This site is really cool. Thanks for your support! -Mike (Back to New York)
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New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
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Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
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Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mid-Season Trailer Shown a Few Weeks Ago Finally Posted Online

That mid-season trailer for the Duel that was shown a couple of weeks ago has finally been posted online. Take a look at it:

Kelley and Scott Wolfe move to the Hollywood Hills area for $9,000/month

Kelley (New Orleans) and her husband, Party of Five star Scott Wolfe, have moved to the Hollywood Hills.

The two have been in moving out and around the country, temporarily relocating themselves to be near his acting gigs. The Los Angeles Times recently did a report in their Real Estate section the couple, claiming that the pair are renting a home in the Hollywood Hills for an astounding $9,000/month.

The pricey tag, is obviously for a beautiful home with a beautiful view of Los Angeles, but the pair also want the option to up and move if Wolfe is called to film on location somewhere.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Dan will be performing at the WYSIWYG Talent Show in NYC tonight

If you're in New York City and are a fan of Dan (Miami), you can catch a performance that he'll be doing for the WYSIWYG Talent Show.

In the show, he'll be reading material he posts over at his blog.

The show is tonight at 8:00PM. It's at the at the Bowery Poetry Club (308 Bowery @ Bleecker). Tickets are $7 and the doors open at 7:30.

Inside Pulse is counting down the Seven Deadly Days of the Real World Denver

Our pals over at Inside Pulse are counting down the "Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver." You can go over to their site this week and see what deadly sin the Denver cast has broken so far this season.

In addition to that special little feature, they also are going to debut running commentary from everyone's favorite Key West castmember Tyler. Tyler is still hard at work on his blog, which he updates rather frequently. So, be sure to check those things out as well.

Don't forget, an episode of the Real World: Denver airs tonight!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Denver Preview: Fight between Jenn and Tyrie centers attention towards Tyrie

"Blindfolding! Spanking! Girls Gone Angry! Too much fun in one night
leads Jenn into a drunken, mascara-smearing tirade, with Tyrie again
involved and at the forefront of said anger. Are you noticing a trend?
Watch Jenn get her beef on this and every Thursday at 10pm, only on MTV."

Monday, December 18, 2006

Duel Episode #9: Eric faces the music and picks Brad; The CT/Diem relationship heats up

This past episode of the Duel saw the group trying to rise against the powerful force of CT (Paris). The episode begins with the guys conspiring to oust CT by allowing Eric (Fresh Meat) to go into the Duel. Eric and Brad (San Diego) start the episode with strategizing over the Duel. It seems like the two are in somewhat of a mutual understanding that may transfer to somewhat of an alliance. Or is this just foreshadowing for something that will happen later on in the episode?

Meanwhile, the flirtation between CT (Paris) and Diem (Fresh Meat) seems to be getting hot and heavy. The two are flirting with CT wanting a kiss, but Diem holding out. Then we hear about how Diem wants to keep CT around because the two are getting close. The box stacking mission, trying to grab a flag that's high up by stacking crates. It's actually done in two heats and Evan and Jodi (Extreme) win the first heat. The second heat has Eric and Aneesa (Chicago) trying to beat Wes (Austin) and Svetlana's (Key West) for the lead. Wes and Svetlana knock down all the boxes and fail, but Aneesa and Eric actually get extremely close, but miss the flag.

This sends the chain to leave Eric as one of the last to be picked. Eric picks Brad, his supposed ally, to go into the Duel with him. Everybody thought that Eric would have to pick CT, because CT is the alpha male to be feared amongst the contestants in the Duel. Eric picks Brad and they get the Pole Wrestle Challenge. Brad comes through victorious and pulls off an upset. Eric is sent home, only leaving four male castmembers: Brad, CT, Evan and Wes.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Don't forget: A brand new episode of the Duel airs tonight only on MTV

Tonight is another episode of the Duel. Unlike previous weeks in which we have told you the winner and loser of the Duel, we decided to give a break. It should be a surprise, as the preview for next week shows CT (Paris) in potential danger from being sent home.

Like we told you when the season first started, there will be several weeks in which we won't spoil the outcomes. So, be sure to check out the Duel tonight, as another male will be going home.

For those of you who are disappointed, we'll re-hash the outcome of the season, which we announced back in July. To find out the outcome of this season, highlight the following blurb: The final four are Brad (San Diego), Jodi (Extreme), Svetlana (Key West) and Wes (Austin). Wes and Jodi win.

Denver Aftershow: Tyrie explains his womanizing ways and explains his protecting Davis as protecting family

Lacey (Austin) once again joins Saul in the Fishbowl to talk to Tyrie (Denver). While last week was crazy, this week was hot and fun, all about the ladies. The ladies' man explains his situation with juggling Ashley and Jazalle. He wanted to see if he could do and wanted to see what he wanted to get from both of them.

He then explains how his relationship requirements work. Saul then asks him before how much this happened to him, without the cameras. Tyrie says that "either way", that he has to go and approach women. His verbal game "had to be right or he would be going home."

They then applaud Stephen (Denver) for his crafty, smooth moves to avoid a meeting between Ashley and Jazalle.

A caller actually calls into ask Lacey about her boyfriend, who are still together. She didn't need a wingman to pick him up. They then make fun of the roommates dressing up for the 06.06.06 party. They then talk about the incident at the bar where Davis is made fun of by the locals. Tyrie just says that he was standing up for his family. He then makes a crack about Nehemiah (Austin).

He says that he related at different levels with the castmembers, saying that the dynamic constantly shifted. Then Saul asks the "kick out, bring in" question. He says he'd kick out Colie (Denver) and put in Ibis (Extreme), Aneesa (Chicago), Shavonda (Philadelphia), Trishelle (Las Vegas), Arissa (Las Vegas) and Coral (Back to New York).

Trishelle (Las Vegas) will be joining the show next week with a yet unnamed Denver guest.

Denver Episode #5: Tyrie juggles his various girls and he saves Davis from ridicule

Davis (Denver) and Tyrie (Denver) are making breakfast in the kitchen. Tyrie mentions that he needs ass. He meets Ashley at a bar and tries to pick her up. He gets her number and tells her that he'll remember her name. The next night, he meets Jazalle, the best set of legs he's seen in a long time.

Davis is planning a ski trip for the rest of the roommates. They have to wake up early. Brooke (Denver) tells Davis that she's more of a sun girl than a snow girl. Then, Tyrie calls up Jazalle, asking where she's goin to be clubbing. Then, he calls up Ashley who tells him that she's a flight attendant. He finds out that they're both going to the same club on the same night and they both want to meet Tyrie. Then Alex (Denver) and Tyrie have a discussion of who's better and who's not. Alex tells him to meet up with both girls at the club. Stephen (Denver), being the wingman that he is, invites Ashley to the house, while Tyrie brings Jazalle. Then, Stephen has to tell Ashley that she's no longer invited to the house.

