boot from Road Rules; Teck, Nathan, Beth, Syrus, Ruthie on the Wedding Video; Rumored cast of Chicago

    Poor little Jisela... She got the boot. Read our episode guide of that episode and the latest Real World episode where the kids work and Lori sings:

    Also, we got some more news. Dane and Chris are still working on the column for Norman's movie the Wedding Video. They are still working hard and we're looking to bring that to you soon. We got encounters with stars of the movies, and people including Teck (Hawaii), Nathan (Seattle), Beth S. (Los Angeles), Syrus (Boston), and Ruthie (Hawaii).

    Also, I've been emailed like 1,000,000 corrections of the names of the RW Chicago! Here's what I have so far: Theo, Lars, Kyle, Chris, Tanya, Ariel, Nora, and Cara. As you notice, there are four guys. It has been reported that two cast members, one male and one female, have left cast to appear in RW12, which is rumored to be in Philadephia, Pittsburgh, Las Vegas or Atlanta. They reportedly chose to leave after the protesting and murders at the house.

    In reality TV news, I urge you to check out the new shows. Murder in Small Town X is probably the best new show you're not watching! Well, at least in terms of reality. It's a really well put together show and has a lot of good elements. Spy TV and Fear Factor can get a little tiring. It's just the same thing over and over and over. Cannonball Run 2001 was good... For about 5 minutes. It really needed a lot more to run on. After the first episode, it seemed to lose its gas. BMP is also coming out with two new reality shows and a reality MOVIE. The first show, which is premiering soon on FOX, is called Love Cruise. It's kinda like Temptation Island, but they vote people off. It looks good. Also, they are casting for a new show set to premiere on the WB called Lost in the USA, which is a wannabe Road Rules. The movie is called The Wedding. Details are still sketchy about the last two at this point. New shows to watch for: NBC's Lost and CBS's The Amazing Race. Those look to be really good, but don't expect them to have an impact like Survivor. Also, Big Brother 2 seems to be dwindling down with only Monica, Hardy, Bunky, Nicole, and Will left in the house. Personally, I want either Nicole or Monica to win, but everyone knows it's either going to be Hardy or Will. And if you haven't heard, Survivor 3: Africa is running into problems with the protests of using the Shaba Reserve to film the show. The show is already halfway through, and should premiere soon. Survivor 4 is currently casting.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2003

    Real World Houses opens and finds old Real World houses

    Real World Houses has found the first Real World house. You can click on their site to look at it.

    Tuesday, August 12, 2003

    The Blog encounters problems with Blogger host

    Blogger seems not to be working. Hopefully, it will work again, this time around. We have contacted Blogger to fix the problem, but it's still being problematic.

    Monday, August 11, 2003

    Janet may appear in Freaky Friday; E! airs True Hollywood Story of Real World

    This weekend seemed to be a good weekend for the box office... So, this is not an entertainment report, right? Well, Janet (Seattle), was actually in the #2 film today. She stared as Dr. MaryAnn Smyth in Freaky Friday, the movie starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan. And the family film, which was released this past weekend, did remarkably well, coming in #2, behing action flick, S.W.A.T. starring Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell. Friday took in 22.2m, while S.W.A.T. came in well ahead. Janet is also appearing on the closed-circuit educational network Channel One... Good luck to her in the future!

    And the E! True Hollywood Story will air Sunday August 24 at 8pm. This actually comes from the owner of Real World Houses, another great website, who actually participated in the filming of the story.

    Friday, August 08, 2003

    Cara is working for Nelly to find the Apple Bottoms Spokesperson

    The Apple Bottoms search for rapper Nelly ends today in Los Angeles. Yes, Nelly is looking for a woman with booty, to fill his shorts, shirts, dresses, and signature denim jeans. After today's casting call, one finalist will be chosen on August 25 in Las Vegas. Officials say that the winner will be in a Nelly video, appear in ads, and get items from the new line.

    So what does this have to do with the Real World? After Cara's (Chicago) run with the organization G.O.A.L., an organization dedicated to battling depression, she joined Nelly in picking the finalists for this contest. Cara seems to be the only celebrity from the panel of judges. Others include the president of Apple Bottoms, the marketing director of Apple Bottoms, the president of VOKAL, and the president of Nelly's charitable foundation. Cara and her St. Louis residency might be why Nelly deemed her appropriate for the job. Thanks to Dan for this information!

    Thursday, August 07, 2003

    Tami is appearing on 20/20 to talk about her failed marriage

    Tami (Los Angeles) will be appearing on 20/20 Friday night. She will be interviewed about affairs in basketball player marriages. Her husband, NBA star Kenny Anderson, had a mistress through their marriage. His mistress is currently suing Anderson for not breaking it off with Tami.

    Trishelle and Mike hook up in the new Challenge, but she's sent home

    News from the Challenge in Telluride, CO... A love connection in the works:

    Apparently, it seems that Trishelle (Las Vegas) has mustered up a love connection with another castmember. It's none other than The Miz! That's right Mike (Back to New York) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) are together! The two apparently have gotten together while filming the Challenge and are officially dating. However, Trishelle was sent home... But Mike is still in the running to actually win (once again...) That's it guys!

    Wednesday, August 06, 2003

    Puck opens a website; Alton pushes McDonalds; Lori is making club appearances and selling stuff; Donell will be replaced by Jeremy

    Sorry for the lack of updates! But it's summer vacation! While we're out at the beach getting a hip tan or whatnot... the blog does go un-updated at times. Dont worry... The Blog is far away from its demise. It is here to stay.

    First things first... Yes, Puck (San Francisco) does have a website. We put in the links section a week or so ago. His website is PlanetPuck.TV. And yes that is Alton (Las Vegas) who you've been seeing in the McDonalds commercials. He's the one eating the Big Mac in the car. And we reported that E!s True Hollywood Story on the Real World would be airing August 8, but that is incorrect. More information on when that airs will be available later.

