I think you have a great site. -Cameran (San Diego)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Beth is posting recaps; Robin, Mark, Jodi are in a love triangle next week

In of the most dramatic Challenge seasons ever, Beth (Los Angeles) has also been providing recaps of the episodes. You can check them out here at Reality TV Stuff.

In an already dramatic season that saw the hasty departure of Jo (San Francisco), the rise of Derrick (Extreme) as a leader of the Veterans and the fight between Danny (Extreme) and Jodi (Extreme)... Comes yet another piece of drama. Next week's episode is being hyped up as there is tension between Jodi (Extreme), Mark (USA Tour 1) and Robin (San Diego)...

If you are fresh on your gossip, Mark and Robin both met on the Battle of the Sexes 2 and dated pretty seriously for a short time. Then, on the Inferno II, drama erupted between Robin and Beth (Los Angeles) because Beth revealed that Tonya (Chicago) had slept with Mark. Now, although this is still unclear, it looks like that Beth reveals to Robin that Jodi and Mark were pretty hot and heavy. (Got all that?) MTV is hyping up this episode... but in recent memory, the last time MTV hyped up an episode was when CT (Paris) pulled off "The Biggest Lie in Real World history", when he claimed responsibility for Leah's (Paris) flowers. Don't forget to catch the episode next Monday.

Happy New Years!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Spend New Years with none other Eric Nies

Do you want to party with Eric (New York)? Well here's your chance.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Danny and Melinda show up on TRL and give a shot out to his Grandma

In probably one of the most strangest appearances ever, both Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin) showed up on TRL today, but not as guests, but as members of the audience. Apparently, they were in town to get Melinda's ring re-sized. They stopped by the TRL studios to check out the show. Unfortunately, they both awkwardly stuck out since they were former castmembers who were sitting in the front row and were two of the oldest audience members in attendance. TRL eventually allowed/forced them to do a shot-out, where Danny said hello to his Grandma.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Chris writes a book about his battle with alcoholism

Chris (RW Chicago) has written a book about his battle with alcohol. The book is called "Clean" and you can pick it up at Barnes and Noble.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Landon, MJ, Katie are reviewing the Gauntlet 2; Melinda shows up at the Video Game Awards

Katie (The Quest) is back at Inside Pulse recaping Gauntlet episodes.

Landon (Philadelphia) is recaping Gauntlet episodes at his website.

MJ (Philadelphia) has a section at his website that recaps the Gauntlet, but has yet to post.

Don't forget that the Gauntlet 2 airs tonight at 10PM.

I'm also told that Melinda (Austin) made an appearance at yesterday's Video Game Awards. Spike TV should re-air the awards on a regular basis if you want to check her out.

Irene is currently getting her master's degree and is a radio talk show host in San Francisco

Here's some news on an ex-Real Worlder you don't hear about much anymore. Irene (RW Seattle) is currently getting her Master's degree at SFSU. She is enrolled in the Broadcast and Communication Arts department and is the host of a student radio program called No One's Listening. She speaks about her time in Seattle and what she hopes to accomplish in the future in an article published on the SFSU site. Check it out.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

We rehash the final teams and the winners of the Gauntlet 2 on premiere night

The first episode of the Gauntlet II aired yesterday night. Although a scant 1/2 hour episode, there is tons on this season the Challenge that you sure don't want to miss. Tons of surprises and victories that you won't expect and of course, who can't do without the classic drama that has become a mainstay of the Challenge series.

So, the day after the first episode, we're going to recap the castmembers to make it to the final Gauntlet and which team wins: (highlight to read)


David (RW Seattle)
Brad (RW San Diego)
Mark (USA Tour 1)
Timmy (USA Tour 2)
Julie (RW New Orleans)
Aneesa (RW Chicago)
Robin (RW San Diego)
Katie (RR The Quest)


Jamie (RW New Orleans)
Alton (RW Las Vegas)
Landon (RW Philadelphia)
MJ (RW Philadelphia)
Susie (RR Down Under)
Ibis (RR Extreme)
Jodi (RR Extreme)
Kina (RR Extreme)

The Rookies win the final Challenge.

If, per chance, you missed last night's episode, MTV will be re-airing at the following times:

Tue 12/06 11:00 AM
Tue 12/06 6:00 PM
Tue 12/06 8:30 PM
Wed 12/07 12:00 AM
Wed 12/07 4:30 PM
Wed 12/07 11:00 PM
Thu 12/08 1:30 PM
Fri 12/09 5:30 PM
Fri 12/09 11:00 PM
Sat 12/10 11:30 AM
Sat 12/10 9:30 PM
Sun 12/11 7:30 AM
Sun 12/11 11:00 PM

Monday, December 05, 2005

Gauntlet 2 premiere is tonight; Some new pictures of Jose surface on the internet

The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Gauntlet II premieres tonight pitting Rookies against Veterans. This is the eleventh installment of the Challenge series. Don't forget to check it out tonight at 10PM.

And we're introducing to you, Jose Tapia, a member of The Real World: Key West cast from Tallhassee, Florida. Here's a picture of Jose:

Jose attended Florida State University and although he says that he is single, he has an on-again, off-again 5-year relationship with a girl named Irene. Jose is described as a wild, yet focused and introspective individual. Although he is known to be the life of the party, he already also owns three different properties in different states.

Danny and Melinda reveal some small tidbits in a speaking appearance at a school

A few things you wanted to know about Danny and Melinda:

- They are getting married in a year and a half
- They don't smoke pot
- Danny was drugged in the South
- They were both paid $2,000 for the reunion

Check out more info on the couple at RealityBlurred.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jo freaks out after seeing the debauchery that goes on in the Challenge

Everyone was surprised/excited to see Jo (San Francisco) on the roster for the Gauntlet II... The last time we saw Jo was when the roommates were going their seperate ways in San Francisco. Well, in the promos for the Gauntlet, it shows Jo talking to the police, being escorted off the property with police officers, and rebuking Ruthie's (Hawaii) efforts to console her. There has been rumors abound about what exactly happened. Highlight to read what happens:

Jo's own friends don't even know she was a Real World castmember, so the chance that she's been catching the last few seasons is slim to none. Apparently, upon seeing the debauchery that goes on during the challenges (sex and alcohol), she freaks out. Her season is still considered one of the most moving, progressive seasons of reality television ever. So, she really didn't expect what she sees when she arrives in Trindad and Tobago. As you saw on the promos, she calls the police and asks to be escorted off the property, because she doesn't trust the rest of the cast.

Nehemiah calls out Danny, Danny proposes to Melinda, the cast hates each other

If you missed last night's Austin reunion special, there's plenty of drama that you missed. Apparently, tons of stuff happened between the cast from the end of filming the show to the filming of the actual reunion special. Here's a couple of tidbits:

  • Rachel said she was on good terms with Nehemiah and Wes. Although they aren't the best of friends, she was glad that she knew where she stood with the two of them through out the season.
  • Danny and Melinda called out Lacey for talking behind people's back. While Lacey fully admitted to talking behind people's back, she also said that she wouldn't have said anything behind people's back that she didn't say to people directly. They seemed angry that Lacey had told Johanna that Wes and Melinda had kissed early on in the season, and then lied about it. Johanna defended Lacey, and Lacey said she told Johanna the truth the next morning. Both Danny and Lacey admitted that their relationship had deteriorated to nothing. But Lacey said there was no relationship there in the first place.

  • Lacey is still together with Ryan. Then Nehemiah made some off-handed comment about how it was easy to stay together if you weren't having sex.

  • Rachel is still together with her boyfriend.

  • Nehemiah professed to liking Lacey a lot more outside the house, after watching the show. Rachel and Nehemiah also seemed to patch things up as they took their friendship in smaller doses.

  • Wes and Johanna revealed that they were dating. During the final days in the house, the two got closer and once the show was over, the two decided to be exclusive. Wes is no longer allowed to talk to Wren.

  • Danny proposed to Melinda in Central Park the night before. The two moved in together and bought a house in Boston.

  • Susie, the TRL host, had asked where the cast stood with each other. This is where all hell broke loose. Danny and Melinda were saying something, then Nehemiah broke in, pointing out that Danny and Melinda had changed dramatically. Then it became a fight between Danny and Nehemiah of who had the bigger ego. Once that got heated, Wes stepped in and told Nehemiah to shut up and be respectful of a friend. Wes then accused Nehemiah of berating Danny and Melinda only in front of the cameras. Rachel then stepped in and said that the two had changed, ignoring her phone calls and emails. While they did hang out in Boston and Los Angeles, Rachel said that it was "horrible" and they could never "look her in the face".

  • Then, Susie, looking overwhelmed, after a very heated reunion, signed off telling the cast that they hoped that they would resolve their differences. Danny, Melinda, Wes and Johanna will all be a part of the Fresh Meat Challenge which should be airing in mid-2006. The Sh*! They Should've Shown, the bloopers episode, will air next Tuesday at 10PM. They will be re-airing the reunion special at regular intervals until then.

    What's really news is the very short preview that they showed on the Key West season. Key West is slated to debut February 28. They revealed the names of the castmembers which are Janelle, John, Jose, Paula, Svetlana, Tyler and Zack. And besides showing the back of castmembers heads, some of them running a flight of stairs, and a whole lot of shots of the hurricanes that hit Key West, the promo revealed nothing but their names.

    Tuesday, November 29, 2005

    Whether or not Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin) actually get engaged on tonight's reunion special is still up in the air. However, I can confirm for you guys that it has happened... regardless of what happened on the special. The two Austin castmembers are happily engaged! They join other alumni such as Sean (Boston) and Rachel (San Francisco), Pam (San Francisco) and Judd (San Francisco) and Chadwick (Down Under) and Holly (Maximum Velocity Tour) who have been married to another member from the casts. Congratulations to Danny and Melinda!

    The Austin reunion special wil air tonight after they watch the final episode

    The Real World Austin will roll out its final original programming tonight, with a reunion special. See the roommates confront each other after they've all seen each other bitching behind each others back. It airs at 10PM.