While Jazalle is in the house, Ashley waits outside. Tyrie briefly leaves Jazalle to say goodbye to Ashley. Then he says that he's been "Darc Kenting" Jazalle for a while. Then the two go into the bathroom for a while.
Meanwhile, Davis wakes up at 8AM, and only Alex and Stephen want to go out and ski. The three bond over falling in the snow and drinking. Tyrie then has a date with Ashley, where the two kiss. Then, he tries to have sex with Jazalle. Tyrie is then disappointed and says he'll give it a week before anything else happens.

The girls then get excited for the lingerie party for 6.6.06. They obviously overdress for the party, where no one else is dressed up. Then, some drunk guy comes up to Davis and calls him some homophobic slurs, and Tyrie stands up for him. They run into Jazalle and Tyrie tries to distance himself from her. Tyrie is somewhat interested in her and the two patch up their rough spots. He then claims that she's gotten his heart.

Next on: Jenn (Denver) becomes an angry drunk and fights with Tyrie after a night on the town.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Need a great gift idea for the holidays? Head on over to for some awesome apparel

The now-infamous College Dropout, Veronica (Semester At Sea) and Rachel's (Campus Crawl) company is having a t-shirt sale for the holidays.

Check out their MySpace page for more info!

Update: Just in case the bandwidth goes out on us again, here's the code: 9QPJ-SW0Z-NGAC-IHET-VWMM-NB57. Enter it at checkout! Happy shopping!

Tyrie begins his womanizing ways and he actually protects Davis from a local at a bar

Here's the trailer for tonight's episode:

Here's the brief synopsis of the episode:

"As the Real World seemingly moves past it's first three days for this
fifth episode, Tyrie has clearly been busy cultivating his "ho-train."
While "Dark Kent" is nervous about juggling two girls for the first
time, "Leroy Jenkins" is not shy in coming to the Davis' defense when
things get testy between Davis and a local [uh, he wants to beat Davis
up, get chore mind out the gutter maaaaaaan!]. Get on over to MTV this
Thursday at 10pm to see how many faces Tyrie threatens to break."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Real World may go international for the third time with its nineteenth season

The rumors are starting. According to this posting, BMP is considering moving the nineteenth season of the series all the way to Sydney, Australia. Recently, the Fresh Meat Challenge was filmed in Byron Bay, Australia, and of course, Road Rules: Down Under was filmed in Australia as well.

They list the top five cities that season 19 is rumored to be considering. If you remember, many people believed Detroit was the site of the 18th season, then a surprise announcement came from BMP announcing Denver would host to the seven strangers. Atlanta was heavily rumored to be the location for the 17th season, but producers threw a curveball and opted for Key West. And way back when, there were a lot of rumors that Real World was headed for Washington DC and even decked out a loft in the Adams Morgan section of the city, which turned out just to be a renovation of an old building.

They also report that the finalists for season 19 are all being asked if they have their passport.

Are we ready for The Real World: Sydney?

1) Sydney, Australia
2) Detroit, Michigan USA
3) Atlanta, Georgia USA
4) Washington DC USA
5) Montreal, Quebec Canada

Watch the trailer for the next Duel episode, which features the CT/Diem relationship, on YouTube

If you missed last week's preview episode of the Duel, you can check it out on YouTube:

Send in your questions for Evan who will be doing an interview with BuddyTV on Thursday

Evan (Fresh Meat) will be answering your questions in an interview that he will be doing with Buddy TV on Thursday.

Buddy TV, which is that interactive chat platform that both Evan and Derrick (Extreme) have used this season to chat with you about the episodes, is conducting an interview with Evan.

So, if you have any questions to ask for the Fresh Meater turned Duelist, be sure to send in your questions to by the end of the day today and we'll get them off to BuddyTV. In the meanwhile, you guys can actually visit BuddyTV which keeps an archive of all the chats they have in the past.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The "new" Road Rules 14 cast, composed of alumni, is rumored to be selected

Road Rules 14, which has yet to get a title, is rumored to have been casted. I'm getting word that the castmembers who are on the new season of Road Rules have already been contacted, although this is not entirely confirmable.

While you can probably figure out some of the favorites, the preliminary list that we have received seems like casting has attempted to somewhat include castmembers from earlier seasons. However, it is useful to note that all of the castmembers that are rumored to be selected have been on at least one Challenge. We still don't have a full OR a confirmable list, so it's still subject to change. As more information comes our way (especially when we get word to release names), we'll do our best to make the info available to you.

This season of Road Rules premieres next month although no official start date has been given. This season the cast will be based in California (a first for the series). Presumably, each week the cast will be given a mission to travel to somewhere close to their "home base." Once they complete or fail their mission, they are required to return to their home base in California and face the consequences of their mission. The show will actually be in real time, so there won't be much to spoil, but there will be a lot of online content. Stay tuned for more information.

New Years Bash: What the Denver and Fresh Meat kids are going for on 12/31

This website did a story about how much stars are asking for on New Year's Eve. Some stars are available for hosting your parties, while others will perform, while others will just show up. The most expensive? Fergie is going for $50,000.

How much are our favorite stars going for? Seeing as Denver is the hot season right now, you can get a member of the Denver cast at rock bottom prices. (compared to Fergie, of course) For just $1,000 each, you can get Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen or Tyrie to appear at your party on New Year's.

How about them Fresh Meaters? They weren't on the Real World or Road Rules, but a few of them seem to be Challenge veterans already. If you can't spring for the $1,000 bill for Denver, you can have a Fresh Meater for $500.

Of course, prices are subject to change. If you're actually interested in booking the castmembers for appearances, check out this website.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Aftershow: Aneesa joins Blair in a very revealing showing this week in the Aftershow

Aneesa said this Challenge is the first in which she had to rely on herself to get through it. She liked the team concept better than individual. They talk about Beth (Los Angeles) and how she couldn't hold any ill feelings toward her. She called Nehemiah (Austin) and Beth "slim pickings."

She talks about the fight that she had with Robin (San Diego). She couldn't believe what was coming out of Robin's mouth. The talk they had goes nowhere, but she gets to pull Robin into the Duel. She says that she needs to be the female Derrick (Extreme) to pull off a win.

The Basket Game:

Svetlana (Key West): "I wish you were a lesbian. I hate her douchebag boyfriend Martin, but they broke up, I think."

Casey (Fresh Meat): "I love Casey. She gives great blowjobs."

Evan (Fresh Meat): He was playing Jodi (Extreme) and Robin. "They definitely had sex on the Challenge."

Jodi (Extreme): She tried to make out with her. Cries a lot when she's drunk.

Kenny (Fresh Meat): The funniest, most uncoordinated person she's ever met. But he's fabulous.

The Sh$* You Didn't See: CT (Paris) and Evan playing with the food. The cast singing/scatting in the car. CT puts fart powder in coffee and gives it to Aneesa.

Duel Episode #9: Robin mouths off when she's drunk, pisses off Aneesa, and it sends them to the Duel

This episode begins with the cast dancing at a club. Robin (San Diego) declares that she's "drunk as a skunk". They get back to the house and she attacks Aneesa (Chicago). This sets off Aneesa. Even Kina (Extreme) is surprised at Robin's outburst.