    An update: Ruthie (Hawaii) is hitting the news in Hawaii. After her positive portryal on Battle of the Sexes, Ruthie is aiming high for stardom. She will release an album sometime next year, which she is currently collaborating with rap star Mr. Cheeeks. Until then, she is making other appearances in Hawaii, along with other Real World/Road Rules stars. So, if you're going to be in Hawaii in the next few days, check them out. Mark (Season 1), Lori (Back to New York), Steven (Las Vegas), Frank (Las vegas), Ace (Paris), Adam (Paris), and Leah (Paris) are all scheduled to appear at these club dates.

    Wednesday August 6 - 9:30p @ Grumpy's
    Thursday August 7 - 5-11pm @ Dave and Buster's
    Friday August 8 - 11pm @ Hard Rock
    Saturday August 9 - 11pm @ Wave Waikiki

    Note: Not all of the castmembers will be at each club appearance.

    Updates on the Paris' cast last names. There is Adam King, Ace Amerson, Mallory Snyder, Leah Gillingswater, and Chris Tamburello.

    Speaking of Lori (Back to New York), who is making club appearances in Hawaii this weekend as well. She is moving to LA this month and she's selling all her crap. Go and buy a piece of reality TV history or just a piece of Lori's everyday life. Among other things, she is selling her bed, a computer, and some clothes. Go to her website at Everything

    And here comes news of who gets booted off of Road Rules. (Highlight to Read) We all know that Cara just got kicked out and was replaced by Tina. But now, who's next? As we were promised three changes... Well, the next to be voted off is Donell and he will be replaced by someone by the name of Jeremy. So the final cast to win the handsome reward will be Dave, Jeremy, Chris, Marybeth, Christena, and Tina.

    That's it for today! Have a lovely day.

    Thursday, July 31, 2003

    Matt posts on his website that he's been sent home; San Diego moves in today; Rachel is on the View

    Matt recently posted on his website that he was sent home from the Challenge in Telluride on the 28th of July. It may be indication that The Real World is losing the Battle for the Gauntlet. It also may be indication that they just didn't like Matt.

    And TODAY is the day that The Real World: San Diego is said to be moving into their spacious digs in San Diego. Not much word on the house or who the cast is to be comprised of as of yet.... But there should be a surfer boy and a gay male this time around. We'll see very soon.

    And still support Rachel (San Francisco) who is trying out for a position on the View. Her stint as a guest co-host begins on September 2nd. She actually turned down the last position which was recently vacated by Lisa Ling, because of her pregnancy.

    And as for the lack of updates, we know... Relax... Hopefully, updates will continue to become more consistent! Thanks for waiting!

    Friday, July 25, 2003

    Next Real World is not casting; Lindsay is hosting a show in Tampa

    Matt looked into the fact that BMP is casting for the next Real World... (They aired a commercial for it on the last episode...) Well, apparently, they are NOT currently casting for the next season, but they are currently accepting tapes. This might be a double-edged sword for hopefuls... You won't exactly be lost in a sea of auditions, but you might not recieve the same attention if you did audition during an official casting time. It's your choice if you want to send in a tape.

    And more news on Lindsay (Seattle) and her hosting gig in Tampa. Check out the article, here. Her show starts in August, so it's unlikely that she'll attempt a shot at the co-host position on the View again. Thanks to Amy for that.

    Rachel is set to be a finalist for the co-host position on ABCs The View

    Thanks to all the people who emailed in about this. On Thursday's episode of ABCs The View, Barbara Walters announced that the search for the fifth co-host is set to begin. And none other than The Real World San Francisco's Rachel Campos-Duffy is set to be one of the contendors of the position. If you remember, when the spot was vacated by ditzy, now TVGuide correspondent Debbie Matenopoulos, Rachel was competing for the spot against Lisa Ling, who eventually won the spot. FOXsports Lauren Sanchez was also in the running for the position. Rachel was highly rumored to be the one taking the spot, but eventually lost it to Ling. Now, she is favored in the race, and will be the first co-host to audition. She will be on the view starting September 2. She'll be on the View for several days and there are 10 to 20 other people vying for the spot. They will choose the winner on November 26.

    Now, last time, the final eight candidates consisted of these three ladies, plus Seattle's Lindsay Brien. Lindsay recently moved to Tampa to jump at a chance of hosting a television show there. But it is unclear if she will return to co-host The View again. Brien wasn't selected into the final three because the co-host's thought she was too young. Now four years later, Brien may be able to join the pack as a more mature woman.

    Last time around, the ladies heavily relied on viewer opinion to select their co-host. When the time comes, we'll give you all the information in order to cast your positive vote for Rachel.

    But for NOW:
    You can e-mail the co-hosts of the View and tell them how ecstatic you are that Rachel is coming back to co-host. A few words of wisdom here: Try not to mention the Real World/Challenges too much... Try saying a few words about her personality, her warmth, her likability... You can even say something about her relationship with Sean and their two children, Xavier and Evita. Or you can talk about her experience on TV, like her co-hosting a talk show in Wisconsin. Don't make too long or exaggerated. With that said...

    Joy Behar
    Star Jones
    Meredith Viera
    Barbara Walters

    Wednesday, July 23, 2003

    Next season of the Real World may already be casting

    Casting news... Last night, during the episode of The Real World: Paris... a casting commercial appeared. San Diego is said to be cast and set to film within a few weeks. However, there may be another season in the works, or another show. Nevertheless, BMP asked for tapes last night, and it doesn't hurt to try... Go to BMPs site for more information.

    Tami appears in a Pier One Commercial with Kirstie Alley

    A lot of people have been emailing about Tami (Los Angeles). Tami recently appeared on VH1s Inside the Real World, which was unusual, since Tami has never made a RW related appearance since the first reunion. Now, her Pier 1 commercials with Kirstie Alley are running heavily in certain areas (Thanks for the emails!) And now she's making other appearances. Last night, Tami appeared on the news/entertainment show Extra, detailing how her feelings would be similar to Vanessa Bryant, Kobe Bryant's wife. If you remember, Tami was married to NBA star Kenny Anderson, and he had an affair during their marriage. In fact, Anderson is being sued by his mistress for not leaving Tami.

