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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Six Days of Road Rulers: The Quest's Adam is back to create some trouble

Adam Larson
Road Rules The Quest

Age: 28
Hometown: Exeter, NH/Grosse Pointe, MI/Wickford, RI
Currently: Santa Monica, CA
Challenges: Battle of the Seasons, Gauntlet and the Gauntlet II
Challenge Record: 1-2
Elimination Round Record: 0-1

Adam came to Road Rules as the cocky persona who would haphazardly lead his team to victory with his unorthodox leadership style. Probably most remembered for his ADD, he started a relationship with fellow castmember Ellen (The Quest) which seemed to cause friction in the RV.

Later, he appeared on Battle of the Seasons with Jisela (The Quest) only to be voted off early in the game. He returned to win the Gauntlet in which he never went to the Gauntlet. Later, he tried his luck in the Gauntlet II, in which he was made the team captain, to be sent home first by tough Challenge competitor Derrick (Extreme).


Anonymous said...

The description of Adam's participation in Battle of the Seasons mentions that he was voted off early in the season. This is not true since Gisela and Adam were actually not voted off. They came in fourth place in the last round before the final competition in which only the Top 3 compited and therefore that had to leave but they were not voted off as such.

Anonymous said...

Um i live in rhode island and have my entire life and there is no such place called "wickford" .. does anyone know where he really is from in rhode island? its a small enough state where you get to know every single town and there definately isnt a wickford

Anonymous said...

The description of Adam's participation in Battle of the Seasons mentions that he was voted off early in the season. This is not true since Gisela and Adam were actually not voted off. They came in fourth place in the last round before the final competition in which only the Top 3 compited and therefore that had to leave but they were not voted off as such.

Wrong. Holly S and Josh from RR Latin America were the team that came in fourth in the final round of Battle of the Seasons.

Adam and Jisela were voted off about halfway through Battle of the Seasons.

After the Inferno 3 season we really need another Battle of the Seasons challenge!

Anonymous said...

youre from rhode island and youve never heard of wickford? you should be ashamed of calling yourself a rhode islander...wickford is down in south county up route 4/route 1 area near wakefield, narragansett....

sad sad when youd ont even know your state

Anonymous said...

I have never been to Rhode Island, but I can find Wickford fine on google map. Maybe before you type your comment, you should really do some research.

Anonymous said...

I know Rhode Island is small but there is no way you could know every single town in your country unless you have a TON of time on your hand.

Anonymous said...

and when I say county I mean state sorry.

Anonymous said...

no one lives in wickford dick sucker its a small fishing village so that person is right like this website can never get its facts straight obviously all you retards dont live in rhode island because if you did then you would realize that nobody lives in wickford maybe he is from narragansett which is inhabited

Anonymous said...

please stop talking..im from rhode island, and i can name any city/town in the state, it's small and ive driven through every inch..wickford IS in fact a town and people do actually live there, and narragansett is one of the most populated beach towns in the northeast and not to mention half of the student body of URI lives there, so shut your mouth :)