Aneesa is visibly upset after the confrontation. Brad (San Diego) denounces Robin's actions and tries to distance himself from her. Robin sobers up and says that in all the Challenges she's been in, she can't figure Aneesa out. Aneesa declares that she is done with Robin.

The first challenge is a eating challenge. They're split into two groups. The winning team moves on the next heat. CT (Paris) wins, but is DQed. Evan (Fresh Meat) wins the hockey package. The cast throws up.

Diem (Fresh Meat) wins the Challenge. Then the show is edited to show that Brad has a big decisino to make in whether or not he should pick Robin. He, of course, picks Robin. This pisses off Aneesa. Wes (Austin) is left to pick Aneesa and of course she picks Robin.

They choose Ascender. Robin has trouble releasing the puzzle pieces and this gives Aneesa a huge advantage. Robin is leaving Buzios.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Duel Spoiler Alert: It's a girls Duel day today and a rift between Aneesa and Robin send them to the Duel

Tonight is yet another episode of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel.

If you missed the trailer for this week's episode, you can check it out on a previous post. This week, the girls are up for elimination, which of course, has tensions running high throughout the cast. For whatever reason, which we don't know if it happens before or after the mission, Robin (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) get into an argument because Robin (San Diego) tells Aneesa to choose a side when it comes to her sexuality.

Whether or not this causes tension during selection is unclear. To find out whahappens, highlight this blurb:

Robin (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) are actually picked to go into the Duel against each other. Capping off the argument the two have, Aneesa is able to send Robin packing, further perserving whatever was left of the "tenderoni" alliance and putting a dent in the "drama mafia."

Don't forget, the Duel airs tonight only on MTV.

Aftershow: Lacey joins Saul in the Fishbowl where Davis joins to explain himself

Lacey (Austin) is joining Saul this week to talk about the new episode of The Real World. Lacey, by the way, is opening her own salon in Florida. Congratulations to her.

Davis (Denver) joins the show and he gives his own explanation of what happened. He says that this happened the second night they got there. He blames the free drinks, the high altitude, and his drinking problems.

The situation just escalated when they were trying to calm down because they kept taunting each other. Davis calls the night one of the worst nights of his life. He said the n-word to hurt Tyrie because he thought he was leaving.

He says that he's learned a lot, he's grown a lot. He appreciates the experience. Lacey makes the comparison to Nehemiah (Austin) and Rachel's (Austin) fight about the war in Iraq.

Then they move on. He was excited to be the gay guy on the show to break the stereotypes that people have of gay people. He said he wanted to go home because he felt like he negated any positivity that he potentially could spread. He then thought about it for more than a second and knew it would be worse if he had left.

Lacey (Austin) will be joining Saul next week with special guest Tyrie.

RW Denver Episode #4: When drunk, Davis goes off the deep end and the roommates get into a group confrontation

The cast begins the episode by going out. Tyrie (Denver) mentions that he has an alter ego in which he doesn't want to come out. Foreshadowing, anyone?

Davis (Denver) drinks a lot in a very short amount of time and decides to go home because he's not having a very good time. While leaving, Stephen (Denver) is called the n-word by a bouncer. For some reason, probably because he's drunk, Stephen mentions that he's pissed off at Davis for leaving.

Stephen explains to Tyrie why it's unfair for Davis to leave. Tyrie yells at Davis to get out of the tub. And then while Davis tries to walk away, Tyrie begins to get even angrier at Davis. The two begin to start shoving each other, all the while the girls are watching in the tub. Tyrie gets really angry and starts insulting Davis. Brooke (Denver) and Colie try to break up the fight between them, while Davis tells Tyrie to hit him so he can be sent home.

The two finally break it apart. Davis goes back and taunts Tyrie. Stephen then comes in and explains why he was angry at Davis. All the while, tensions between Tyrie and Davis are still at it. Colie then mentions that Davis is the one who keeps getting into the roommate's faces. Davis then confronts Tyrie crying while one of the producers intervenes between the two. Davis then says he can't live in the house anymore and gets on the phone he yells to the house that he's going home because of Tyrie, who he then calls the n-word.

Davis leaves the house to stay in a hotel for a night. Brooke asks Tyrie how he's feeling. She too agrees that Davis is in the wrong. Tyrie says he's over it, but he won't be able to forget it. Davis returns home to the open arms of Jenn (Denver). The house has a meeting and Davis personally apologizes to Tyrie. Davis announces to the house that he's leaving, blaming his alcohol problem.

Jenn immediately starts to cry. Tyrie doesn't care and looks like he's bored. Stephen attempts to convince him to stay. Then, Tyrie steps in and tells him that they would be able to work things out if he did stay, although he wouldn't care about him leaving. stephen attempts to befriend Davis to teach him about race issues. Tyrie apologizes to him and wants him to stay, which Davis says that he already made the decision to.

Next Week: Tyrie is juggling two women and he defends Davis when someone confronts him in a club.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tonight - RW Denver Episode #4: Will the drama continue this week or slow down now that the honeymoon is over?

Every season, we're usually presented with a situation in which there's a lot of action/drama/controversy. It's pretty much a rite of passage for each season of The Real World. (Anyone remember Ruthie (Hawaii) having alcohol poisoning? Steven (Las Vegas) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) hooking up in Frank's (Las Vegas) lap? Danny (Austin) getting punched in the face by a local at a bar?)

Well, it's also been somewhat tradition that the cast settles in and begins that awkward phase of getting to know each other. Then we get a couple of episodes where someone temporarily gains a conscience or finds themselves in a 30-minute episode. Well, this season, the fourth of the series, doesn't seem to let up.

After the fiasco that was Alex (Denver), Colie (Denver) and Jenn (Denver), Davis (Denver) and Tyrie (Denver) will be getting a lot more airtime tonight, as an altercation between Davis and Tyrie (that almost seems to be the same one that Nehemiah (Austin) and Danny (Austin) got into...), leads to heated tension between the two. While the preview doesn't show much in terms of a coherent storyline, Tyrie gets angry at a presumably drunk Davis and the two may have hit each other or one hit the other. It's not entirely clear.

However, we see Davis on the phone, crying because he may have to go home because of Tyrie. (He didn't use those words either.) It's a good episode. Don't forget to catch it tonight only on MTV.

Update: So, here's a brief synopsis of tonight's show. Tyrie explodes when Davis leaves Stephen at a club. Davis gets really upset and calls Tyrie the n-word, which also causes Davis to announce he's leaving the house. The next day, Davis sobers up and still makes the same announcement and also says that he's going to seek treatment for his alcohol abuse.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another campus paper, this time American University, profiles Aviv and her selection to be on Fresh Meat

Hot on the heels of the other story we reported on yesterday, another school newspaper, this time at American University in Washington DC, has profiled Aviv (Fresh Meat).

While the last article profiled her win and her selection from being in the larger pool of trying to get on Key West, this article talks in length about her time serving in the Israeli Defense Force. If you didn't know, Aviv went to Israel to serve in their army.