    Monday, November 28, 2005

    The Gauntlet 2 keeps getting pushed back because of MTV's poor scheduling

    Instead of airing the first new episode of the Gauntlet 2 tonight, MTV will put up a re-run of Punk'd. The Gauntlet premieres its first episode next week at 10PM. If, by any chance, you missed the preview special Rough Seas Ahead, MTV is re-airing it six different times in the next week:

    Tuesday November 29 @ 10:00 AM
    Tuesday November 29 @ 11:00 PM
    Thursday December 1 @ 02:00 PM
    Saturday December 3 @ 09:30 PM
    Saturday December 3 @ 10:00 PM
    Monday December 5 @ 09:30 PM

    Don't forget, the Austin reunion special airs tomorrow night @ 10PM

    Sunday, November 27, 2005

    Danny and Nehemiah still facing future court dates for their respective cases

    It seems that both Danny (Austin) and Nehemiah's (Austin) problems with the law has lasted long after the season is over. While Nehemiah's case is yet to be over, the Austin Statesman reports on the incident between Nehemiah and the owner of a "Best Wurst" cart on Sixth Street. Nehemiah, who faces a December 7th court date, is facing up to a year of jail time, however the prosecutor says in the article he is seeking anger management classes as an adaquate punishment. The article also gives updates on Danny's case, which is still pending and Johanna's case, which was eventually dropped.

    Friday, November 25, 2005

    The cast gangs up on Lacey, Danny proposes to Melinda on the Austin Reunion


    Although there's no reason why MTV wouldn't promote the hell out of this for the Austin reunion special, there are rumors (ever since the special was filmed) about that between the cast ganging up on Lacey for talking behind their backs and Nehemiah calling out Danny (and probably everyone else)... (highlight to read) That Danny will propose to Melinda on the special. This may be the reason why they were both ousted first from the Fresh Meat Challenge that just finished filming in Australia. This is reminiscent of Chadwick (Down Under) and Holly (Maximum Velocity Tour) who were a target on Battle of the Sexes because they were married.

    Tuesday, November 22, 2005

    Nehemiah, Wes, Rachel fight on the finale of the Real World Austin

    The finale of The Real World: Austin airs tonight. Danny, Johanna, Lacey, Melinda, Nehemiah, Rachel and Wes go their separate ways. How will BMP end this sixteenth season of the series? Well, it's a fight between Nehemiah, Wes and Rachel with Johanna and Melinda trying to restrain the three. Catch the finale at 10pm.

    Monday, November 21, 2005

    Former Real World castmember is supposedly recruiting men to appear in her pornographic film

    Supposedly, last week there was an ad posted on Craigslist soliciting men to be "involved" in a pornographic film with a former female Real World castmember. Who knows if this ad is legitimate but RealityBlurred is giving their readers a few clues on who the woman could be. Who do you think will possibly be adding adult star to their long list of talents? According to the article, you can definitely rule out Trishelle and Tonya.

    Gauntlet 2 preview special airs tonight; We revealed the winners in July

    Rough Seas Ahead the preview special to The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Gauntlet II - Rookies vs. Veterans airs tonight. Expect about a minute with each participant, which if past experience dictates, will include highlights of their past, interviews with them now and a short preview of what's to come.

    The teams are divided up into "Rookies vs. Veterans". Each team has both Real World and Road Rules members, although not an equal amount.

    The teams are:

    Syrus (Real World Boston)
    David (Real World Seattle)
    Ace (Real World Paris)
    Brad (Real World San Diego)
    Mark (Road Rules USA Tour I)
    Timmy (Road Rules USA Tour II)
    Adam (Road Rules The Quest)
    Derrick (Road Rules Xtreme)

    Beth S. (Real World Los Angeles)
    Montana (Real World Boston)
    Ruthie (Real World Hawaii)
    Julie (Real World New Orleans)
    Aneesa (Real World Chicago)
    Robin (Real World San Diego)
    Katie (Road Rules The Quest)
    Jisela (Road Rules The Quest)

    Jamie (Real World New Orleans)
    Alton (Real World Las Vegas)
    Adam (Real World Paris)
    Randy (Real World San Diego)
    Landon (Real World Philadelphia)
    MJ (Real World Philadelphia)
    Jeremy (Road Rules South Pacific)
    Danny (Road Rules Xtreme)

    Jo (Real World San Francisco)
    Cameran (Real World San Diego)
    Susie (Road Rules Down Under)
    Cara (Road Rules South Pacific)
    Ibis (Road Rules Xtreme)
    Jillian (Road Rules Xtreme)
    Jodi (Road Rules Xtreme)
    Kina (Road Rules Xtreme)

    Be sure to catch the Gauntlet II tonight at 10PM on MTV.

    Monday, November 14, 2005

    Key West house said to have minor damage in light of Hurricane Wilma

    In the devastation that was Hurricane Wilma, the Real World house has apparently been somewhat damaged in Key West. Since the cast evacuated twice, the hurricanes/Katrina, Rita, Wilma storyline will most likely be a major part of the season. Word is that the cast has not yet returned to their Key West home and is vacationing in Spain.

    John, Jose, Paula, Tyler, Svetlana, Zach rumored to be the cast for Key West; Melinda, Danny, Johanna are the first to be kicked off Fresh Meat

    In an otherwise slow news cycle, adding to the preliminary list of members of the Key West cast is Jonathan from Pittsburgh, PA. So far, Jonathan, Jose, Paula, Star, Tyler, Svetlana and Zach are the seven strangers of The Real World: Key West.

    Also, in a little bit of more news that we can confirm... The first few castmembers kicked off the Fresh Meat Challenge that is currently winding down in Australia are: (highlight to read)

    Danny (Austin) is the first to be kicked off followed by Melinda (Austin) followed by Johanna (Austin)... No word on the fate of Wes (Austin). The Austin cast are the first to get booted out, but it didn't seem to hamper the spirits of Danny and Melinda. There are rumors circulating like crazy that the two are engaged, sparked off by the diamond ring that Melinda is wearing on her ring finger.

    Thursday, November 10, 2005

    Bands get no money for their songs which appear on the Real World

    If you were wondering if the bands whose songs are featured on the Real World ever get any cash from the network the answer is no. Check out an article at RealityBlurred to find out what the deal is.

    Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    STA Travel is offering a Real World Costan Rica adventure

    If you want to take the wonderful Costa Rica trip that the Austin cast took, head on over to STA Travel to check out the replica deal they're offering.

    Monday, November 07, 2005

    Kill Reality has Trishelle, Steven, Tonya; Movie is now available and isn't all that bad

    We here at the Blog had the pleasure of reviewing Kill Reality's end product, "The Scorned". Many of you had the opportunity to catch the edited version on E! which aired Halloween night. Fishbowl Films releases its uncensored, unedited 2-disc DVD version of the Scorned romorrow exclusively on The Fishbowl and E!. We got our hands on an advanced copy and give the lowdown here.

    Well, first of all which Real World stars appear in the film? Steven (Las Vegas), Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Tonya (Chicago) all have major roles, while Irulan (Las Vegas) has a cameo appearance. They all join a gaggle of other reality television stars from other television shows such as Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor, Big Brother, etc., And if you're familiar with the cast of Kill Reality, you're familiar with those other reality television stars who scored major roles in the film.

    As for the story itself, you can't really call the Scorned much of a horror movie. It's much more a parody of the stars itself. Most everyone plays gross exaggerations of their alter-egos that once appeared on television. Every joke in the movie is pretty much geared toward reality television. If the story can't keep you reeled in, the movie poking fun of itself will.

    The DVD also comes with an extra disc of extras, including director's commentary, Rob C.'s history of reality television, a bloopers/gag reel, the auditions of the stars of the movie (oddly featuring Jonathan of the Amazing Race), and a passcode for other features only included on the web. And again, this is the uncensored version of the movie, so yes, there is tons of nudity in the film. The DVD will become available tomorrow exclusively on The Fishbowl and E!. It will become available via major retailers early next year.

    Wednesday, November 02, 2005

    One of the crew members of the Key West cast is assaulted while filming

    One of the crew members filming the Real World Key West was assaulted this past weekend by a drunk man at a local bar. According to the article published at keynews.com, the man was asked to leave the bar because he was drunk and then a few minutes later he punched the crew member. The funny part about the story is that the crew member kept taping through the whole incident. Between this and the hurricanes it looks like the Key West season is going to be a good one.

    Tuesday, November 01, 2005

    Gauntlet 2 website is finally online

    The MTV.com website for the Gauntlet II is finally up. Although it still has a couple of broken links... it'll probably be operational in a couple of days. The premiere special airs November 21st, while the first episode airs on December 5th.

    Monday, October 31, 2005

    Fresh Meat partial cast list is finally up online


    Here's some last minute additions to the Challenge cast which is currently filming in Australia:

    Tonya (Chicago)
    Coral (Back to New York)
    Danny (Austin)
    Johanna (Austin)
    Melinda (Austin)
    Wes (Austin)
    Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour)
    Katie (The Quest)
    Darrell (Campus Crawl)
    Shane (Campus Crawl)
    Tina (South Pacific)
    Derrick (Extreme)

    Also, we got some good news to report that fresh off their appearance from the Battle of the Network Reality Stars, The Miz (Back to New York) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) both appeared on NBC's Fear Factor. Although we can't tell you who won, they both did well in the competition.

    Katie reveals tons of information about Fresh Meat via her MySpace

    Over at Katie's (The Quest) MySpace, she offers tons of information about the new Challenge that's being filmed right now.

  • Right now, the list of alumni run at: Tonya (Chicago), Coral (Back to New York), Danny (Austin), Johanna (Austin), Melinda (Austin), Wes (Austin), Darrell (Campus Crawl), Shane (Campus Crawl), Katie (The Quest) and Derrick (Extreme).

  • The cast is in Byron Bay, Australia.

  • The alumni are grouped into pairs with a newbie for the Challenges.

  • Rooms are seperated by gender and alumni/newbie status.

  • One of the newbie's is Jesse. He comes from New Mexico. His blog is here.

  • Another newbie is Linette from Miami, FL.

  • For those of you wondering or confused about the Gauntlet II, which has already completed filming... The airdate is still posted two weeks from now... No word on MTV.com's website.

    MJ (Philadelphia), who is also part of the Gauntlet II, will be at The Fishbowl commenting on the Gauntlet episodes. It actually will air on XM Satellite radio a couple times a week. Check the website for more info.