    Monday, July 21, 2003

    Sean will be in the ESPN Great Outdoor Games; Challenge will film in Telluride

    According to Dave, Sean (Boston) will have a part in the ESPN Great Outdoor Games. People Magazine reported that Sean will be commentating on the log rolling competition, which he also did on his time on the Real World. The games air July 25-27 in Sean's hometown of Hayward, WI. If you remember, Sean caused a minor media blitz when Rachel (San Francisco) (his wife) announced he might run for office in Wisconsin.

    I'm also getting official word that the Challenge will officially be in Telluride, Colorado. A preliminary confirmation list I have recieved is Montana, Elka, Veronica, Rachel (BTNY), Abram, Alton, Irulan, David (NO), Matt (NO), Laterrian, Sarah (Campus Crawl), Theo (Chicago), Rachel (Campus Crawl), Trishelle, Mike (BTNY), and Shawn (SAS).

    That's it for today. Have a great day.

    Rumors beginning about San Diego cast; Melissa is in Maxim Magazine

    Sorry for the delay in the updates. There has been serious difficulties within the past few weeks. Hopefully, updates will become more frequent in the next few weeks. Well, there has been news here and there, but I wouldn't say anything to really "freak out" about.

    Speaking of "freak", catch Janet (Seattle) in Disney's latest movie, Freaky Friday. She plays a doctor in the film. The movie stars Jamie Lee Curtis, Mark Harmon, and Lindsay Lohan.

    San Diego is set to start filming at the end of July, the beginning of August. There is word buzzing about new castmembers. And also another piece of good news for the Real World... After The Osbournes rise as MTVs #1 show... The Real World: Paris has regained the top spot as MTVs #1 show, with Osbournes ratings steadily falling. Here's to another 13 years!

    Melissa (New Orleans) is appearing in the August issue of Maxim magazine. Try to catch her. Thanks to several people who emailed that in. You can check her out at in the "Girls" section.

    And to everyone who emailed links, I'm working on updating them. The mailbox is heavily backed up. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Monday, July 14, 2003

    The Gauntlet may be filming in either Miami or Colorado

    The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet is rumored to finally begin filming tomorrow. However, there are hundreds of rumors about where the Challenge will be filmed. Miami Today reports that BMP has recently recieved a permit to begin filming the Challenge in Miami. However, there are also rumors that the Challenge has moved to Colorado. Who knows? We'll know very soon! Thanks to ECal for that.

    E!'s True Hollywood Story on the Real World airs on August 8th. Be sure to catch it! Thanks to Liz for that!

    Thursday, July 10, 2003

    Challenge filming has been pushed back to Mid-July; San Diego set to begin late July

    Sorry for the inconsistencies of the updates in the past few weeks. Hope you are having a great summer. Apparently, there is news leaking out... that the Challenge is going to be filmed in Colorado. The start of filming has actually been pushed back to mid-July. Thanks to the several people who have emailed me about that. We'd also like to acknowledge that the information has appeared on several other websites.

    And I have received some information that the fourteenth season of The Real World set in San Diego, is slated to begin July 29. Word is that the castmembers are picked and are just waiting to move into the house.

    Monday, July 07, 2003

    Cara and Dave may be dating; Trishelle starring in an off-Broadway play

    Hope you had a great Holiday Weekend! First, I must acknowledge the following information at the insistance of so many visitors... Cara and Dave (South Pacific) are rumored to be DATING. Yes, Dave is at the MTV message boards, talking about (amongst other things) that he and Cara are together. Seem kinda weird? Definitely... Especially after the fact that we hear that Marybeth and Dave were supposed to be the two lovebirds of this season. We might see something on these two, we might not.

    Trishelle (Las Vegas) will be starring in an off-Broadway play once she gets off the Challenge filming right now. It's a revolving cast that also stars Jenna Morasca, the million dollar winner of Survivor: The Amazon. Go to the article here. Trishelle was also nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Favorite Female in the Reality Category. Thanks to Sue for that.

    Now some info about some fan-based internet games based on the Real World and Road Rules. RWRR Ultimate is now casting for their game. And JamesDDogg which we reported to you last time is no longer accepting applicants for his game.

    Thanks! Have a pleasant day!

    Friday, July 04, 2003

    Eric is hosting a show on ABC Family; Frank has a cameo in American Wedding

    Sorry for the lack of updates within the past few days. It's been difficult to get updates on the blog lately. I again, apologize for the inconvience. There has been some interesting news submitted by people who visit the blog.

    Eric (New York) seems to be reliving his old days as the host of the Grind. Nies, who recently appeared in both Battle of the Seasons and Battle of the Sexes, will host a new show on ABC Family called Dance Fever. Thanks to Tom for that information.

    And joining people like Jacinda (London) (The Human Stain, Ladder 49) and Janet (Seattle) (Freaky Friday), Frank (Las Vegas) will be making a small appearance in the movie American Wedding, the third installment of the American Pie series. When Michelle and Jim get married, Frank somehow gets thrown in the mix as a "Gay Bar Back"... We don't know either... Thanks to Den for that.

    Tuesday, July 01, 2003

    TVGuide does an interview with Chicago's Kyle

    Geminikitty is starting her own online BOTS game. Email her at if you want to participate.

    And TV Guide recently did an interview with Kyle (Chicago). Check it out here. Thanks to Jessica for that.

    Monday, June 30, 2003

    VH1 Goes Inside the Real World to investigate the past few years of drama

    For those of you on the west coast... As we reported last week, VH1 Goes Inside The Real World airs tonight at 9pm, only on VH1.

    Friday, June 27, 2003

    Five Middletown residents filed an injunction to prevent filming of the Gauntlet in Rhode Island

    It's unbelievable that Rhode Island hates MTV so much. Five Middletown residents filed an injunction against MTV today, stopping them from obtaining an amusement license from the Town Council. In an official statement, production is now searching out of state for a new locale. Read the article, here. The show would have raised $4 million in revenue.

    Kyle is in a commerical for Right Guard; Trishelle is on Tom Green and is nominated for a Teen Choice Award

    Kyle (Chicago) is appearing in a nationally run commercial for Right Guard. He's doing the one with the power strip and where all these guys get hit with a ball. He's one of those who gets hit by the ball.