It's a pretty interesting read, check it out at this website.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Inferno III Master Spoiler Thread: Who's on this Challenge, who's in the finals, and who wins

It's that time of the year again. No, not the holidays. Well before the season will even air, we bring you the details of the fourteenth season of The Real World Road Rules Challenge.

These are major spoilers, so if you don't want to know, stop reading!

These are the teams, under the Good Guys/Bad Asses theme used in the Inferno II:

Team Good Guys

Alton (Las Vegas)
Ace (Paris)
Rachel (Austin)
John (Key West)
Paula (Key West)
Colie (Denver)
Davis (Denver)
Timmy (USA Tour 2)
Susie (Australia)
Cara (South Pacific)
Team Bad Asses

Aneesa (Chicago)
Tonya (Chicago)
CT (Paris)*
Danny (Austin)
Janelle (Key West)
Jenn (Denver)
Tyrie (Denver)
Abram (South Pacific)
Evelyn (Fresh Meat)
Kenny (Fresh Meat)

Now, for the finalists and to find out which team ends up taking the competition. Highlight the small blurb to read who ends up taking the competition.

A small note (*) before we continue. CT (Paris) is kicked off early on for what has only been described as a "fight" so far. He's replaced with Derrick (Extreme). (This is how Derrick was able to drive Katie (The Quest) from LA to Chicago when the cast was flying out to the Challenge.)

The final Good Guys team is Alton, Ace, Johnny, Paula, Susie, and Cara. The final Bad Asses ends up as Aneesa, Tonya, Janelle, Derrick, Abe, Evelyn, and Kenny.

Rectifying their loss on the Inferno II, the Bad Asses pull off a win.

Again, just a quick update for those of you out of the loop. Castmembers left for this Challenge beginning on October 15. The location of the Challenge is in Cape Town, South Africa. There's no official airdate scheduled for this Challenge. But, this Challenge should start airing immediately after the Duel wraps. That would be in Spring 2007.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Aviv, Winner of the Fresh Meat Challenge, is featured in her school's newspaper

Ever wondered what happened to Aviv (Fresh Meat)? Granted, it's been only a couple of months since her win on the Fresh Meat Challenge, but she hasn't signed on again to do the next two Challenges: The Inferno III and Fresh Meat 2.

So what is the Columbus, Ohio resident up to these days? Ohio State University's newspaper, the Lantern, did a profile on Aviv and her winning ways. Check out the article here.

Some cool facts the article lets us in on: Like the other Fresh Meaters, she was trying out for a spot on Key West. Aviv actually auditioned with her brother, but she made it to the finals. They also list what Aviv won on the Challenge: 32-inch flat screen TV, a five-disc DVD player, free Netflix for one year, $1,500 on an individual challenge, and the grand prize of $125,000. Who would sign up for another Challenge after taking home all that?

Friday, December 01, 2006

New Trial Feature Available: Leave comments on individual posts, talk to other fans

We're always trying to bring you the latest news and best website that we can possibly bring you. So in that spirit, we've unveiled a new feature of the site that will be running on a trial basis.

You can chat with other people on the blog, by click on the comments link at the end of each post. You don't need to register with Blogger, you don't need to post your name or email either. It's a pretty easy process. It's sort of like a mini-message board with each post.

So, if you ever have anything to say about a post, now you can chat with other fans about it! A few words of warning: People will inevitably spoil the seasons and will do so without warning. Read on your own risk. People will inevitably say something offensive. Do your best to keep it clean. Do your best not to be offended. If it gets too out of hand, the trial period will end and we'll pull it off the site.

But other than that, have fun! We're glad to bring you this feature and we hope that you come to use it frequently!

Check out the trailer for next week's episode and this nifty little Wes promo

So, you might have missed the trailer for next week's episode, since they ran a "fall finale" trailer showing scenes for the rest of the season. Here's Robin (San Diego) and Aneesa (Chicago) battling it out:

And here's a funny promo that uses footage from last night:

Denver house has finally sold for $3.3 million and will become an upscale restaurant

The once nightclub under the name B-52 Billiards, which was then bought by MTV for $2.7 million has now been sold once again.

Check out this article by the Denver Post which says the Alexander Group, a father and son real estate developer team, has bought the property. Incidentally, they also bought all of the MTV decorations inside the house, which they say they'll keep 50 percent of.

The downstairs is going to be converted into a hip restaurant/bar. The courtyard will be transformed into an outdoor bar. The first floor will be an upscale restaurant. The basement will act as a nightclub of sorts. The top floor is going to be converted to office space, which the developer group says they already have a contract lined out for.

The last house to be converted into a restaurant? That would be Austin which is now the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant. Seattle's Pier 70 is now also the site of a fancy seafood restaurant. Chicago is now the site of a gym. Back to New York's pad is in a semi-similar state it was during filming and is rented for parties. Las Vegas is now a hugely expensive suite that you can rent out for the night.

Aftershow: Derrick shows up to chat it up with Blair for a sixth time, which is a new record

This week, appearing for the sixth time, Derrick (Extreme) showed up on the Aftershow to chat it out with Blair (The Quest).

Derrick wanted to face Wes and wanted to take on the "performance-enhancing", cocky attitude. He calls it the funnest Duel/Gauntlet he's been in. Blair asks his about the kissing bandit, where he found himself kissing Casey (Fresh Meat) in Brazil. But he doesn't remember it unfortunately.

Blair then brings up the "I'm a better kisser than he is" when Jodi (Extreme) is crying over Evan (Fresh Meat) and then it shows Derrick and Jodi kiss. Derrick gives Diem (Fresh Meat) support for hooking up with CT (Paris) because they're two cool people being happy together.

Now, they play the Basket Game:

Paula (Key West): He didn't get to see the drunken moments. She's pretty cool and she's got kind eyes.
Johnny (Key West): Funny. Steals his thunder.
Casey (Fresh Meat): Got to make out with her and didn't even remember it.
Tyler (Key West): Glad he sent him home. Douchebag. Didn't see the negativity he gives out. Should watch the show to see how he ends up looking after he spreads his negativity.

The Sh(* You Didn't See: Derrick wrestling with Kenny (Fresh Meat) on a hill. Kina (Extreme) wrestling Eric (Fresh Meat). A group fight with a whole bunch of castmembers.

Check out Eric's updates on the latest episodes of the Duel only on Inside Pulse

Eric (Fresh Meat), as we previously reported before, is giving his own take on the latest Duel episodes over at Inside Pulse. He takes the job from his former teammate Katie (The Quest).

He just recently updated his blog with last week's episode, commenting on what he personally thought of Beth (Los Angeles). After he's done with the whole Beth thing, he gives you his take on the episode.

After that, he even makes a short comment about last night's episode. Be sure to keep checking out his blog, as he'll update his thoughts on the Wes (Austin)/Derrick (Extreme) Duel.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A few alumni will be showing up in Milwaukee as a reunion in a club appearance

On last night's Duel episode, Wes (Austin) made a comment that he wanted to ask Johanna (Austin) to marry him. Want to know how that worked out? Well, Wes, Johanna, Melinda (Austin), Brad (San Diego) and other castmembers will be making an appearance at Cafe Milwaukee.