    Wednesday, October 26, 2005

    The Scorned, Kill Reality's movie, is having its world premiere

    The Scorned, the movie filmed off of E!s Kill Reality will be hosting its world premiere tonight and everyone who lives nearby is invited. Steven (Las Vegas), Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Tonya (Chicago) all have parts in the movie. While other reality alum such as Jenna Lewis (Survivor), Bob Guiney (The Bachelor), Trish Schneider (The Bachelor), Jonny Fairplay (Survivor), Stacie J. (The Apprentice), Reichen Lehmkuhl (The Amazing Race), Ethan Zohn (Survivor), Jenna Morasca (Survivor), Erika Landin (Big Brother) and Toni Ferrari (Love Cruise, Paradise Hotel) all have parts as well. The premiere, which will be attended by all the people named above, will be at:

    The Sunset 5 Laemmle
    8000 Sunset Blvd.
    West Hollywood, 90046

    Premiere is at 9:30pm, which will be the unrated showing of the film. You can buy tickets online here. You can catch the unrated version on E! Halloween night.

    Sunday, October 23, 2005

    Key West cast is evacuated in a threat of another hurricane to hit the coast

    The Real World: Key West cast has evacuated the Florida Keys once again. In the impending wake of Hurricane Wilma, the cast evacuated to West Palm Beach, where they were sighted at a bar called "Automatic Slims". A few weeks ago, the cast took shelter in West Palm Beach when Hurricane Rita stormed through the Keys. This hurricane season has just recently made history: there have been so many hurricanes that the hurricane naming system has now gone onto the Greek alphabet.

    Friday, October 21, 2005

    The Miz is on WWE.com; Pictures of Jose and Svetlana surface online

    The Miz (Back to New York) has joined WWE.com as a columnist. Mike has been in Atlanta ever since filming on the Inferno II wrapped up, working with Deep South Wrestling, trying to land a development deal with the WWE. Well, you can check out Mike's column here. Word has it that he has already landed the development deal and will join Friday Night Smackdown with another Tough Enough winner.

    Now, there's absolutely no way to confirm this, but it's fun nevertheless. A couple of days ago, we posted a link to pictures of supposed castmembers Jose and Zach. Well, the pictures also point out a castmember who was holding a Chanel bag in the background. Well. apparently the castmembers name is Svetlana:

    So, Svetlana joins Paula, Star, Zach, Tyler and Jose as part of the Real World: Key West... or at least they do until MTV officially announces the cast.

    Eighteenth season of the Real World is rumored to be in Detroit

    Do you think the Real World Royal Oak has a nice ring to it? Well there is a possibility that Royal Oak, Michigan might be the next location for the Real World. According to an article posted on RealityBlurred, Viacom, MTV's parent company, has leased a significant amount of space in downtown Royal Oak for its MTV network. This might lend truth to the rumor that MTV is planning a Superbowl related season of the show. Only time will tell if it is just a rumor.

    Wednesday, October 19, 2005

    Case against Key West is ruled in producers favor; Dan does an article about open casting calls

    The case brought against the Key West production has been ruled on. If you need to be updated on the fight, neighbors of the house on Driftwood Drive sued producers because of all the bright lights and noise disrupting residents on Driftwood Drive. Yesterday, Judge Mark Jones ruled that production could stay in Key West. Had the judge ruled otherwise, production would have been scrapped altogether on the season, as production told the court that Key West did not have room for them in other parts of the city. The only stipulation that the judge imposed on the production was the addition of further light fixtures to the house. Check out the article at the Miami Herald. You'll need to register. The article contains a picture of four castmembers in front of their tanning salon: a blond female, two males (one of which looks like Jose) and a brunette female.

    Dan (Miami) also wrote an article for the Dallas Voice about an open casting call he did for the Real World in Dallas. Check it out!

    Monday, October 17, 2005

    Zach, Jose, Tyler, Paula are castmembers of the Real World: Key West

    Here's some new pictures of "supposed" Real World Key West castmembers. Although there's practically no way of confirming if these are really the real deal, you can check out pictures of Zach and Jose here at a webshots website. If the pictures turn out to be true, both Zach and Jose will join Tyler, Paula and Star as part of The Real World: Key West.

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    Pictures of the Real World cast are up for charity on EBay

    Someone connected with the Key West cast (or someone who stopped by and shot a picture of two castmembers) is selling a picture of two of the castmembers for charity. (She's trying to become Queen of Fantasy Fest by raising money for charity.) If you go to the bid page, you'll see the censored picture of two castmembers in their bathing suits sitting on a car. The one on the right is presumably Tyler, who also has a better shot here. If you want the glory that is a picture of two castmembers and an Elizabeth Taylor perfume set, be prepared to shell out at least $150.00.

    Injunction may cause producers to pull out of Key West and relocate cast

    There have been several posts regarding the legal troubles surrounding the new season of the Real World currently being filmed in Key West. Well according to an article posted at KeyNews.com, the two sides met in court yesterday. If the injunction is granted to stop filming the show, MTV might pull the show from Key West altogether. Check out the article for details.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2005

    Dammy and Melinda talk about filming the reunion; 18th Season of the Real World is casting

    Both Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin) were both at an appearance at the University of Texas - Arlington yesterday. They both confirmed that they will be heading off to film the Challenge on the 15th. In other news, they revealed that they will be filming the Austin reunion special (to be aired in late November) tomorrow, most likely in the MTV TRL studios in Times Square.

    Also, I'm getting word that BMP is currently casting for its eighteenth season of the Real World. Although Key West is still being filmed right now, I've been told that the eighteenth season will begin filming in February. City frontrunners? Sydney, Atlanta, Washington DC and Minneapolis.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    Katie and Derrick will be on this upcoming Challenge; Producers faced with the challenge of mixing it up

    Katie (The Quest) confirmed a long time ago, via her MySpace, that both she and Derrick (Extreme) will be leaving for the upcoming Challenge, which begins production this Saturday, October 15 in Australia. Other participants? Danny (Austin), Johanna (Austin), Melinda (Austin) and Wes (Austin) are all confirmed.

    So what's with this eleventh installment of the Challenge? Well, as inviting former castmembers back to challenge each other became difficult following the cancellation of Road Rules... Bunim-Murray decided to start casting for the what they called the "Fresh Meat Challenge". This new Challenge will supposedly pit former Real World and Road Rules alumni against a fresh-faced team of nobodies. A few months ago, Derrick (Extreme) appeared in television ads encouraging "newbies" to forgoe the Real World and Road Rules experience and go straight to the Challenges.

    So what does this mean for the series? Nobody, except, of course, the production crew know what role the "newbies" will play. On Maximum Velocity Tour, The Quest and Campus Crawl the roadies faced-off or participated in a task with a group of nobodies who were selected in a sweepstakes from MTV.com. Of course, trash-talking or hook-ups usually ensued, but they were never considered to be a full-fledged part of the cast, since they were only included in one or two episodes.

    As for this upcoming Challenge, it is unclear whether producers have decided to have a regular, consistent set of "newbies" challenge the group of alumni they are inviting back. For all we know, they potentially could have rotating groups after each individual mission. What's also important however, is how loyal viewers will welcome the "newbies". Very little exposition is done on the Challenges. Storylines from castmembers' first appearances on The Real World and Road Rules tend to set up the exposition needed for the Challenges. Viewers are familiar with and excited about former castmembers returning to reality television. Will the "newbies" be accepted by viewers as regular castmembers? Will the Blog update you on the latest news and information about the "newbies"? Will BMP ask the "newbies" back for new installments of the Challenge as they do for regular alumni?

    Only time will tell. It all depends on production. Our guess is that since a casting call went out for this Challenge, expect to see a regular group of "newbies" to stay and challenge the alumni. What does that mean? Probably way more time getting to know the "newbies", less time on the Challenge itself and more drama between the two teams (mostly because the alumni will feel like this is their Challenge and they should win it). But, of course, all this considering if this really does end up becoming the format of the show. Expect more news to leak when production starts up this Friday.

    Sunday, October 09, 2005

    The Miz is down in Atlanta developing his wrestling career

    Over at WWE.com, there's an update on The Miz (Back to New York), who, as we previously reported, was in Atlanta developing his wrestling career with the WWE. Although the Miz announced after The Inferno II that he would be retiring from Challenges, the site announces that he is negotations to be on Fear Factor and a reality show on MTV. No word on what that reality show is.

    Saturday, October 08, 2005

    Chris is one of People's Men of the Week

    Chris (Chicago) is this week's "People Magazine Man of the Week". He is featured on page 102. The article is about how he is releasing a book about his sobriety, called "Clean: A New Generation in Recovery Speaks Out." Congrats to Chris!

    Friday, October 07, 2005

    The location for the Fresh Meat Challenge is in Australia; Danny, Johanna, Melinda, Wes are there

    The tentative location for the Fresh Meat Challenge, which begins filming October 15, will be in Australia. So far, we have confirmed that Danny (Austin), Johanna (Austin), Melinda (Austin) and Wes (Austin) will be participating. This isn't the first time BMP has headed Down Under. The sixth season of Road Rules was filmed entirely in Australia and New Zealand. BMP has previously fiddled around with the idea of taking a season of The Real World down to Sydney, so this might help push production to do a season in Sydney.

    Thursday, October 06, 2005

    A new Battle of the Network Reality Stars may be in the works with new castmembers

    Over at the Survivor Blog, Ethan from Survivor Africa and All-Stars, has confirmed that Bravo will be airing a Battle of the Network Reality Stars II. So expect former Real World and Road Rules castmembers to join the fray once again.

    Key West may have two gay castmembers and pictures surface online

    Reality Blurred has some more news on the cast of the Real World Key West. According to the article, the new season will include two gay cast members. It also has a link to a pic of Kyle, one of the new seven roommates. Check out the link for more information.

    Tuesday, October 04, 2005

    Trishelle is photographed with the kids from Laguna Beach

    Trishelle has been hanging out with the kids from Laguna Beach lately. Check out some pics here.

    Jake is down in Biloxi helping out the victims of Katrina

    Here's a quick update on Jake (Islands): Jake is actually in Biloxi, MS helping out the victims of Hurricane Katrina. He's been spotted by several locals giving tetanus and Hep A vaccines, distributing food and tarping roofs with Handsonusa.org. He makes brief mention of it at his website, but promises more info in the near future, as well as a friend's charity he's asking anyone interested donate to. More details soon on his website.

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    Key West cast are working at a converted art gallery space at a tanning salon

    Want to know where the seven strangers are working? The Key West cast will be working at the Pineapple Gallery, located at 1130 Duval Street. Reality Blurred originally reported that the Pineapple Gallery was being considered for the actual location of the house. While the house has now been confirmed to be at 32 Driftwood Drive, the information Reality Blurred obtained (that BMP was making serious real estate inquires about the Pineapple property) also seemed to be true.