    And Trishelle (Las Vegas) was on the new Tom Green Show recently. She was also nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Reality Television Female.

    Thanks to those who emailed us about these two things!

    Thursday, June 26, 2003

    The future of the Challenge in Rhode Island thrown into question after Town Council reviews the production

    So I'd say this news is pretty damn official if you know what I mean. Julie Pizzi, who has been a producer for BMP since she orchestrated the booting of Jisela on the Quest has commented that production is officially trying to establish itself in Middletown, Rhode Island.

    Pizzi, who grew up in Rhode Island, wanted the locale, mostly because she wanted to shine light on her home state. So, rumors that production is in Florida may be false. (This isn't to say that they didn't scout down there as well.) But according to the following newspaper sources, construction on the house is already begun. The walls are being painted for the house to be turned into a Real World-type house. The only thing standing in production's way is a meeting to grant MTV an amusement license. Now here's the crux of the matter: Over 100 residents of Middletown have signed a petition to bar MTV from filming there.

    However, the Town Council loves the idea of bringing a big-scale production to the city that they've moved up the meeting to approve the license from Monday to tomorrow. MTV producers will meet with the Town Council to avoid having the license approved the day before filming is set to begin. So basically, the expected outcome is that the town council members are going to approve their license. Filming is scheduled to begin this upcoming Tuesday and will end on July 28. The house is located at 165 Indian Ave and is a waterfront property owned by Brian O'Neill. He leased it to MTV to use for a month. The selling price of the house? $5.55 million. Go to the article, here.

    Cameramen, MIA castmembers interviewed for Behind the Scenes special on the Real World

    We reported several weeks ago that VH1 was working on a Real World Behind The Scenes Special. And noWe reported several weeks ago that VH1 was working on a Real World Behind The Scenes Special. And now it has come to television. Next Monday at 9PM ET on VH1, MTVs sister cable channel will air VH1 Goes Inside: The Real World. I caught promos for the show and it hit me as more interesting than usual. Why? Well, they are interviewing castmembers, but at the same time, they are interviewing people we have NEVER heard from before (ie. cameramen). It'll probably also focus on the bigger events in the Real World, like the slap heard 'round the world, Hawaii/Ruthie, and they will probably give an uneven amount of attention to Las Vegas. Watch!

    Wednesday, June 25, 2003

    South Pacific and Paris may begin airing relatively soon even after filming just ended

    I've received concerns about the premiere dates of the Real World: Paris and Road Rules: South Pacific. It makes total sense. Before the days of Chicago, this is what BMP did. Literally days after filming ended, the first episode would air. An example that comes to mind is The Real World: San Francisco. Literally, three days after the final day, the first episode aired. It's not that uncommon. The reason why Las Vegas took some time to premiere was because there was a whole skewing of filming times with Chicago, where it was filmed in the middle part of the year because of weather concerns.

    Tuesday, June 24, 2003

    Top searches for the site; San Diego casts for last minute changes; Rhode Island town debating the Challenge

    Just FYI... Here are the top 5 castmember searches for the site in the past three weeks:

    1. Marybeth Playboy
    2. Mallory
    3. Brynn
    4. Cara
    5. Rachel

    And it seems that BMP had been doing some last minute casting for their 14th season which will be in San Diego. I am hearing rumors abound. But apparently, they went to DC for a final casting call. Several hundred people attended the call. I am already hearing news about castmembers and the house. But it's all rumors until this point.

    And The Gauntlet will begin filming July 1st from what I'm hearing as well. Today, Middleton will decide whether or not to grant producers permission for an amusement permit. And we will find out if The Gauntlet will be filmed there.

    Monday, June 23, 2003

    Sarah and another castmember fighting on the boards; Cara speaks about depression, Abram will be chatting

    If you go over to Sarah's (Campus Crawl) site at Sarah's Brain she comments about how another castmember insults her on a message board. It's unclear who is insulting her, but another online feud seems to be brewing. Thanks to Christina for that.

    Cara (Chicago) was the focus of a CNN Headline News Health Segment this weekend. Cara (who goes by the last name Kahn, not Nussabaum... presumably her stage name) spoke about her bout with depression in high school. She also spoke about how depression rushed back into her life when she invited Real World cameras into her life. You can read the article online here.

    And Abram (South Pacific) will be chatting at 4pm ET TODAY at this link. Be sure to catch him!`

    Saturday, June 21, 2003

    New Challenge seems to be filming in Middleton, Rhode Island

    Here is another link to the location of the Challenge. This time it's in Middleton, Rhode Island. And it seems those rumors that it'd be in Florida are false. They even give an address: an 11-room estate at 165 Indian Ave. And it seems that the City Council will support this venue.

    Friday, June 20, 2003

    Newport rejects the Challenge; Adam is in an online porn video; Frank, Trishelle, Steven making appearances in a bar; Gauntlet is the next Challenge

    Interesting note... Seems like Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) spoke out about Newport rejecting the Real World/Road Rules Challenge from their city. Read the article here for that. Thanks to Gotmilk for that!

    And some new news! Someone sent me along a picture that looked like Adam (Paris) was involved in a little porn deal. Well, it seems that Adam was involved in one of those College Fu** Fest parties. Now, any college kid at a relatively large university in California will tell you, it isn't that uncommon to find one of those parties at a frat house. Basically, the website goes around and films people doing the deed in front of large crowds at parties. Adam was in one of the pictures and apparently one of the videos. (He was just one of the onlookers.) Here is the link. You should be over 18. Those who are under 18, should not click. Thanks to Jay for that.

    And BumpSetHit reports that Frank, Trishelle, and Steven (Las Vegas) were keeping up bartending appearances in New York City. They were at McFadden's doing their thing. Again, Steven can be seen alongside Danielle Fishel on this seasons Say What? Karoake. It airs everyday.

    And Chris has sent us an email about the Challenge... Giving official word for "The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet" and scouting for a location in Florida. Read the article here.

    Wednesday, June 18, 2003

    Theo may not be on the next Challenge; Chadwick regrets his appearances on Road Rules

    There have been reports that Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) is going to be on this next season's Battle. But those reports are false and Theo will not participate this season.