The event is on Friday, December 15th at 8PM. There's no cover and the drinks are $1. The bar is located at 1101 N. Old World 3rd Street in Milwaukee.

If you're in the area, check out the cast, you'll never know who'll you end up running into there!

Duel Episode #8: Evan wins the mission, Wes goes in and beats Derrick, Wes breaks down

Wes (Austin) begins this episode when paranoia sets in and he's fearful that he'll be sent into the next Duel. He makes a comment that he really wants the money, so he can ask Johanna (Austin) to marry him, and start a life with her. Derrick (Extreme) also tells Jodi (Extreme) that he really wants to win this, his fifth Challenge.

Meanwhile, Diem (Fresh Meat) and CT (Paris) are in heavy flirting mode, especially as its Diem's birthday. The cast learns that they'll be split up into two big teams in the first heat, attempting to grab a flag off a pole. CT (Paris) and Eric (Fresh Meat) are named team captains as they won the last two missions. CT's team pulls through first and his team of six CT, Wes, Evan (Fresh Meat), Diem, Robin (San Diego) and Svetlana (Key West) end up in the last heat.

The point of this heat is to run through a course that has slip and slide tarps up and down the sand dunes. Evan digs his feet into the tarp and into the sand and easily makes it up. Diem follows in his footsteps literally, and she wins on her birthday. The order is set off and with the "tenderoni" alliance gone, Wes looks to be targeted. After Wes looks to be the one favored going into the Duel, he tells the girls to choose him to go into the Duel, as he needs to take control of his destiny in the game.

Wes picks Derrick, and they get Pole Wrestle. Every single person in the Duel knows the two of them will brutually fight to the bitter end. The cast watches in horror as the two tear each other apart for nearly a 1/2 hour. Wes eventually pulls through with the win. After winning, Derrick thinks he wants to re-evaluate his life. However, when Wes makes it home, he calls Johanna, and breaks down. He isn't happy about winning and the Duel takes a lot out of him. He tells her that he wants to marry her and that he doesn't know if he can go through another Duel like that again.

Update: This episode has proven itself as a good way to usher in a new trial feature of our site. You can now leave comments on each of the news stories we post. So, if you want to discuss the episode with other fans, feel free to leave a comment.

Duel Spoiler Alert: Wes is sent into the Duel, who will go in there with him?

The next episode preview shows that Wes (Austin) chooses to make the decision to send himself to the Duel.

Robin (San Diego) has to make the decision between Brad (San Diego) and Wes (Austin). After Wes tells Robin that he's not worried about going to the Duel, Robin picks Brad sending Wes to the Duel.

(Highlight the following to read:) Wes chooses Derrick (Extreme) to go to the Duel with him and Derrick is sent home. This is a great episode you won't want to miss.

The Duel airs tonight only on MTV.

Scenes from the Duel: Nehemiah and Wes taunt Kenny, CT is a victim of the girls troublemaking

Check out this two videos in anticipation of tonight's episode of the Duel:

This episode of the Duel airs tonight only on MTV.

Denver Aftershow: Alex visits Saul and Robin to explain his actions

Saul and Robin (San Diego) talk about the craziness of the season with only three days into the season. They confront Alex (Denver) about his "scumbag" or "stud" status. He says that he wasn't trying to hide anything, but all he was trying to do was hook-up with his roommates.

He states for the record that Colie (Denver) was the better kisser of the two. The pizza incident, where the hosts accuse Alex of something happening during Colie finding them in the guest room, Alex claims that it was more a product of Jenn not wanting to know that they had hooked-up.

The night that the lesbian kiss happened, Alex was out with Davis (Denver). Alex also claims that he wasn't jealous, nor was Colie attempting to make him jealous. Alex talks about how he was sort of ganged up on by the girls.

When asked about the hottest female in the house, he gives a very diplomatic answer, basically complimenting all three of them. Robin then talks about how her cast was more about getting arrested than hooking up. Saul asks who he would kick out and take up, Alex wants to kick out Brooke (Denver) and replace her with Mallory (Paris).

Next week, Lacey (Austin) and Davis will show up on the Aftershow.

Real World Denver Episode #3: Colie confronts Jenn, Alex and Colie break it off

The episode started out with Jenn waking up to the morning after she was with Alex. After avoiding Colie all morning, Colie catches Jenn while she was showering and asks her how she got a hickey on her neck.

Jenn then confesses to Colie and the girls precede to cry over being stuck on one guy. Alex talks to Colie, who now doesn't like him and gives him the cold shoulder.

The three girls go out on a night on the town where Jenn denounces her hookup with Alex. While at the club, Colie picks up Nick who ends up doing some shady stuff with her in some alley. Colie brings him home and makes out with him in front of Alex. Alex is visibly affected by the hook-up, but everyone recognizes that Nick was brought to the house: principally to make Alex jealous.

Colie acheives her goal of making Alex jealous and the two begin to flirt after Colie sends Nick home. The two end up sleeping in the same bed together and making a drunken pact that they won't hook up with anyone else. Alex wakes up the next morning only to tell Colie that he didn't
remember anything they said last night.

Ultimately, Colie finds out that she and Alex are definitely not made for each other.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Episode #3 of the Real World Denver is tonight; Alex will be guesting on the Aftershow

Tonight is the third episode of the Real World: Denver. Unfortunately, there won't be a three-way episode, so you won't be able to catch it three times in one night. However, they are moving the series back to its regular time at 10PM.

For this episode, Colie (Denver) is finally pushed away by Alex (Denver), who begins to pursue his relationship with Jenn (Denver).

For those of you Aftershow fans, Alex will be on tonight, along with host Saul and veteran Robin (San Diego), so be sure to catch that as he will probably have some explaining to do.

Ratings debate over the premiere of the Real World Denver

Last week's episode of The Real World: Denver has come in with mixed reviews. While most of the reviews of the show weren't great (as usual), there was some surprising praise for the series as we reported to you yesterday.

But the ratings seem to be a point of debate amongst critics and supporters of the series. Variety is reporting that the ratings for this season of The Real World Denver is down 53% from last year's Key West premiere. However, Get Real Denver is reporting the number at around 8 million viewers, which is a huge increase.

The difference in numbers comes from looking at the numbers in its 1-hour premiere or 3-hour premiere. Over the 3 hours, more than 8 million people tuned in, but for the premiere itself, only a small number of people tuned in for that first hour. What is more impressive is that the Overdrive channel experienced an 82% increase in traffic after the episode aired as compared to the Key West season, so the show must be doing pretty well.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NY Daily News actually gives the new Denver season a good review

It's strange to hear journalists praise the newer seasons of The Real World. The precipitous decline of the series into binge drinking, promiscuity, and a whole bunch of other questionable activities usually make the series an easy target for journalists reviewing the series.

Surprisingly, this article by the New York Daily News' George Huff, actually gives praise to the series and wants you to watch the upcoming episodes.