    Reality Blurred also reported that the cast would be starting their own business, which has turned out to be a tanning salon and surf shop. We have learned that the Pineapple Gallery has become just that: a tanning salon and surf shop. If you live in the area, be sure to check out the roomies at 1130 Duval Street and be sure to take a few pictures!

    Colin is dispensing sex advice over at his website

    You can add sex therapist to former Hawaii cast member Colin's long list of accomplishments. Check out what he is doing now at collegeclub.com.

    Sunday, October 02, 2005

    We hit eight million visitors on the Blog

    In just a little over three short years, The Real World/Road Rules Blog has just reached 8 million hits! Thank you to all of the regulars who continue to visit the Blog day after day to check out the latest Real World and Road Rules news.

    Wednesday, September 28, 2005

    No word yet on the premise of the new Fresh Meat Challenge; Gauntlet 2 scheduled to air soon

    The new Challenge, which so far is being dubbed the Fresh Meat Challenge by a BMP casting call, will be filming next month. So what is the Fresh Meat Challenge? Well, since Road Rules was put "on hiatus" (cancelled) after Extreme, producers needed new castmembers to keep the Challenges fresh and exciting. With only thirteen seasons of Road Rules, twenty confirmed seasons of Real World and a lack of new castmembers coming back for Challenges, BMP announced that they would be searching for nobodies to challenge Real World and Road Rules alumni.

    The new Fresh Meat Challenge begins filming on October 15 in an undisclosed location. Filming will take about a month and no word yet on the format. Confirmed castmembers are Danny (Austin), Melinda (Austin), Johanna (Austin) and Wes (Austin).

    There's news coming in that the form of premiere dates. Although I have yet to confirm totally, the Gauntlet II will be pushed back two weeks to November 14. Why, you ask? Well, the Gauntlet will occupy Laguna Beach's timeslot which will be extended for another two weeks. The Real World: Austin will end its run soon after on November 22, with the reunion special airing on November 29.

    Monday, September 26, 2005

    MJ will be updating his website constantly during the Gauntlet 2; Ace isn't exactly on the Surreal Life

    MJ (Philadelphia) has recently launched his website at www.mjgarrett.com. Be sure to check out all the latest updates at MJ's site as he will be a part of the upcoming Gauntlet II which airs on October 31st.

    And we also reported that Ace (Paris) will also be joining the cast of the Surreal Life 6. However, we just received news that although Ace was a part of the "pool of reality hunks", he ultimately was not picked.

    Sexiest Reality Men and Women 2006 Calendar has a launch party at the Four Palms

    On September 23 there was a launch party for the Sexiest Reality Men and Women's 2006 calendar at the Four Palms. Check out photos of cast members featured in the calendar here.

    Friday, September 23, 2005

    The Real World Key West cast is staying at the Marriott while in Palm Beach

    In accordance with Digital Spy and the reports from Reality Blurred, we got reports that the cast is staying at the Marriott by Okeechobee Blvd in West Palm Beach. There have been sightings in West Palm Beach and the cast is said to be returning to Key West soon.

    The Real World Key West cast is temporarily in West Palm Beach

    As posted on Monday, the cast of the Real World Key West has been relocated because of Hurricane Rita. Well according to Digital Spy, the cast is rumored to be living in West Palm Beach for an unknown length of time.

    Thursday, September 22, 2005

    Ace is rumored to be on the new season of the Surreal Life

    According to Adam (Paris), Ace is following in Trishelle's footsteps. He is currently filming the Surreal Life in L.A.

    Monday, September 19, 2005

    Key West ordered to evacuate in the face of an impending hurricane

    Key West had been ordered to evacuate in the event of an impending hurricane to hit the Florida Keys. No telling where the roomies will be headed or how production will prepare or document this event. But, more information should come available as time flies by. With the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, evacuations have been taken a little more seriously, so expect the roomies to be moved to another location.

    Friday, September 16, 2005

    Dan will be in a play in the city of Austin, End of the World Party

    Dan (Miami) will be starring in the play End of the World Party in Austin from September 22 to October 29. Chuck Ranberg, a writer for Frasier, wrote the play about seven guys from Manhattan who are vacationing at Fire Island. If you are in the Austin area go check it out.

    New Orleans cast gives their thoughts about Hurricane Katrina

    MTV recently caught up with some members of the cast of the Real World New Orleans to get their thoughts on Hurricane Katrina. Check out what they had to say here.

    Thursday, September 15, 2005

    David, Alton, Landon are in the latest issue of Men's Fitness Magazine

    David (Seattle), Landon, and Alton are featured in the new issue of Men's Fitness Magazine. Check it out here. You have to scroll down to see the scans.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    Key West cast is said to be moved in and at Irish Kevin's a lot

    Most of the information posted on Key West are rumors and none of it is 100% confirmable.

    In addition to posting news about Star Williams, who may or may not be a castmember but merely "participating" in production, there is news on a 23-year-old college graduate named Paula. Now there's no way to really confirm this, as production tries to guard the identities of the seven strangers as close as possible.

    Also, I hear that the roomies have been moved in for quite a bit of time. They have been seen all over Key West bar hopping. There are even signs of trouble from the under-21s who have been reported to have been turned away at multiple bars. This year's bar, like Austin's Dizzy Rooster is said to be Irish Kevin's, a bar which the seven strangers seem to frequent a lot. So if you're in the area, feel free to check it out.

    Friday, September 09, 2005

    Star Williams may be a part of the new Real World Key West cast

    This website (Little Rock School District) is reporting that a new castmember of Key West is Star Williams, a recent graduate from Metropolitian High School in Little Rock, AR. This is strange, as the seven strangers have yet to move into the house and a confirmation has already been made. What's even stranger, is that the site claims that the audition tape was made in one of her video production classes.

    If you have any information on the new seven strangers email us at newrwroad@hotmail.com.

    Wednesday, September 07, 2005

    MJ is helping out the victims of Katrina, opened up his website, and is named one of the most beautiful people in Nashville

    Today brings more news on Hurricane Katrina and what MJ (Philadelphia) is doing about it.

    Being a Tennessee native, MJ has been really concerned about the victims of Hurricane Katrina, especially as countless evacuees are being relocated to his home state of Tennessee. MJ is working tirelessly with AMAX Talent Agency to do something for the victims. They are currently working to have an event to benefit the Hurricane victims with all proceeds going to the Red Cross. This event will include a silent auction. MJ is urging all his fellow Real World and Road Rules alumni to donate any type of prize package that they can auction off, whether it be autographed memorabilia or anything else they can think of. Readers who have the ability to donate any sort of gift package are also urged to donate. To coordinate donations, please call AMAX at 615-292-0246. This event is in the planning stages and will take place in mid-October. Details will be coming soon.

    On a lighter note, MJ's website (www.mjgarrett.com) will be up in a week, and currently you can see a preview/coming soon page. Details on the charity event will be posted on the website.

    Also, MJ has been named one of the 25 Most Beautiful People in Nashville which will be featured in Nashville Lifestyle's October issue.

    Rumor circulating that Melinda may be pregnant with Danny's baby

    We all know that Danny and Melinda are dating. A new twist to the story comes in the form of a rumor claiming that Melinda is pregnant. Only time will tell if the rumor is just a rumor. Check back for updates.

    Tuesday, September 06, 2005

    BMP is still casting for their 18th season of the Real World

    BMP has extended the deadline to send in audition tapes for the Real World to September 9th and is having several open casting calls in the next few weeks. Check out all the details here.

    Monday, September 05, 2005

    Melissa posts about Katrina; Keri, Blair, Theo have roots in the area

    After Friday's post about Hurricane Katrina, the disaster seems to have reached more alumni than we thought. Melissa (New Orleans) posted her thoughts on the events over at her blog. She updates information about Lionel Milton, the artist friend who she made while in New Orleans who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina.

    Also, we have received various questions about different castmembers who we didn't mention on Friday. Keri (Chicago) was thought to be living in New Orleans with her family. Both Blair (The Quest) and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) are also thought to have family and friends living in Louisiana and surrounding areas. Although we have heard no updates on these castmembers, we hope all is well.

    To help with relief efforts, you can go to FEMA's website or the Red Cross' website.

    Friday, September 02, 2005

    Trishelle, Genesis, Belfort update after the devestation that is Katrina

    As the devastation of Hurricane Katrina is becoming more apparent, especially in the city of New Orleans, many of you have been sending in emails, concerned about castmembers and their families. Specifically, people have been concerned about Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Genesis (Boston).

    Trishelle (Las Vegas) who grew up and still has family in Cutoff, LA has said that her family is safe. Since the hurricane left many towns in complete devastating, most of her family has since relocated to Texas or West Louisiana. Although it took her two days to reach her family, Trishelle has had some trouble contacting close friends that live in the Biloxi, New Orleans and Gulfport areas. "It's very sad. I didn't have contact with my family for almost 2 days after the storm. I've received several messages from friends through text (I think they may get service every once in a while). All of the messages from my friends have basically said they are homeless, some of them trying to go to another state closeby to find a job and start to rebuild their lives." Our best wishes go out to Trishelle, her family and her friends.

    Genesis (Boston) also grew up in Gulfport, MS, which was heavily hit by Katrina. Although Genesis wasn't believed to still be living in Gulfport, we have yet to hear word about her family in that region. We hope Genesis, her family and friends are doing OK.

    Among trivial matters, people have been asking about the Belfort, the house used in the New Orleans season of The Real World. Although the house, which was located on St. Charles Avenue in the Garden District, is yet to be confirmed flooded, 80% of the city of New Orleans is underwater. The house was located only two miles from the Superdome, so chances are the Belfort was damaged during Katrina. Large parts of that area of New Orleans are known to have been flooded. However, the house may be unrecoverable amid reports on CNN, that some anticipate the increasing toxicity of flood waters will render New Orleans uninhabitable for anywhere from a year to a decade.

    The best way to help, especially if you do not live close to the affected areas, is to donate to the relief fund. You can check out the Amazon/Google joint fundraiser to donate to the American Red Cross. If you want to help by donating or volunteering in other ways, you can check out the CNN Help Page or check out the Red Cross' website which offers ways to donate and volunteer with your local Red Cross chapter.