    Chadwick (Australia) and Holly (Maximum Velocity Tour) were on AMC the other day. They were on "Project AMC" and they were discussing reality television. Chadwick was on the show talking about how reality television was bringing down his career as an actor. After appearing on Battle of the Seasons, Chadwick said he was portrayed as a manipulative, hateful person. Now, he's brought to removing the two credits of his resume. Chadwick is starring in B movies right now. But it's his dream to win an Oscar someday. Apparently, he really shot down BMPs editing on Seasons. Holly made a small appearance.

    Monday, June 16, 2003

    Sean is making national news headlines as he's considering a run for Congress

    Sean (Boston) is making headlines today by considering a run for Congress in 2004. Although nothing is definite, Sean will run as a Republican in his home state of Wisconsin. His wife and two children, Rachel (San Francisco), Eva, and Xavier are sure to be determinate in his final decision on whether or not to run. We wish Sean and Rachel good luck on whatever they decide. If you remember, Sean won Battle of the Seasons and Rachel made her last appearance on a season in 1998, when her and Sean partook in All Stars where they met.

    Ace opens up a website; The house and cast may be selected for the next Real World

    Hey y'all. Ace (Paris) has an official website at

    And I'm getting some news about San Diego, the 14th installment of the Real World. I have heard reports that the house has been selected, the cast has been selected, and so on and so on. I don't know if this is true, since casting for the Real World ended in the beginning of June. But I also heard a report that Road Rules was out and about as well. This is entirely unconfirmed at this point. But we will soon see if it's true.

    Friday, June 13, 2003

    Donnell's arrest breaks the news; Mallory may have dropped her scholarship to do Real World; Lori working in a bar in Boston

    After breaking news of Donell's arrest by us last Saturday, it has expanded into a frenzy of media coverage. There are many articles covering Donell's assault and battery. After we reported to you that he had a rap sheet, we contacted the The Smoking Gun who provided many more details.

    Cheyenne emailed us about an article done in Sports Illustrated about Mallory (Paris). Mallory ditched her full soccer scholarship to go onto the Real World. This is unconfirmed at this point, but you can check it out if you please. And you know that mission Kristin did with the Road Rulers in New Zealand. Well, one of her reporter castmates writes the article for J-14 magazine. You can check that out too.

    Another article found by Jason, which can be read here reports that Lori (Back to New York) is working at Waterworks, a fancy bar in Quincy, MA. Lori is actually planning a move soon, and word is that she's going to Los Angeles, to be with her Days of Our Lives beau, Kyle (Chicago). Thanks to the people who sent those articles in!

    Thursday, June 12, 2003

    Newport kicked the next Challenge out of Rhode Island

    The Battle will not take place at the Ivory Tower as once previously reported. Residents of Newport, RI, successfully lobbied to get the Battle out of Newport ASAP. (They cited a law in which there can't be more than five residents living in a single house together, who are not family members.)

    This is VERY last minute, as the Battle is scheduled to be filming in the next two weeks. MTV scouts are said to be checking out Narragansett, Rhode Island. Although is very unlikely that production would be pushed back on the show (causing several people to probably drop out), it is unclear where the show will actually be shot.

    New site design soon launching with a new domain name as well

    OOOOHHHHH!! How bad are we itching to get this new website off the ground!?! Dang... However, the extensive nature of the site will prohibit us from posting it anytime soon. We are looking to set a tentative date at around the end of June/beginning of July... We're not too sure yet, but 4th of July is looking pretty darn gosh good. Anyway, if you haven't heard, we got a domain! (our own .COM, our own little place on the internet.) It's at:

    Not much there. The blog will still be on this page as well, we don't plan to get rid of it. Anyway, enough with this talk. If it begins to take longer than expected, we are working on a promotion page to get out to you that will show you some great aspects of the site. It's already beginning to take form and it does have pictures! We're not even close to being done however. Stay tuned.

    Donnell arrested twice for assault against his girlfriend; Mallory is spotted visiting Ace; Trishelle is doing Playboy

    You heard it first: Remember last Saturday, when we reported to you that Donell was arrested for assault and battery? Well, we contacted The Smoking Gun and told them they might want to look into it... (Once again, thanks to Ex-Man for that info.) Guess what they found? Not one arrests, count them TWO arrests. One before he left for Road Rules and one after he left for Road Rules. They are both against his girlfriend. Read more at TSG.

    And over at We Love Ace, a linked site, Mallory recently was in Statesboro, visiting her friend Ace. Hmmm... Join the group, see the pic.

    And an interesting article... By Trishelle... Says here that she's still doing Playboy? Here's the link. Thanks Colleen!

    Wednesday, June 11, 2003

    Most people searching for Playboy pictures of former cast of Real World and Road Rules

    Just a litlte remark: The top three searches from the site for last week: 1) Ace 2) Marybeth 3) Mallory. Interesting note: Playboy is the #5 most searched topic on the website.

    Tuesday, June 10, 2003

    Ace and Mallory are dating; Chris and Dave went to the same college and were in frats

    A romance in Paris? According to E-Online's Kristin! Yes... Read here. Plus more on former flames extinguished, South Pacific, and more... And I'm getting reports that Dave and Chris both went to the same college and were involved in greek life there. Thanks to Taryn for that.

    Susie is married and is a stand-up comic, working on a pilot for FOX

    Remember Susie (Australia)? Well, several people have emailed me about an update on her in the Pittsburgh area. This particular bit comes from a fan, Karen. Well, Susie is now working the comedy circuit as she is working on her career as a stand-up comedienne. Susie, a comedienne? Well, yeah. It's been a while since Australia days. (Susie is now 23 years of age...) Shortly after her return home from Australia, Susie visited Timmy (USA Tour 2) in Los Angeles. After her trip out there, she was engaged to Timmy... But since then they have broken up. Word is that Susie is actually married and may have a child. She is also working on a pilot for FOX. Good luck to Susie!

    Here are the links from yesterday:

    Ace Space
    Ace Space offers up a fan homage to Ace, including pictures, news, and interesting facts.