Tomorrow is yet another episode of Denver, where we will see the aftermath of the Alex, Colie, Jenn hook-up.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Inside Pulse has regular updates by Eric and has an interview with Evan of the Duel

Here's a special treat for everyone, Eric (Fresh Meat) is a regular poster over at Inside Pulse, which was a job normally held by Katie (The Quest).

Eric tries to update you on the latest Duel episodes and gives you his own take on what went down in Buzios.

They also have an interview up with Eric's fellow Dueler, Evan (Fresh Meat). The most interesting thing that he says is that he talks about how he was cast originally on the Key West season of the Real World. Check out the story here.

Aftershow: Beth visits Blair to put the final nail in the coffin on the "tenderoni" alliance

Beth (Los Angeles) came on to the Aftershow to explain her fifth Challenge appearance. She takes one final swipe at Tina (South Pacific) and the infamous hit.

Blair (The Quest) comments on Beth's alliance which grew out of Kina's (Extreme) alliance and Tina being kicked out. She claims into bringing Nehemiah (Austin) into the mix because she thought he'd make it far. She then calls Nehemiah a "special guy." She then makes reference to some sort of relationship.

Beth called Svetlana (Key West) dumb for picking her. Then calls the host "stupid, little TJ." She says she gets "better with age" at the challenges.

The basket game:

Nehemiah: her "tenderoni", one of a kind
Evan (Fresh Meat): a snake in the grass. Biggest asskisser.
Paula (Key West): a sweet girl, tougher, and should definitely stop drinking. She's a good girl.
Tina (South Pacific): Threatened by everbody who she thinks is prettier than her, which is everyone. Jealous. Crazy.
Casey (Fresh Meat): Great new set of boobs.
Derrick (Extreme): They go round and round. Make up and talk crap, make up and talk crap...
Robin (San Diego): She's insecure so she tends to follow who she thinks is cool. Robin can be the cool one, but she's got low self-esteem.
Diem (Fresh Meat): She seems like she's a very sweet girl. She knows what she's doing. She's using her sexuality.
Svetlana (Key West): Pure luck. She could kick her ass, anytime, anyday.

The Sh($ You Didn't See: Brad's (San Diego) side of the Beth/Svetlana fight. A burping montage.

Duel Episode #7: Brad gets in a fight, Beth is sent home by Svetlana

After alliances are questioned, Beth (Los Angeles) goes up to Brad (San Diego) asking what's the status of his alliance with Robin (San Diego). Somehow, Svetlana (Key West) gets involved in it.

Svetlana is hurt by Brad's accusations of starting drama. She wants to go home. So the mission is somewhat of a race, with different stages on land and water. CT (Paris) pulls off a win for the guys, while Beth makes an impressive showing, but ultimately loses to Jodi (Extreme).

The girls send Svetlana to the Duel, which leaves Svetlana open to pick any girl but Jodi. Svetlana picks Beth in order to make a showing against the girls.

Eventually, at the Duel, Svetlana makes an impressive showing against Beth, holding her own. But, Svetlana tires out and eventually Beth looks like she will easily take out Svetlana. However, Beth makes a crucial mistake and rips off the flag, sending Beth home.

Stephen grants an interview with Howard University's newspaper

Stephen (Denver) has given an interview with his school's newspaper.

In it, he talks about how he never watched the show before auditioning, juggling school with the show, and how his views changed after being on the show.

It's a pretty interesting read and it sheds a little bit of light on Stephen's persona. Be sure to check it out at the website.

Saul from TVGasm hosts the first live Aftershow of the Real World Denver

This is the first Aftershow that's "live" and for the new Real World season.

Robin (San Diego) guested on the show and watched the show with Saul. They're both excited for the "great, amazing" season." Brooke (Denver) was also on the show as a taped guest.

She says that she thought that Alex (Denver) was initially a normal, sweet guy. She was blown away by the house. She explains her choice for not getting naked in the pool.

Then comes the questions. They talk about the lesbian kiss, Tyrie (Denver), Stephen (Denver)/Davis (Denver), living with the cameras, people's being comfortable with the cameras, the Alex, Colie, Jenn affair, and who she would kick out of the house (Alex). Robin will be back next week, along with Alex.

Denver Episode #1/2: Drama begins within hours of moving into the house

So, from what MTV showed on their website, it begins with everyone showing up in the house. First, Tyrie and Jenn show up in the house. Then, Alex and Brooke arrive. Followed by Colie, Davis and Stephen. Then commences the greetings, the screaming, and then all the excitement.

Everyone but Colie and Davis goes out to buy liquor, so the two of them bond over Davis' homosexuality, although he didn't want to tell the guys right away. Then, Colie is talking about the automatic connection they share, especially with the connection between Jenn and Colie.

The cast then plays "truth or dare." The topic immediately turns to who will sleep with who. Then comes the Alex/Colie connection. Brooke expresses her disappointment with no gay people. The group goes out for drinks. Then Davis comes out to the group when Jenn asks who's gay. Stephen immediately expresses his unhappiness with Stephen.

Davis explains his deteriorating relationship with his mother to Brooke. Then you have Stephen re-visiting the controversy.

Eventually, you have the climax of the Alex, Colie, Jenn storyline. After Colie nearly catches Alex and Jenn together, Jenn and Alex end up consumating their relationship.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving 2006

Yet another Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving 2006!

Thank YOU for coming day after day!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Real World Denver premiere day news chatter round-up

There's a lot of small chatter of The Real World premiering tonight. Here's a look at a couple of articles:

New York Times

What's On Tonight
By Kathryn Shattuck

In this 18th -- count 'em -- season premiere, seven strangers take up residence in the LoDo (for Lower Downtown) section of Denver, where during the day they work as Outward Bound counselors for adolescents affected by Hurricane Katrina while tearing up the Mile High City at night.


Newsday (Nassau and Suffolk NY Edition)

Wednesday TV: Tonight


The Real World (10 p.m., MTV) - In the 18th edition of the granddaddy of all reality shows, a new group of housemates hang out in Denver.


Entertainment Weekly

What to Watch
Alynda Wheat

Season Premiere
The Real World: Denver
I know, 18 seasons, but at higher altitudes they get drunk and slutty even faster.


The Rocky Mountain News

Probably the most interesting articles are coming from this paper. In this exclusive, they detail several events in the first episode. (Highlight to read) They drink a lot. Some girl-on-girl action happens when they get in the hot tub. (This is not the Jenn/Brooke clip we saw.) "Stephen proves that African-American frat boys can be bigots too." And then, Alex hooks up with both Jenn and Colie and then you see Jenn apologizing to Colie.

They also have an article that interviews Jon Murray, creator of The Real World and he addresses several things. It went to press today, so it's on the website yet. He mentions how Alex ends up with Jenn and Colie. Brooke hates the Outward Bound job, but then goes through the most profound change during the sesason. Tyrie's passionate side gets him into trouble. And Brooke has a problem about how Davis still makes out with women and the Stephen/Davis friendship expands rapidly rather than deteriorates.

Then he addresses the notion that the show has focused increasingly on alcohol. He actually says that they try to stay away from the heavy drinkers and he attributes the difference to kids using "alcohol differently than they did in 1992."