    Austin castmembers are not on the Gauntlet 2; Radar magazine falsely reports Kill Reality story

    Two retractions today:

    Here's a small bit of information on the Gauntlet: Rookies vs. Veterans... First of all, we reported that Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin) were on the new Challenge. Although the picture from Landon's (Philadelphia) site seemed to insinuate that, with the three of them being in a tropical locale, we have been informed that there are NO Austin castmembers on this new Challenge

    Also, a couple of days ago we posted a link to an article about Kill Reality from Radar Magazine. It turns out that the allegations of orgies and other shenanigans in the Kill Reality house, which pretty much had no substantial evidence besides an unnamable source, turned out to be completely untrue. We apologize to anyone who was misled by the article and regret that we published it.

    Wednesday, August 31, 2005

    Landon posts new pictures from the Gauntlet 2

    Landon has posted new pictures from the Gauntlet 2 up at his site. Among them, it features Mark (USA Tour II), Derrick (Extreme) and Danny and Melinda (Austin), who are now confirmed to be on the Challenge. Check it out here.

    Tuesday, August 30, 2005

    The Key West house has an address and is being sued by their neighbors

    Reality Blurred is reporting that the seventeenth season of The Real World has already landed its house. The site was the first to confirm that BMP had chosen Key West as the location for the next installment of the series.

    The location of the house is 32 Driftwood Drive. This is in the Key Haven area of Key West. If you live nearby, feel free to snap a few photos. (Be careful, security guards have been known to stop curious photographers.) Send them to us at newrwroad@hotmail.com. The seven strangers have yet to move in.

    Also, the production company is being sued by neighbors of the Driftwood house. This isn't the first time that production has encountered opposition in moving into the house. Production nearly left Philadelphia because union leaders were protesting that BMP used non-union labor in the construction of the house. Chicago was met with dozens of protesters during filming because many wanted to keep commercial business out of the Wicker Park area of Chicago. The only time when a town successfully barred filming of a series was when production tried to take over a mansion in Newport, Rhode Island for the first Gauntlet. Eventually, they were disallowed to use the house and production moved to the Wnydham Peaks Resort in Telluride, Colorado. Usually, production bears the protests and keeps on truckin' along. So expect no real obstacle from filming to be located in Key West.

    The Austin cast shows up at the VMAs on Sunday

    The kids from the Austin cast went to the VMA's on Sunday. Check out photos of the cast at WireImage.

    Monday, August 29, 2005

    A Key West resident attempts to bar producers from filming on Driftwood Drive

    It seems that MTV is encountering some problems with the filming of the upcoming season of the Real World. An article posted at Keynoter.com claims that Ed Swift, a resident of Key West, is suing MTV for not following zoning guidelines while preparing to film the next season. The bright side of this story is that we do find out two important things about RW Key West. It looks like the location for the house is Stock Island and that MTV have leased the house from June 28 to December 1. Check out the article for full details.

    Wednesday, August 24, 2005

    Chris is volunteering for the GIVE campaign encouraging young people to devote time to their communities

    Which Real World alum is a real life role model? It's none other than Chris from the Chicago season. He is a model for Ralph Lauren and a volunteer for their G.I.V.E. campaign. The campaign encourages young people to volunteer their time to community service. Check out everything that Chris has going on here.

    Danny buys Melinda a Tiffany's bracelet, a PSP, and a trip to the Cayman Islands

    Danny (Austin) was on 103.7 KISS FM (Wisconsin) talking about his relationship with none other than Melinda (Austin). Although rumors are rampant that the two are now living together, they are both still living apart and have little chance to see each other because of busy work schedules. Melinda recently had a birthday in which Danny surprised her with a Tiffany's bracelet, a PSP and a trip for both of their families to the Cayman Islands.

    Tuesday, August 23, 2005

    The Gauntlet 2 will premiere on October 31

    If you are patiently waiting for the premiere of the next Challenge, you are going to have to wait a little longer. The next Challenge, Gauntlet 2, will premiere on MTV on Monday, October 31.

    Monday, August 22, 2005

    Trishelle and Tonya are on tonight's episode of Kill Reality; Palms suite is on the Surreal Life; Eric is on the Guiding Light

    On tonight's episode of Kill Reality both Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Tonya (Chicago) will be featured heavily. The episode has to do with Trishelle's death scene in the movie and both of their relationships with Survivor Pearl Islands' Johnny Fairplay.

    If you watch The Surreal Life over on VH1, the seven psuedo-celebrities are being shacked up in The Real World digs in Las Vegas. The pad, which is the infamous site where Britney Spears spent her honeymoon in her first annulled marriage, still remains exactly the same way the seven roomies left it. What's interesting though, is for those of you that didn't know, The Surreal Life owes itself to The Real World. The original title of the Surreal Life was the Surreal World, until BMP sued to have it changed. Surreal Life airs every Sunday night.

    Also, Eric (Campus Crawl) recently filmed a guest spot on the Guiding Light which aired last Monday.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2005

    Jake is trekking across America; Coral and Mike are team captains

    Jake (Islands) has started a new project up at his blog. From what started from the search to meet his soulmate to a trek across America, read Jake's latest adventures at his blog.

    The Battle of the Network Reality Stars premieres tonight. And despite there being a focus on teams being split up by networks, it looks like the teams will be split up randomly. Once again, from MTVs Real World and Road Rules, we have Coral (Back to New York), Melissa (New Orleans), Mike (Back to New York) and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour). Trishelle (Las Vegas) will also be sharing sideline reporting duties with other reality TV stars. Coral and Melissa are on the red team. Mike (Back to New York) is on the blue team. Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) is on the green team.

    What's the red team's name? Team Coral. What's the blue team's name? Team Miz. This after Evan Marriott (Joe Millioniare), Adam Mesh (Average Joe) and Richard Hatch (Survivor Borneo) all said that certain castmembers took the show a little more seriously than others. Looks like all those years of Challenges will pay off. Battle of the Network Reality Stars airs tonight at 9PM on Bravo.

    Tuesday, August 16, 2005

    Tonya will be on the Fishbowl today and will be bringing someone by from Austin

    Tonya (Chicago), fresh off from her stint on E!s Kill Reality will be on The Fishbowl on Wednesday 8/17 at 12:00 Pacific / 3:00 Eastern. Also, as a special treat, she'll be bringing someone from the Austin cast only to be revealed during the talk.

    Monday, August 15, 2005

    Mike will be moving to Atlanta to persue a WWE wrestling contract

    Forget MTV, forget Bravo... Mike (Back to New York) will once again be pursuing his career in the WWE. Since appearing on WWE's Tough Enough and garnering a second-place finish, The Miz has been on Battle of the Sexes 2, Inferno 2 and will appear in the upcoming Battle of the Network Reality Stars. But for his next project, Mike has picked up his bags and moved to Atlanta in order to try to become a WWE superstar. The Miz has participated in a few matches on WWE's Raw and Smackdown. However, his move to Atlanta is to participate in a WWE training facility called "Deep South Wrestling". It's a training ground for WWE big shots to find new talent and the Miz was one the first to be called down to Atlanta to train. Good luck to Mike!

    Saturday, August 13, 2005

    Danny will return to Melinda because of the preview trailer which shows him returning

    The question on everyone's mind is will Danny (Austin) return to his roommates... Highlight to read:

    If you go over to MTV.com and check out the season trailer, near the end of the trailer, there's a voiceover from Danny talking to Melinda telling her that the only reason he came back was to be with her.

    Friday, August 12, 2005

    Landon opens a new website; Melissa, Trishelle, Mike, Theo, Coral appear on BONRS

    Landon (Philadelphia) is the first castmember on his season to open a website. Check out landonlueck.net.

    Also, Battle of the Network Reality Stars is premiering next Wednesday on Bravo. The show is getting a lot of attention in recent days leading up to its premiere. The show will feature Melissa (New Orleans), Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour), Coral (Back to New York), Mike (Back to New York) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) as a sideline reporter. Although initial reports had the four teaming up as their own "Real World/Road Rules" team, there are actually four teams of eight contestants, with each team vying for a $80,000 prize package. The classic format should have the cast teaming up according to their own network. However, this seems to be a problem as the show is overrun by CBS castmembers and has only one representative from UPN and ABC each. Other participants? Nikki McKibbin (American Idol), Ryan Starr (American Idol, The Surreal Life 3), Adam Mesh (Average Joe), Charla & Mirna (Amazing Race), Chip & Kim (Amazing Race), Jonathan & Victoria (Amazing Race), Richard Hatch (Survivor), Sue Hawk (Survivor), Mike Malin (Big Brother), Will Kirby (Big Brother), Evan Marriott (Joe Millionaire)... In addition to Trishelle, Omarosa (Apprentice, The Surreal Life 5) will be one of the several others doing the commentating.

    By the way, TV Guide's reason not to miss the premiere episode? The collective cast teaming up to dunk Coral (Back to New York) in the water tank because of her "abrasive personality and tiny bikini". It airs Wednesday 9pm/ET on Bravo.

    Side note: Melissa (New Orleans) makes mention of an incident that happened between her, Coral and Omarosa. It's a bit of a preview as she plans to update once the show begins next week with a brand new blog. Check it out here. And also, as always, The Miz will be updating you from his online Challenge diary, where he already promises drama and competition.

    Updates on the Real World London and Paris houses

    Here's a Blog exclusive and an update on the two European Real World houses. Although not too exciting, it's an update on "the eighth roommates" that we don't hear much about. First up, London:

    The Real World London house, which was used for filming in 1995, is located in the Notting Hill area (famous for the Hugh Grant/Julia Roberts movie of the same name) of London. Although accessible by the Underground, Notting Hill is not Central London. So if you're planning a trip, expect to go out of your way. The house is in one of the most posh neighborhoods of London. Close by are the Portobello Flea Market and two of the failed suicide bombers were actually living in this area when they were arrested by police.

    Now the house itself:

    No huge changes, but on the lower floor, there is now a chain film store that sells film props. The infamous small door is still in place and the house is currently being lived in.