    Brain's Reviews
    Brian, an avid fan of the shows, expresses his viewpoint on each aired episode.

    Rachel RR Fansite
    A fansite for Rachel of Campus Crawl featuring interview, pictures, and news.

    RW/RR Fansite
    Very detailed and informative page about all shows.

    [BUMP] If you are a webmaster or a fan of another Real World or Road Rules site and want to put your link on the Blog, submit your request to The links are on the left side of the page, below the cast member websites. We already included the above links. Because of limited space, we are going to ask that only sites with sizeable, pertinent content be submitted. This means that sites that are no longer updated will NOT be accepted. NOTE: If it is a site that is not intended to be updated, that is OK. Any websites with any inappropriate, unprofessional, or offensive material will NOT be accepted. Don't get scared... You're website doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to have some sort of quality to it. Meaning: If your site only has one page or several pages with very little information, it will NOT be posted. Any website that offends or put downs castmembers, viewers, or visitors will also NOT be accepted. Submit your URL and website title to AND ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION... Keep your website titles down to 19 letters or less (including spaces). Otherwise, the title will be shortened by us. I will try to keep reminding people of this all week! Thank you!

    Monday, June 09, 2003

    Steven is hosting Say What? Karaoke

    Steven (Las Vegas) is hosting the latest episode of Say What? Karaoke. I wasn't sure about this... But I don't know if he's hosting or he's a judge or whatnot. I know that Ashley Simpson, Jessica Simpson's younger sister who appears on 7th Heaven was supposed to be a part of the show. Nevertheless, check it out, starting today on MTV.

    The Blog is moving over to a new domain name

    So here's the news about the site I promised yesterday! We got a domain name! Yes! We are no longer going have to live under the and the names! We have our own DOT COM! Want to check out the domain name? It's going to be at:

    Yes! Exciting news... I am not going to move the blog over to that site as of now. I'm going to leave this page where it is (for the time being anyway.) We have enlisted the help of avid Real World/Road Rules fans and are furiously working to develop new content for the site! There may be some delays, but the Blog will not just be a blog anymore! Don't worry, we are keeping the BLOG as the heart and soul of the site. It's not going anywhere. But we are going to add a whole bunch of stuff on top of it! We plan to make the blog one of the best Real World/Road Rules experiences on the net! Stay tuned for dates the new blog will premiere...

    Sunday, June 08, 2003

    Julie changes her tune after Melissa calls her out; Sarah is leaving for a Challenge

    Julie (New Orleans) changed her post from Melissa from my real world to a girl I know from tv... This is the second time that she's taken Melissa's name off her diary and replaced it with "girl". Check it out here.

    Sarah (The Campus Crawl) recently says on her diary that she's going out of town soon. Hmm.... When a castmember says that they're going out of town = Going on the Challenge. When Battle of the Sexes was airing, she made a comment that she was checking out websites to see when the next Challenge was going to be, because she wanted to do it. Is Sarah going to show up in Newport and compete for $300,000? We will soon find out. (Thanks to Dana for that)

    Gauntlet may be filming in Rhode Island

    If there's one thing about this new Challenge that is for certain: The outcome will not be a surprise. Filming in exotic locales or traveling around places, we usually do not know what's going on with the Challenge once it begins filming. Usually, castmembers reveal tidbits about what will happen, who gets voted off, who wins. Well, this next seventh installment of the Challenge seems to be holding no secrets.

    The seventh season of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge will begin filming on June 27 in Newport, Rhode Island. They are filming in a "castle-like" mansion called Ivy Tower. The word is 28 castmembers (14 from Real World, 14 from Road Rules) will be competing at the Tower for consecutive weeks until someone wins $300,000. The mansion is located at 533 Bellevue Ave in Newport. Newport residents are actually welcoming the Challenge, citing a need for tourism. They are actually going to start construction on the house, putting a pool on the premises. MTV has already begun scouting out places for missions such as Newport Harbor, Fort Adams, and Navy facilities. If you live in Newport, get ready for MTV. Check out the article, here. You have to register, but I included all the information so you don't have to. Thanks to Marlena for the information.

    Some interesting information about the location of the house that's not included in the article. It's a stone's throw away from Salve Regina University (a Catholic liberal arts college), so expect to see some college students on the show. There are several parks in the vicinity and you can see the ocean from the house. Long Island and Providence are not far away. Should make for some interesting television. The house actually sold for 2.9 million dollars a few months ago, so you can imagine how huge this house will be. Here's an aerial image of the house taken from a satellite. Not very clear, but you can imagine what the grounds will be like.

    NOTE: I have been just given notification that RealityTVWorld has images of the house taken from a real estate website.

    Julie and Melissa end up at a Coldplay concert and Julie makes up a story about Melissa getting spit on

    So... drama revisited... This is going to be a LONGGGGGGGG post...

    Anyway, I wasn't even aware of this until a fan named MSMusic emailed this along to me. It just strikes me as WEIRD. Plain and simple. Not Melissa... But Julie. So a couple of days ago, Coldplay, the band was in Los Angeles. Apparently, both Julie and Melissa (New Orleans/BOTS) visited the concert. It's about the Julie/Melissa drama. If you don't want to read this, skip down to the next post which is about Road Rules. Here's Melissa's entry about the show:

    "Sunday afternoon, I was screening calls. You know, sometimes you just can’t take calls. It’s Sunday. I’m waiting for that Jerry’s Famous Deli to hurry up and deliver and I want my Six Feet Under finale. Tangent: Doesn’t that girlfriend of Jayson Blair, the fabricating ass reporter at The New York Times look just like Lili Taylor? That’s where Lisa went! So, I get a message from an old friend, a blast from the past. In it, he says cryptically, “Give me a call back. I’ve got a question…” You see, he has mastered the art of getting me to call back. You can’t say, “I have a question.” And you especially can’t say that after I haven’t spoken to you in 19 years. So, I tried to hold off, wait a couple hours, so as to seem like when he called I actually was busy. I so wasn’t and I’m such a perpetrator. I said “tried to hold off” meaning, I called him back in 20 minutes.