The Real World XVIII: Denver airs its season premiere tonight only on MTV

It has come.

Ever since Denver began filming early this summer, we have been waiting in anticipation for the cast of The Real World: Denver to hit our television screens.

Now, tonight at 8PM, 9PM, and 10PM Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen and Tyrie will descend upon their house on Market Street and move onto MTV for the next couple months.

Check back here for the latest updates and news.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Curious to know about how you would fit in the Denver cast? Take these two quizzes

The following are two pretty sweet quizzes that asks your preferences and will match you up with the Denver roommates who'll be your friend, your enemy, and your hook-up. It's pretty evident by some of the questions who they're referring to, but it's a fun little quiz to take before you watch the season premiere tomorrow:

Friend, Enemy, Hook-Up

This second quiz asks who were your favorite Real Worlders of seasons past and then it will match you to who you'll end up liking most this coming season.

If You Like, Then You'll Love

There are both fun little quizzes. Watch the Real World: Denver tomorrow on MTV airing at 8p, 9p, and 10pm!

Denver premieres tomorrow and we have a special treat for you in anticipation

The Real World's 18th season premieres tomorrow night and in celebration, we're bringing you two very special videos that show you some of the casting tapes of your favorite alumni and the current Denver kids.

Check them out:

Enjoy the clips! Remember, The Real world: Denver premieres tomorrow night at 8, 9, and 10PM!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tyrie will be hosting a viewing party at LoDo's in Denver on Wednesday

Tyrie (Denver) will be in Denver on Wednesday, hosting the premiere party of the Real World Denver at the infamous LoDo's Bar & Grill, the hangout where the seven strangers used to go, across the street from the house.

Lodo's is at 1946 Market Street, so once you are done watching the premiere, you can go check out the outside of the house . The premiere party starts at 7pm, with the three airings at 8, 9, and 10pm.

So, go ahead, get down to Lodo's, and party it up with Ty, much like the seven strangers did last summer.

And if not, remember, Denver premieres on screens across the nation on Wednesday night at 8, 9, and 10PM!

The Inferno III is done filming and all its castmembers have returned home

The Inferno III has recently wrapped up filming and all of it castmembers have now returned home.

Although filming has wrapped, there is still no word on how the teams were split up, who stayed, and who won the competition. More information will undoubtely be revealed as time goes by.

Also, MM Agency reveals that at least one castmember from Denver had survived until the end.

Trishelle stars in a new reality series and has a part in the Dukes of Hazzard 2

Trishelle is keeping busy these days. She's recently been cast as a part of a new reality show that is syndicated on FOX Networks.

The show is called VIP Passport and no, it's not a reality version of Pamela Anderson's old syndicated show. This show follows five Americans who go around the world, partaking in life's grandest and finest luxuries. Other reality vets are on it, but it's not a former reality TV thing. The show, which has aired three episodes, is syndicated, so check your local listings. Also, the show will give away a few cars, so it's worth checking out. Here's the MySpace page.

She'll also be starring in the Dukes of Hazzard 2 which is a prequel to the first film. She plays the part of "Ally Handy." Congratulations to Trishelle!

Eric Nies will be the next alumni to be a part of the Celebrity Paranormal Project

The last we heard of Eric Nies (New York) was that he was training a sumo wrestler in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. That was shortly after Battle of the Sexes 2 aired, which he won.

Yesterday, to our surprise, he showed up on the promo for Celebrity Paranormal Project, the Fear-like series which brings together celebrities to investigate paranormal sites around the United States. Tonya (Chicago) recently filmed an episode of the show.

Eric will be joining celebrities like Nicole Eggert and Ernie Hudson to investigate paranormal activity next Sund

ay only on VH1's Celebreality. If you're a fan of Eric, don't miss it.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jeep product places the hell out of its new SUV, will be the center of a Real World trivia contest

In last night's Las Vegas marathon, we saw promos and promos and promos for the new Denver season.

We also saw new promos for the 2007 Jeep Compass Contest. Jeep is running ads all over MTV asking you to tune in on Wednesday night, for a chance to answer some questions about the new season, and possibly win a 2007 Jeep Compass. They have a website listed here, but it is currently not working.

This marks a product placement blitz by Jeep, because you'll see the Jeep everywhere in Denver. The bar in the living room is made out of a Jeep. The car that the cast will be given is a Jeep Compass. And I'm pretty sure you'll hear Jeep a couple of times uttered by some of the roommates.

Maybe you can win a car out of it. Stay tuned for Wednesday.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

MTV is promoting a 3-way premiere for Wednesday night; Las Vegas is airing now

The Real World: Las Vegas is currently hitting television screens across the nation. (The marathon ends Sunday morning at 5:30am)

So, while re-living a season since passed, we've become inundated with promos for the Denver season. Among other things, MTV is advertising a 3-way season premiere. This might be code for some questionable activity that may occur later on in the season, but it also says to tune in on Wednesday at 8, 9, and 10pm.

On the schedule, they show three one-hour episodes airing back to back. More than likely, what they'll end up doing, is airing the first episode at 8pm and repeat it twice, back-to-back.

Don't forget to check it out! Denver season on Wednesday at 8!

Dan's Denver House Tour is up on Overdrive; He will be booked to host the finale in January

So, every season since Chicago, there's been a reunion in the MTV studios, usually where they host TRL, usually hosted by a VJ.

(Trivia Note: They used to do reunions every couple of years. They did one four seasons into the series and another one ten seasons into the series. After the cast almost staged a revolt during the tenth season reunion, demanding more money, they stopped doing those.)

So, the last few reunions have been hosted by Susie Castillo. She even recently hosted the similar Laguna Beach finale. However, this season, it looks like an alumni will be hosting.

Dan, recently hosted the House Tour which was an On Demand video that has been available to cable subscribers with DVRs for quite awhile. (It is now available on Overdrive.) However, Dan (Miami) recently announced over at his TypePad that he will be hosting the reunion in much of a "talk show" format that they always do. Should be interesting having an alumni interview the cast.

The reunion tapes in January.

In anticipation of the new season, MTV releases On Demand clips onto Overdrive

Since this is the last weekend that you will go "Real World-less" for a considerable amount of time, MTV is releasing a couple of videos that will satiate your appetite. Check them out on Overdrive.

The clips are opened up by Blair (The Quest) who introduces Dan (Miami) and the rest of the clips:

Dan's House Tour: He starts in the living room. He sits in the chairlifts in the living room. Goes over to the "guest bedroom." He checks out the phone room. He checks out the Jeep/converted bar in the living room. The fireplace has a fish tank. He checks out the kitchen. Then he goes up to the bedrooms. The house has an interesting "changing area" behind the beds which you'll see once the season starts. He lays shuffleboard upstairs on the shuffleboard court. He then rolls around the C-couch. He looks at the office and ridicules its use and the books behind the desk. He then goes to the bathroom, which has four sinks, two toilets and two huge open showers with six showerheads. He also says this is the first house to have a gym, which is untrue, a couple of houses have had gyms including San Diego and Hawaii. Then he goes to the confessional and it's potential to hook-up. Then he checks out the basketball court/courtyard which has an endless pool and the hot tub.