    The Paris house is actually on the outskirts of the city. Used in early 2003, the house is only accessible by a suburban commuter line that speeds through outside suburbs of Paris. The neighborhood the house was in was extremely nice, but not Real World-esque at all. Very little to do for seven twenty-somethings and the nearest tourist attractions were at least half-an-hour away. But the neighborhood had plently of chateaus and parks, ideal for upscale family living. Here's the house today:


    The first picture is obviously the house as we left it. There's a SUV in the driveway. The house is gated off, so you can only see the house from afar. No traces of the Real World has been left behind, much like the London house. What was interesting about this house was that there was a swingset, a basketball net and plently of children's toys floating about on the yard. There was also an outside house that's in the second picture that wasn't shown much on the series. Most likely because production was headquarted there. The spa house used out front is now gone. If you have any questions or comments about the house, comments are welcome at newroad@hotmail.com.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2005

    Monday, August 08, 2005

    Saturday, August 06, 2005

    Key West is selected as the location for the 17th season of the Real World

    Reality Blurred who reported that Key West was in consideration for the spot for the seventeenth season of the Real World reports today that Key West has been selected. This news comes off of a newspaper article with official announcements from MTV. Fans may remember that Challenge 2000 actually visited Key West during their season (the mission where they had to create their own themed costumes in pairs). Road Rules has also visited Key West a couple of times during its run.

    Thursday, August 04, 2005

    Jake is soliciting marriage proposals on his website

    Jake is soliciting marriage proposals on his website. Convince him that he should be with you and you could get a free honeymoon out of the deal.

    Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    Dan will be a host on the Jack E. Jett Show on the Q Network this week

    Dan (Miami) will be a guest host on the Jack E. Jett Show on Q Network this week. If you live in New York or San Francisco or are lucky enough to get it on satellite, you can catch him on the new network. Jack E. Jett is a format similar to Conan O'Brien, before he became popular and heir to the Tonight Show. The Jack E. Jett Show is shown every night at 9PM/8PM Central.

    Monday, August 01, 2005

    Rachel and Veronica may have a new reality show and are casting for it

    Rachel and Veronica are looking for someone to star in their new reality show. Check out the details here.

    Friday, July 29, 2005

    The man who punched Danny was indicted on two counts of aggravated assault

    The man who permanently caused damage to Danny's (Austin) face was indicted on two counts of aggravated assault as a result of footage taken by MTV cameras.


    Thursday, July 28, 2005

    The Austin House wil become the Mexican restaurant the Rio Grande

    The Daily Texan published an article about what will happen to the house from the Real World Austin. According to the article, the west side of the house where the cast members lived will soon be the Mexican restaurant Rio Grande. The left side of the house was leased to Thomas Reprographics. Check out the article here.

    Tuesday, July 26, 2005

    Casting for a Challenge, BMP tries to fill in the void left by the loss of Road Rules

    For the first time ever BMP is casting for the next RW/RR Challenge. They are looking for people to compete against veteran cast members. There will be a casting call this Saturday, July 30, in NYC. Check out the details here.

    Saturday, July 23, 2005

    Kill Reality given a home on the E! Network with Tonya, Trishelle, and Steven

    Kill Reality will premiere on the E! Network this Monday 7/25 at 10pm. Kill Reality brings together Reality TV alumni from various different shows to make a scripted horror movie. Who is participating? Tonya (Chicago), Trishelle (Las Vegas) and Steven (Las Vegas).

    Thursday, July 21, 2005

    Yes joins forces with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

    Do you remember Yes from Road Rules Semester at Sea? Well he has joined forces with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to insist on tougher tobacco regulations. Yes was recently in D.C. with U.S. Representative Todd Platts. Read all about it here.

    Tuesday, July 19, 2005

    Road Rules premiered 10 years ago to the day

    Do you know what happened exactly 10 years ago today? A little show called Road Rules premiered on MTV. You can celebrate by checking out Road Rules Web. They have results from their 10th Anniversary Poll and also a look back with Jake about his RR experience.

    Answers to the Gauntlet 2 Finale and who wins the finale is now up online

    Here´s the answers to all the clues:

    1) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember's ability to perform on the Challenges is no guarded secret.
    Answer: Mark (USA Tour 1). He appeared in the soft-porn movie, ¨Guarded Secrets¨.
    2) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember swigged cider a couple of times during his season.
    Answer: Timmy (USA Tour 2). A favorite hobby of his was to swig cider and sing his song with fellow castmate Christian (USA Tour 2).
    3) Veteran. Male. Real World. This person is half of the Virginia pair that were "non-strangers".
    Answer: David (Seattle). David and castmate Nathan (Seattle) made Real World history when they were cast even as best friends at VMI. An additional bit of trivia, both Nathan and David claimed to have met Rebecca (Seattle) long before the series started and Stephanie, Nathan´s girlfriend at the time, was also a finalist for the show.
    4) Veteran. Female. Real World. This castmember seemed to develop a rift with Veronica during her season.
    Answer: Aneesa (Chicago) dated, fought and broke up with a Veronica on her season.
    5) Veteran. Female. Real World. This cast member had a love/hate relationship with the armed forces during her season.
    Answer: Robin (San Diego) both dated a member of the armed forces and was charged with battery against a member of the armed forces on her season.
    6) Veteran. Female. Real World. The pitbull of the Challenge bunch.
    Answer: During the Extreme Challenge, Julie (New Orleans) was called a pitbull by the Road Rules team.

    7) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person woke up to a poster of Malcom X on his wall every morning.
    Answer: Jamie (New Orleans) was criticized by Kameelah (Boston) during the New Orleans casting special because of the fact that he boasted he had a Malcom X poster on his wall.
    8) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person was half of the couple that made it to the finale on the first Gauntlet.
    Answer: Alton (Las Vegas) made it to the end of the first Gauntlet while Irulan (Las Vegas) didn´t.
    9) Rookie. Male. Real World. One of the Real Worlders who has had an infamous underwear modeling career post Real World.
    Answer: Although CT (Paris) and Eric (New York) both fit the bill, this is none other than Landon (Philadelphia).
    10) Rookie. Male. Real World. One half of Philadelphia's famous Abercrombie twins.
    Answer: MJ (Philadelphia) joins his buddy Landon in the final Gauntlet.
    11) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown
    12) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown

    Again, the Rookies wins the Gauntlet.

    Sunday, July 17, 2005

    Clues of the Final Challenge is grouped together for the Gauntlet 2

    In lieu of the inconsistency of the clues, I've decided to lump them all together into one posting. There's been question as to who really made it to the Gauntlet's Finale. What I can tell you is that this information comes from an extremely reliable source. Although nothing is 100% confirmable until the final episode airs on MTV, this is the information we have as of yet: (Remember, these clues are in by no means finalized)

    1) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember's ability to perform on the Challenges is no guarded secret.
    2) Veteran. Male. Road Rules. This castmember swigged cider a couple of times during his season.
    3) Veteran. Male. Real World. This person is half of the Virginia pair that were "non-strangers".
    4) Veteran. Female. Real World. This castmember seemed to develop a rift with Veronica during her season.
    5) Veteran. Female. Real World. This cast member had a love/hate relationship with the armed forces during her season.
    6) Veteran. Female. Real World. The pitbull of the Challenge bunch.

    7) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person woke up to a poster of Malcolm X on his wall every morning.
    8) Rookie. Male. Real World. This person was half of the couple that made it to the finale on the first Gauntlet.
    9) Rookie. Male. Real World. One of the Real Worlders who has had an infamous underwear modeling career post Real World.
    10) Rookie. Male. Real World. One half of Philadelphia's famous Abercrombie twins.
    11) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown
    12) Rookie. Female. Road Rules. Unknown

    I've heard that the two girls that make it to the end are from Xtreme, although I cannot say that information is as credible as the others. The answers to the clues will be given in a forthcoming post.

    Also, here's a huge piece of information on who wins Gauntlet II:

    The Rookies take the Final Gauntlet.

    Thursday, July 14, 2005

    Angela's preview episode of Entourage is up on HBO.com

    Check out Angela in a preview for the next episode of Entourage. She is one of the girls in the hot tub.

    Wednesday, July 13, 2005

    MSNBC asks if Real World will even run out of cities to go to

    One reader asks MSNBC if the Real World will ever run out of filming locations. Check out the answer here.

    Tuesday, July 12, 2005

    Another clue about the finale of the Gauntlet

    Check out this article about the Challenge and the potential environmental threat they posed when filming the Gauntlet 2: (link)

    Highlight to continue reading clues:

    The answer to the last clue is Julie (New Orleans). She was called a pitbull during the Extreme Challenge by the late Michelle (Europe).

    5) Veteran. Male. This castmember swigged cider a couple of times during his season.

    Take the Ultimate Real World Quiz to find out if you're really a fan

    If you are looking for something fun to do today, take the Ultimate Real World Quiz.

    Fourth clue about the Gauntlet 2 Finale

    Highlight to read the next clue and the answer:

    The answer to the last clue is Robin (San Diego) who dated Mike on
    her season and had charges pressed against her by a marine.

    4) Veteran. Female. The pitbull of the Challenge bunch.

    Monday, July 11, 2005

    The third clue about the Gauntlet 2 Finale

    Highlight to read the following passage about the next clue and answer:

    The answer to the last clue is Aneesa (Chicago). She dated and broke up with a Veronica on her season.

    3) Veteran. Female. This cast member had a love/hate relationship with the armed forces during her season.

    Friday, July 08, 2005

    More clues about the Gauntlet 2 finale and its castmembers

    Here is the next hint. The answer to the last hint was Mark (USA Tour 1). He appeared in a movie called Guarded Secrets.

    2) Veteran. Female. This Real Worlder seemed to develop a rift with Veronica during her season.

    Angela will be appearing on the July 17th episode of Entourage

    Starry Constellation Magazine has published an interview with Angela (Eztreme) about what she has been up to lately. She will be appearing on the July 17 episode of Entourage as a corporate publicist named Jen. She will also be appearing in the film Loaded due out this year.

    Wednesday, July 06, 2005

    Danny and Melinda are still a pair, but not living together yet; Clues about the Gauntlet 2 finale

    Here's some clear-up about the Melinda/Danny (Austin) situation that Reality TV Calendar reported on yesterday. The pair are still a pair, however, they are not living together in Boston as of yet. Melinda is still living in Wisconsin and Danny is still living in Boston. However, Melinda is looking for a move out to Boston with Danny relatively soon.

    The next few days will be long and ardous for many of you, but it will reveal many things about the upcoming Gauntlet: Rookies vs. Veterans... Here are the Blog, we have decided to give you hints every so often about the final twelve on this next Challenge. Within the next few days, we plan to reveal the Final 12. We're almost positive that this information will be leaked somewhere else in the mean time. To discuss each hint that we give you with other fans on the internet, check out our message board. You can access our Board by hitting the button on the left side of this page. Once there, head over to the Gauntlet 2 section where there is a sticky about these hints.