    After a weird segue into the actual invitation, he said, “I bought these Coldplay tickets six months ago, and totally forgot about them. Would you like to go? It’s tomorrow…” What a great day, man! Free tickets to Coldplay and I don’t have to drive or park! Why, yes, I’d love to go. During the course of the concert, I felt like I was in an episode of A Dating Story, even though I didn’t think or even know this was, in fact, a date. Was it a date? It couldn’t be! I said, “What’s up homie…” when he came to get me and I don’t think that’s proper date etiquette. Plus, he was 40 minutes late picking me up. Perhaps he didn’t think it was a date either with such reckless abandonment of the time. Time the f*** out! Before we carry on with this story, know that I know how dumb it is to speculate about whether or not a planned event with a dude, that is a friend, is a date. I know it's a hang out thing, I'm just saying. I’m a grown ass lady, I know. And yes, I’m about to tell a story like I am not the person telling the story thus using my own name in third person, a practice I hate in real life.

    So, I present The Dating Story featuring Gary* and Melissa.

    Gary is a working actor in Los Angeles. In his spare time, he enjoys photography and staining his mantle. He is both genuine and nice – two strikes against him already, as we all know girls love assholes for some reason. Will he finish last? His turnoffs: Tall, mean girls. His turn-ons: Short, nice ones. Melissa is a geek off the streets that isn’t really keen on this whole dating situation, as you will see. Her turn-offs: Dudes that use hair products excessively, lisps (sorry), improper use of homophones and anybody that says “for all intents and purposes”. Her turn-ons: I don’t know that she uses that terminology. (Gary doesn't have a lisp, and he doesn't use lots of gel and he knows the difference between peace and piece.) On this date, we’ll see the band Coldplay, and more importantly we hope to see a Miss Gwyneth Paltrow swaying side to side with her eyes closed, perhaps a lighter in hand, “feeling” her boyfriend’s love through his music.

    Before the alleged date, Gary calls Melissa. She is in the waiting room at a doctor’s office with her friend Coral. She steps outside to take the call. Gary asks, “What kind of food do you like? At The Hollywood Bowl, everyone usually picnics.” Melissa responds with, “Oh wow. Okay. Um. I don’t really like food that is supposed to be hot but just can’t be because you know, it’s been in a basket all day. I like fruit. May I have some seedless grapes, a mango or two, some sliced watermelon? I also like candy. No blue candy or sour candy though.” Now that Melissa has given the impression that she eats candy for breakfast and is the most negative person alive, she ends the call with, “So, is 6 still good for the swoop-me-up?” He now says she must be ready by 5:45 p.m. but says “a quarter to” which is another small, not devastating, peeve of Melissa’s. Why can’t it just be 5:45? This is not good, but she happily agrees. She goes back into the doctor’s office, recounts the story to Coral who says, “Well, shit what are we going to do to your hair? Did you ask for some chicken? I like chicken.” At this point, the two nix the flat-ironing session, and Melissa says, “Nobody cares about your predilection for chicken, man” as she points to her messy bun of knotty hair.

    It’s now 6:17 p.m. and Gary calls Melissa. “Hey, I’m late” he says. We all know this. He says it will be another 10 minutes. Blind Date is on the TV and so it’s hard to actually care that he’s late.

    Oh wait, I’m forgetting the outfit decision part of A Dating Story. Coral says, “Oh God, I need to see his outfit…” I say, “Yeah, I hope he’s not wearing bowling shoes or a Coldplay t-shirt…” Melissa opts for a precious long red skirt that she’s worn on television more than a few times (ewww) and a nude colored camisole tank top. She would normally wear heels, but there’s climbing and walking involved, and since this isn’t a date, she wears her nice flip-flops. She packs a pashmina, a pack of Starburst and some lip gloss. Gary shows up, late as can be, with an acceptable t-shirt and some acceptable jeans on. When Melissa looks in the back seat, she sees a jean jacket draped across the seat. She asks about the weather and whether or not she’ll be okay with just a pashmina and he says, “If you get cold, I’ve got that jacket.” She says, “You weren’t planning on wearing that jean jacket yourself, were you? You know denim on denim is punishable by like, death right?” He says, “I totally know that. I’m wearing this” and he points to a brown leather coat. Okay. They’re in business.

    They park 768 miles from the destination. They walk through Hollywood & Highland, only the biggest tourist attraction this side of the Mississippi. Melissa is clearly embarrassed that people are shouting, “Ruthie!” and “Real World. Fuck yeahhhhhhhhhh!” as she passes through. Gary acts as if this is okay, and he understands. After all, he is in every deodorant and hardware store commercial on TV. Did you catch him on 24? You may have seen him on The Parkers or 8 Simple Rules. If you didn’t see him there, you probably saw him in a movie about college kids doing outrageous things. He’s been the wacky innkeeper and the haphazardly goofy detective. You’ve seen him. Hey, they even see Marcellas from Big Brother going down the escalator as they are going up. “Hi Marcellas! Did you see our pictures from Norm’s party?” she asks. Marcellas smiles and waves and they agree to call each other. Gary wonders aloud whether or not these reality TV people are in a cult.

    They have trouble finding their seats. Aisle U Row 3 Seats 13 and 15. What happened to seat 14? They find the seats, make jokes about the opening band, and Gary pulls out that said picnic basket. Not too shabby. He’s got cherries, strawberries, grapes, wine, cheese, chocolate, crackers and even some napkins. He admits there’s a part of him that is “gay.” Melissa doesn’t know how to respond, so she just says, “Yeah, so um, have you ever seen The Ring, man?”

    Coldplay begins. He yells, “Yeah!” She sits Indian style waiting for the songs she knows. She sings along, sips her wine, collects their garbage (it’s so terrible to litter in an outdoor establishment) and they have fun.

    Gary’s Post Interview: I think Melissa is, for all intents and purposes, a nice girl. She’s a little negativo, if you know what I mean. She’s okay, I guess. I kept telling her she was super tiny. I don't know if that went over well. I like her earrings. She’s not normally my type. I like bubbly blondes, but she’s cool I think? She told me to say nice stuff about her. Can we start this over?