    Here's today's hint:

    1) Veteran. Male. This castmember's ability to perform on the Challenges is no guarded secret.

    May be a little difficult for some, but if you know your trivia, I'm sure you'll find out the answer. If no one figures it out, we'll reveal the answer with the next hint. Good luck!

    Tuesday, July 05, 2005

    Danny and Melinda are rumored to be living together after filming has wrapped

    Which two Real World cast members are rumored to be living together? Check out this article posted on Reality TV Calendar for the answer.

    Monday, July 04, 2005

    The final mission for the Gauntlet 2 is now done and over with

    The final mission for the Gauntlet 2 has been filmed and is now over. From what I know, there are six castmembers left on each side and it seems to be a good mix of people that have/haven't been to a final before. We will post the list as soon as we get clearance! Hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth!

    Friday, July 01, 2005

    Jake is auctioning off something that is a little disgusting

    WARNING: This post is intended for a mature audience. Would you like to own a piece of Jake (Islands) and help him make a little money? Check out his auction on Ebay. If you are need a little background on what the hell you are looking at check out Jake's website.

    Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    Johanna's mug shot from the night she got arrested is online

    If you want to check out Johanna's (Austin) mug shot from the night she got arrested on the first episode, check out the The Smoking Gun.

    Johanna gets arrested on this season of the Real World in Austin

    What would the new season of the Real World be if one of the cast members didn't get arrested? It seems that Johanna managed to get herself locked up for public intoxication during her stay in Austin. Check out her mug shot at The Smoking Gun.

    Monday, June 27, 2005

    Jacinda is cast in the remake of the Poseidon Adventure

    Jacinda (RW London) has been cast in Wolfgang Petersen's new movie, The Poseidon Adventure, due out in 2006. Check out the article on Yahoo News.

    Saturday, June 25, 2005

    Danny and Paul will be a part of the Gay Pride Festivities in Atlanta; Mike officially retires from the Challenges; Tonya talks about the Inferno 2

    If you're a fan of Danny and Paul (New Orleans), they both will be Atlanta this weekend taking part in the Gay Pride festivities. They will be in the parade on Sunday that starts at 1pm.

    Over at Mike's (Back to New York) website, he declares that he will no longer do any more Challenges now that Inferno 2 has wrapped. He will appear in Bravo's Battle of the Network Reality Stars.

    Tonya (Chicago) will be at the Fishbowl on Wednesday talking about The Inferno 2, so don't miss that!

    Wednesday, June 22, 2005

    The GQ Magazine with Coral, Mike, Melissa is on newsstands today

    The GQ Magazine photo shoot that we reported on with Mike (Back to New York), Coral (Back to New York) and Melissa (New Orleans) is on newsstands today. They will all appear in Battle of the Network Reality Stars.

    Wes gives an interview with a newspaper in his hometown of Kansas City

    Want to know what Wes (Austin) is all about? Check out this article at KansasCity.com. You will have to register to read it. Also, check out the Watch Wes section on the Pop page of the site every Thursday to read about his goofy antics on the show.

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    Jonathan Murray talks about the economic benefit of the Real World

    The New York Times published an article about the Real World Austin yesterday. It includes an interview with Jonathan Murray in which he discusses how beneficial the show can be for a city like Austin. He also drops some hints about possible locations for upcoming seasons. Among them are Sydney, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. If you are looking for something interesting to read, click on the link and register for free.

    Friday, June 17, 2005

    The Blog hits seven million visitors today

    We just hit seven million visitors today since June of 2002!

    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel interviews Melinda to find out what she's really like

    Want to know what Melinda from the Real World Austin is really like? Check out an article posted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. You will have to register to read the article.

    Thursday, June 16, 2005

    Trishelle, Steven, Tonya will all be a part of the new Kill Reality

    More information has come out on Kill Reality, a Fishbowl-driven reality series that is from the mastermind of Rob Cesternino of Survivor Amazon and All-Stars. Cesternino is putting together a show for E! that will feature reality television stars who film their own horror movie that will be aired on E! and released on DVD. The participants? Trishelle (Las Vegas), Steven (Las Vegas) and Tonya (Chicago). Also participating? Ethan Zohn (Survivor Africa, All-Stars), Jenna Lewis (Survivor Borneo, All-Stars), Jon "Jonny Fairplay" Dalton (Survivor Pearl Islands), Jenna Morasca (Survivor Amazon, All-Stars), Bob Guiney (Bachleor), Trish Schneider (Bachelor), Reichen Lehmkuhl (Amazing Race 4) and Stacie J. Upchurch (Apprentice 2). Kill Reality premieres on July 25.

    MSNBC is there for the first few minutes of the arrivals of the Austin cast

    Want to know what the first few minutes of Austin will be like? Who will arrive with who? What sorts of reactions take place? MSNBC is there for the arrival of the seven strangers in Austin: Click Here.

    Monday, June 13, 2005

    Trishelle will be on the Fishbowl talking about her hosting gig and playing some music

    Trishelle (Las Vegas), fresh off her hosting gig on the Battle of the Network Reality Stars will be doing the Real World Road Rules Talk this week on The Fishbowl at Noon PT/3PM ET. It will be followed by a one hour special music hour in which Trishelle's boyfriend Zack, will play some music and she'll interview him and discuss his music.

    Kristin will be chatting with Veronica and Rachel about the Inferno 2

    Wondering what you are going to do today at 5 p.m.(et)/2 p.m.(pt)? You can check out Kristin from E!Online. She will be doing a live chat with Veronica and Rachel about the Inferno 2.

    Sunday, June 12, 2005

    Key West is mentioned for a location for the 17th season of the Real World

    Reality Blurred has posted that BMP is currently scouting locations for their 17th season of the Real World. Reality Blurred specifically mentions Key West as a distinct possibility. However, fans of the series may remember during the Chicago season, similar rumors of a property being bought by BMP in Key West were rampant. Suffice to say, the 12th season of the Real World ended up being in Las Vegas.

    Expect other cities to be in the running, with the case most likely being that other cities that have been considered in the past are also being considered. Along with Key West past possible choices have been:

    Sydney has been in the running since Back to New York aired. However, don't expect to see another international season aired soon, as London and Paris didn't seem to be the greatest ratings hits.

    Washington DC seems to be a potentially great city. When San Diego came around, an IKEA showroom in the Adams Morgan section of DC was heavily rumored as a location for the house. With its nightlife and numerous job possibilities, DC seems like an attractive location.

    Atlanta was called as the location for the 13th season for a few months, before Paris was ultimately selected. Mary-Ellis Bunim personally casted and selected the location for Paris, it being the last season she worked on.

    Denver/Boulder/Aspen. A Colorado location of the Real World has always been heavily discussed, but nothing ever seems to materialize. BMP has even done casting there and is rumored to have fiddled with the idea.

    St. Louis. Other than being listed as a potential front runner, I haven't heard much about St. Louis being selected as a city.

    There are plenty more. BMP even entertained the notion of putting the seven strangers on a farm in the middle of nowhere back when Back to New York aired. An announcement should be made close to the end of summer.

    Friday, June 10, 2005

    Jake ends up half naked on Gawker

    You know you have finally made it big when you end up half naked on the Gawker website. Congratulations Jake.

    CT is looking for the next new face for Bolt

    CT is traveling all over the U.S. looking for potential models. Check out all of the details and pictures of him on the road here.

    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    Pam and Judd welcomed their baby boy on May 27; Chris is expecting a baby boy in August

    Congratulations to Pam (San Francisco) and Judd (San Francisco) who welcomed a baby boy on May 27, 2005. This is the fourth Real World baby, as Rachel (San Francisco) and Sean (Boston) have three children of their own. Congratulations to Pam and Judd!

    In other baby news, Chris (South Pacific) is expecting a baby boy in August 2005 with his wife who he married while he was on the Battle of the Sexes 2. Congratulations to Chris and his wife!

    Wednesday, June 08, 2005

    The Road Rules Extreme RV is up for sale on EBay

    Did you wake up this morning and wonder how you could get your hands on one of the RVs from Road Rules? Well you don't have to wonder anymore. Behold the RV.

    Monday, June 06, 2005

    The Real World Austin casting special airs tonight

    Don't forget to check out the Real World Austin casting special tonight at 10:30 p.m. on MTV.

    Friday, June 03, 2005

    Judd and Pam are expecting a child any day now and are living in San Francisco

    It was posted earlier in the week that Judd (San Francisco) produced a cartoon for Cartoon Network. There is also an article posted at StarBulletin.com. The interesting thing about the article is that it reveals that Judd and Pam, Judd's wife and former castmate, are expecting a child any day now! Congratulations to Pam and Judd!

    Thursday, June 02, 2005

    Mike, Coral, Melissa, Theo, Trishelle will be on Battle of the Network Reality Stars

    OK, we been sitting on the info for Battle of the Network Reality TV Stars which will air on Bravo this summer. Filming begins tomorrow and the participants are... Mike (Back to New York), Coral (Back to New York), Melissa (New Orleans) and Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour). Trishelle (Las Vegas) will also be participating as one of the co-hosts.

    Alton and Irulan may have broken up; Cara and Dave may have broken up due to David or Mark; Ellen is pregnant

    There are all sorts of rumors floating around about the relationships of former cast members. Here's the scoop from yesterday's chat over at the Fishbowl:

      Alton and Irulan may no longer be a couple.
      Cara and Dave broke up.
      Cara hooked up with David (Seattle) and Mark (RR1) while Mark was dating Robin.
      Ellen (Quest) is pregnant.

    Wednesday, June 01, 2005

    Tuesday, May 31, 2005

    The Austin cast had a garage sale; Judd has a new cartoon on TV; Steven, Trishelle, Mike on Fishbowl; Dan leaves the Challenge

    Here's an interesting bit: Austin actually had a garage sale this past weekend at the site that was their house. There are no details on what was for grabs or who was selling stuff...

    The Life and Times of Juniper Lee, a relatively new cartoon on Cartoon Network is actually produced and written in part by none other than Judd (San Francisco). Congratulations to him on that.

    Also, don't forget tomorrow that Steven (Las Vegas) will be having his weekly Fishbowl chat along with Mike (Back to New York) and Trishelle (Las Vegas). The chat is at 12pm (Pacific) / 3pm (Eastern).

    And finally, a spoiler for you people out there loving this Challenge that is airing. Highlight the next bit of text to find out which team loses a guy in next week's Inferno II:

    The Bad Asses will be saying good-bye to one of their male team members for sure. The question is will Dan (Miami) pull through and win the lifesaver?

    Tina, Brad, Aneesa will be in the upcoming Challenge; Landon is an underwear model

    I have received several confirmations on people who will be attending the upcoming "Old School vs. New School". Tina (South Pacific), Brad (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) are said to be participating in this upcoming Challenge.

    Also, Landon (Philadelphia) is following in CT's (Paris) footsteps and has become an underwear model. Check out Wax Store (link repaired) under pics, wax store, boxers and briefs.

    Irene from Los Angeles updates us on her whereabouts via MTV

    Do you remember Irene from the RW Los Angeles cast? Want to know what she has been up to since her season aired? Click here to find out.

    Monday, May 30, 2005

    Jake is fired from FHM and pissed off Howard Stern, but met up with Kalle

    Jake (islands) may have finally crossed a line. In addition to being unemployed from FHM and pissing off Howard Stern, he finally met up with Kalle (Islands) from his own show. Click here for details.

    Friday, May 27, 2005

    MTV opens up the doors of the Real World Austin website

    The new Real World: Austin site has just opened up at MTV.com. Check it out.

    Road Rules still has not been renewed in the light of new seasons of Real World

    I've been getting a lot of email asking about the new season of Road Rules, considering that The Real World: Austin is set to premiere next month. Here's the skinny on Road Rules:

    Road Rules has been put on hold for now. There was never a definitive announcement from MTV or BMP saying that Road Rules was cancelled, but Road Rules creator Jonathan Murray said that although MTV didn't order any episodes of the series when it was up for renewal, there is a possibility that the show may come back. If you ask any castmember or insider, they'll tell you Road Rules was cancelled. However, there's an issue of renewing the supply of castmembers for each new Challenge. This next Challenge which is scheduled to begin filming in Trindad and Tobago next week is the last one that MTV has ordered. After that, it will be up for renewal once again. (Real World is renewed through its 20th season.) There will have to be a decision once that point is reached on the future of both the Challenges and Road Rules.

    Wednesday, May 25, 2005

    Jake earns a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

    See how Jake (Islands) has become the first alumni to earn a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (link)

    Sunday, May 22, 2005

    The Trinidad Express confirms that the Challenge is filming there now

    Dale sent over this article that confirms the Trindad and Tobago location for the next Challenge. Filming is set to begin early June.

    Saturday, May 21, 2005

    Trinidad and Tobago will be the site of the next Challenge

    The location of the next Challenge has been determined. Trinidad and Tobago has been chosen to be the site of the next installment of the Challenge. Although there has been talk (Long article: there's a tiny bit in there about the country being approached by BMP) about bringing the Challenge to Trinidad and Tobago, I'm receiving news that the Prime Minister officially made the announcement that 16 episodes would be filmed in the country of Trindad and Tobago. Although we haven't found the official start date of the Challenge, the Challenge is said to coincide with Battle of the Network Reality TV Stars, which films from June 1 to June 12.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    Castmembers are being auditioned for a "reality movie" called "Kill Reality"

    In an interesting turn of events, The Fishbowl and Creative Light Entertainment will be producing both a feature film and a reality show that's set to air on E!

    The show, which is called "Kill Reality" (Press Release) will follow former reality television show alumni as they make their own scripted feature film, while living together. While the press release cites castmembers from Survivor and The Real World, the Fishbowl is holding open auditions for former reality television stars this week. To take a look at the open call, click here. E! plans to air "Kill Reality" in an eight episode span this July.

    Friday, May 13, 2005

    Jake contacted about BONRS; Kyle and Lori are back together; Frankie does an interview with Prick Magazine

    Here's some interesting fodder for the weekend. I got an email from a former castmember who was approached to do Battle of the Network Reality Stars, the show we mentioned the other day that will appear on Bravo. Well, the castmember (link) actually let us in on the show's secrets. Most importantly, he said he wouldn't be appearing on the show because of the fact that the show's title becomes BONeRS when condensed.

    Anyway, here's the information:

  • The show is slated to be filmed at Pepperdine University in Malibu from June 2 to June 11.

  • There will be six teams consisting of six team members.

  • Three events are held each day and everyone participates in at least six of the eight days.

  • Challenges will include a tandem bike race, a relay race, a kayak race, a swimming relay, a ping pong competition, an obstacle course and more.

  • Everyone takes home $3,000 just for coming. The winning team receives $10,000 each, or $60,000 as a whole
  • .

    Here's another big item: I'm getting word that a Real World power couple who were on the rocks for sometime have just recently got together. Kyle (Chicago) and Lori (Back to New York) are back together according to one insider.

    Here's an article on Frankie (San Diego) from Prick Magazine.

    And if those previews of Derrick (Extreme) hasn't gotten you all riled up, I'm hearing that this next episode will be good, so don't miss it. Derrick apparently gets stiches as a result of his fight.

    Thursday, May 12, 2005

    Cara is not the Playmate of the Year 2005

    Although Cara (South Pacific) was Miss November 2004, she did not make the status of Playmate of the Year 2005. She is in the June issue of Playboy (p.12 photos 3&7). Be sure to check her out.

    I got an email about the Battle of the Reality TV Stars that Bravo is intending to air pretty soon. Nothing real concrete, but various Real World and Road Rules alumni are being approached to appear on the show. The show is slated to be taking place at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California and will air in August 2005. Other reality show personalities invited? Omarosa from the Apprentice and Richard Hatch from Survivor.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005

    The latest Pit Stop in the Amazing Race was the site of the Battle of the Sexes; Coral, Mike, Melissa spotted doing a photo shoot

    For those of you who are Amazing Race fans and caught the finale last night, you might have recognized the 11th pit stop in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Why is this Real World/Road Rules news? Because that hotel and villa was the site of Battle of the Sexes I. That's right, the Race had the Round Hill Resort as their pit stop for the 2nd to last leg of the race.

    Also, I'm getting emails from several different people saying that they saw Coral (Back to New York), Mike (Back to New York) and Melissa (New Orleans) on Hollywood Blvd. doing a photo shoot. It's unclear what it was for, but it appears not to be directly related with the shows. More info to come on this soon.

    Also, here are several different articles on the Austin season:

    Link 1
    Link 2
    Link 3

    News 8 Austin interviews the cast and posts them online

    News 8 Austin recently filmed a segment on the upcoming season of the Real World which includes interviews with the cast. Check out the video here .

    Tuesday, May 10, 2005

    Nehemiah, Rachel, Danny, Melinda, Lacey, Wes, and Johanna are the Real World Austin

    The Real World XVI: Austin

    Front from left: Nehemiah, Rachel, Danny and Melinda. Back from left: Lacey, Wes and Johanna.

    Rachel, 22, California

    An Iraq veteran who joined the Army as a combat nurse and served four years. She has a boyfriend she met in Iraq, but will she stray?

    Johanna, 21, California

    Gorgeous Peruvian American who wants to be a clinical therapist. She's spunky and sweet but a mean-tempered drunk. Deferred acceptance to Columbia University for grad school.

    Wes, 20, Kansas

    A junior at Arizona State University, he's a frat-house guy who parties hearty and likes to flirt. He had a reputation on Sixth Street early on.

    Danny, 21, Massachusetts

    Outgoing Bostonian who left home to 'stretch his wings.' He's working for his father's construction company but wants to be a lawyer. Loves Austin and hates to leave.

    Lacey, 23, Florida

    Unique, and not just for her short hair and virgin status. Born to ex-hippie parents who turned religious, the hairdresser was sheltered from pop culture but adapted to life with her much wilder housemates.

    Nehemiah, 19, Arizona

    Born to a drug-addicted mom and forced to grow up quickly. Quiet but determined. Studied film production in college and wants to direct music videos. The least in love with Austin.

    Melinda, 21, Wisconsin

    Waitress and aspiring dentist. A model-gorgeous flirt who is willing to try anything once. Also smart and funny, she could be a star.

    Monday, May 09, 2005

    Filming of the Real World Austin will wrap up this week

    It's almost time to indulge yourself in the drinking, hook ups, and fights of the new season of the Real World. Filming of the Austin season is wrapping up this week and will premiere on June 21. A trip to Costa Rica and the making of a documentary about the South by Southwest Festival are among the highlights of this season. Get the low down on the cast and the house here.

    Friday, May 06, 2005

    Old School versus New School may be based on age not Challenge appearances

    There are rumors flying around that the new challenge, Old School vs. New School, will be based on age not on how many challenges someone has been on or when their show aired. Check back for more updates.

    Wednesday, May 04, 2005

    The Austin cast is profiled in Austin Magazine which is replicated here online

    Props go out to RealWorldAustin.com, who replicated an article in AUSTIN magazine which has photos and bios of the new season. Check out the thread here. The seven roommates set to join Real World alumni are:

    Melinda, 21-year-old beauty from the midwest, an ugly duckling turned swan and aspiring dentist. She says she will try anything once.

    Rachel, a sexy and libidinous Iraqi war veteran, age 21, from Philadelphia. Will she remain loyal to her boyfriend?

    Johanna, 21, a stunnin, highly motivated and fiery Peruvian who moved to the US when she was 13. Does she know how to get whatever she wants?

    Lacey, an anachronism, was sheltered from television, moves, music, and dancing while growing up in Florida. What will she think of Austin?

    Nehemiah, a charismatic graduate from the school of hard knocks, seeks friends and a better life. Can The Real World help him?

    Wes, age 20, frat boy, jock, super competitive, bright guy with an entrepreneurial furture. Will this be the guy we love to hate?

    Danny, die-hard Bostonian, sensitive and himble, isn't sure he wants to ever leave home. Bet we change his mind!

    The site actually has had names and pictures of the cast for a while now. But this is the first time an actual publication recognizes the cast by their names. Welcome Melinda, Rachel, Johanna, Lacey, Nehmeiah, Wes and Danny to The Real World!

    CT is also a model in addition to his daily duties as a Bad Ass

    If you read this blog then you already know that CT is a bad ass but did you know that he's a model? Check it out here.

    Monday, May 02, 2005

    Karamo and Willie accept the award for Outstanding Reality Television Series from GLAAD

    Karamo (Philadelphia) and Willie (Philadelphia) accepted the award for Outstanding Reality Television Series on behalf of the producers of The Real World at the GLAAD media awards in Los Angeles on Saturday night. Check out the pictures here.