    Melissa’s Post Interview: Yeah, man, Gary is good people. He is a picnic basket-packing fiend. I appreciated those fresh cherries. Coldplay was cool. Somebody was smoking some weed in our section. Did you smell that? I’d hang out with Gary again. I mean, when he’s not too busy acting his ass off. He’s been in hella shit, man. He’s got a resume for days. That’s really cool for him. A working actor. Ain’t that some shit? Hey, are you going to edit out that part where I nearly fell on the way to the bathroom? That Merlot had some kick, huh? I can’t really come strong with footage like that floating around. You know, you look out for me, I look out for you…

    The screen at the end of this Dating Story reads: Gary called Melissa the next day. Will he be left in the Cold? Or will he get some Play? They’ve yet to set another date…

    *Names have been changed so that I can write with true poetic license and so that my friend “Gary” won’t actually hate me after he reads this. Hi Gary. I truly did have a most wonderful time at Coldplay. Coldplay! Yeah! I must say the offering of the jean jacket was super duper nice."

    So that's hers. She seemed to get every detail in. (Even some Real World fans recognizing her.) Now, here's Julie's entry:

    "The other day, Gabe took me to see Coldplay in Hollywood. It was such a good show! We had a great time. While we were there, I saw Melissa from my real world behind us. It was at a distance but I was pretty sure it was her. I decided I wanted to go say hi because I feel bad that things got all messed up between us. While we were in Jamaica, I think she tried to apologize off camera by one of the vans, but I just walked away. Then Jamie told me she felt bad, and I felt like a total jerk. I know it was a big messy misunderstanding, but I should have been more open to talk about it at the time, even if it had to be off camera. I guess at the time I resented that she said a bunch of bad stuff about me on camera, but then wanted to make it right off camera. I guess I shouldn't have been thinking like that. After all, it doesn't matter what happens on the silly show. What matters is leaving things un-discussed.

    Anyway, so I figured that by now it would be cool for me to say hi and see how she's doing. Since we are both probably over it, I figured maybe I could get her # or something and call her, so I got up and started walking over there. She was talking to the boy she was with. Suddenly these two punk kids snuck up behind her. One of them spit in her hair, and then they ran off laughing. I didn't know what to do. I thought about saying something, but instead I just went back to my seat. I felt pretty bad about it. It sucks that some people are so rude. Luckily, I don't think she noticed, but still.

    I wish I'd still said hi at least, but after the whole hair spitting thing, I felt weird. It made me realize how powerful the media can be. These two kids don’t even know her, but they think that it’s okay to spit on her just because of something they saw on TV. It’s sad every time people come up to me and tell me that so-and-so from the show sucked. I just wish people could understand that just because someone does something on the show, it doesn’t necessarily reflect who they are. It was dumb. I should have said something. Oh well, I figure I'll probably run into her again, I hope. It's probably okay though. Just in case she is still all worked up about hating me, I didn't want to put a damper on the concert for her. Coldplay was really good. I've never really been to a show like that before. It was mellow, but still really full of energy. I don't usually go to really big concerts, but I was really glad Gabe took me to Coldplay. It was a good time."

    OK, a couple of things wrong with Julie's entry. We know from the show (Melissa's line about how the only way she can have fun was to send the bi*$( home.) and other things (Melissa's messages on her site, more than six months later after leaving Jamaica, still blasting Julie about her lecture appearances, that Melissa did not feel bad about the way she treated Julie. Melissa never had second thoughts about singling Julie out. Julie even makes it seem that she was the instigator back in Jamaica in this article. Now here's the thing:

    The person who emailed me about this saw Melissa at the concert. They were right behind her. This person had Melissa in eyesight the whole time and they can verify that no one ever spit in Melissa's hair. This isn't the first time there's been a spat between these two. Everyone's familiar with Julie and the college circuit issue from the show. What people don't know is that there has been an online spat since the Battle ended. Julie has posted things about Melissa that Melissa didn't like. Coral (Back to New York) even got into the mix when Julie wrote something about her review of BOTS castmembers at Julie even told us in an interview that Melissa was going to pose in Playboy. Then she referred to people who pose in Playboy as "jack-off objects".

    Interesting. Check out both of their sites: Julie and Melissa.

    Donnell was arrested last month, Chris is an aspiring actor; Three people to go home on Road Rules

    If you've been out of the loop... We'll sorry. Let's recap: This weekend has been a weekend dedicated exclusively to the Road Rulers as we have found out everything about them (including new additions to the cast).

    Donell was arrested last month. It's unclear what the charges are against him exactly, but he was booked on assault and battery. Tina Barta and Chris Graebe are both two replacements that were added to the cast. Supposedly they are supposed to replace Cara and Abram. (Rachel and Shane (Campus Crawl) said three Roadies would be gone by season's end. However, it is unclear whether or not another Roadie will be added.) This means that we have all the Roadies last names... except for Dave...

    And speaking of Chris from South Pacific... Apparently he's an aspiring actor and singer and is hoping that Road Rules brings him to the forefront of fame. We did a little sluething and apparently he's registered the domain, He also started a Yahoo! group which you can find here. Check out his group. It has pictures of him and the cast picture from

    We have very exciting news about the site. The Blog is growing! We are very excited! However, due to some unresolved issues, we can't exactly reveal small details. Don't worry, we've been given the green light and we're going to tell you in the next 48 hours! Very exciting news!

    And I thought some people would like to know about this. But the search engine on the left side of the page (under all the links) that we added the other day is getting some very heavy use. And the most searched for castmember in the blog: Ace (Paris).

    The links to the fan sites that we published the day before are:

    Board Rules

    This site takes several people and puts them through an awesome online game where they will compete for prizes online. Includes episodes and commercials.

    Lori Fansite

    This Lori (Back to New York) fan site is dedicated to the third place female winner of Battle of the Sexes. Includes links, pictures, and BOTS scores.

    Paris Reviews&More

    This website keeps fans updated on every single bit of information about the Paris cast. They also include reviews on the site as well.


    This website is a detailed look at all seven seasons of the Challenge. Includes cast bios, links, news, and reviews of some episodes.