Mile High Clubbin': The tour begins in front of Coors Field, which is front of the house. He then checks out LoDo's and they basically say they were loud and drunk. He interviews the Tavern and they say they ordered six shots in two minutes. Next, he's over to Tryst, which ridiculed them for not tipping, breaking things, throwing glass at servers, etc., He's then over to the Rock Bottom Brewery where the waitress seemed out of it, but she did mention that they drank.

High Altitude, Bad Attitude: This is a odd video. It starts of with sweeping shots of the Rocky Mountains, intertwined with the castmembers fighting. Then slowly, they begin introudcing a storm over the mountains, with some footage of castmembers fighting and yelling at each other.

Two local papers detail the upcoming Denver season which premieres on Wednesday

We're less than a couple days away from the premiere of The Real World: Denver. Local newspapers are busy publicizing the new season.

The Rocky Mountain news has a pretty extensive section on the Real World. They also published four new articles yesterday, detailing the places the Denver cast went, an overview of the past fourteen years of the Real World, biographies of each of the castmembers and a look at the Denver house. they also list older articles for you to enjoy.

The Denver Post also posts in their style section, a wonderful expose on the house itself. Complete with pictures.

In other news, yet unpublished news, I'm being told that Entertainment Weekly is doing a short blurb on the Denver season that ridicules the "slutty, drunkness" of the series in mad libs form. It's a bit comical. That issue comes out next Friday.

Don't forget, Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen and Tyrie will be gracing your television screens this upcoming Wednesday night. Also, The Las Vegas marathon starts tonight.

Overdrive posts a new video detailing the most criminally insane moments of the series

Randy (San Diego) and Leah (Paris) are back as the countdown hosts, with a brand new countdown, detailing the castmembers brush with the law. Here's a lowdown of the countdown:

5) Nehemiah (Austin) is arrested for a fight. Johanna (Austin) is arrested for stealing a rose.

4) Karamo (Philadelphia) is patted down by the Philadelphia police for suspected of having a gun.

3) Jo (San Francisco) calling the police in the Gauntlet II because she freaks out after she sees what gos on in th Challenges.

2) Derrick (Extreme) is taken into custody for hitting a tree with the RV in Chile.

1) Robin (San Diego) is arrested for assault against a marine. Brad (San Diego) is arrested for public intoxication.

Go and check it out at Overdrive.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Real World: Las Vegas marathon airs tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning

So, if you're a die hard Las Vegas fan, you can check out the entire season tomorrow. MTV will play the season, in its entirety, beginning at 7PM. The only thing is that it will play the season well into the wee hours in the morning, so get out your VHS tapes or DVRs if you want to record it. This brings out memories of the MTV of yesteryear which used to air multiple seasons whenever a new season premiered. Probably in fear of being called "The Real World" network, because they no longer air music videos, they don't do that anymore.

So, catch your Las Vegas seven as they live it up in the Palms Hotel/Casino. Just a little side note, this is probably the first sensationalized season of The Real World, where the focus really changed to the partying instead of the dynamics between the seven roommates. That being said, it's probably the best season of the "partying" Real Worlds. I remember it being a little drawn out because this was the first season with an extended amount of episodes. However, there are some great moments in there: the threesome between Trishelle, Steven, and Brynn, the "fork" incident, the creepy boss who tries to hook up with all the girls, the Alton/Irulan relationship, the Arissa/Frank fight while Frank is hooking up in the confessional, the Alton/Irulan confrontation about him having a threesome. There's just some great moments in this season. Plus, it's in Vegas!

Also, this is one of the only seasons which you can actually purchase, so if you really end up liking it, you can buy it. It begins at 7PM on Saturay. The season finale will air on Sunday morning at 5:30AM.

Aftershow: "Tenderoni" visits Blair and is teased for his relationship with Beth

Nehemiah (Austin) said the Challenge was pretty overwhelming, having all the outlandish personalities, knowing your names, and ready to battle it out. Wes (Austin) tried to help out telling him not to get people angry.
Unlike, Fresh Meat, Nehemiah didn't feel that he was targeted, because Key West was targeted. Until they were voted out. Blair also makes fun of how Beth and him met before the show for the Reality TV Calendar. He aligned up with Beth because of what he knew of her. He didn't want to hate her because he didn't like the "high school" vibe. He admits to cuddling with Beth, while Blair is laughing while Nehemiah compares Beth to warm apple pie. Beth was one of the only people he could talk to.

Nehemiah learns that "money is the root of all evil." When there's that much money at stake, he invokes the snake analogy again.

Then the basket game:

Wes: is his "boy", he deserves to win because of his work ethic, they'll be friends forever especially if he wins.

John (Key West): his name says it all. He doesn't seem like he's very fond of him. He takes a shot at him. He doesn't like him and he tells him to his face. "Too loud for his own good." Doesn't have anything intelligent to say. He got play more than everyone in the short time he was there.

Svetlana (Key West): She was cute. People are underestimating her because people thought she was stupid, but she was playing the game well. Then they talk about Fitz wearing a bikini and get all excited.

Eric (Fresh Meat): They're friends. He's a really cool guy, happy guy, enjoys life.

Evan (Fresh Meat): He likes Evan. They had a conservation with Wes and Evan where they shoot him down.

Diem (Fresh Meat): He related to Diem because his cousin passed away from cancer.

Beth (Los Angeles): "Sweet irony", he draws himself into a corner and says that he saw her naked, and was pleasantly surprised.

Nehemiah gets a XBOX360, which is kinda weird since everyone else got a free plane ticket for two wherever they wanted in the continental United States.

The Sh*^ You Didn't See: Wes making fun of Eric's high fives, Nehemiah criticizes Kenny, Nehemiah, Kenny, Evan, Eric and CT sidestepping in a bar.

Duel Episode #6: Let the scrambling begin, the girls partner with the boys, Diem doesn't save Eric, "Tenderoni" goes home

So now that the newest alumni are gone (aka Key West) everyone is getting a bit worried as to which alliance will be targeted next. If you're paying attention, there's three alliances: 1) the "tenderoni" alliance (Beth (Los Angeles), Nehemiah (Austin), Wes (Austin), Aneesa (Chicago), Svetlana (Key West))); 2) the "drama mafia" (CT (Paris), Diem (Fresh Meat), Derrick (Extreme), Kina (Extreme), Jodi (Extreme), Robin (San Diego), and to some extent Brad (San Diego)); and there's 3) the "Fresh Meat" alliance (Evan (Fresh Meat), Eric (Fresh Meat)) It's readily apparent that the Fresh Meat alliance, being the smallest, will be targeted first. But there's varying degrees of loyalty between the alliances: Diem is a part of the "Fresh Meaters", Brad is more of a floater and Robin pulls him into the "Drama Mafia" (same thing with Derrick and Kina, Svetlana is more of an outsider as well.)

So with the strategy lesson posted above, it becomes evident that since there isn't really any smaller groups to target, it's likely that the alliances will implode on themselves and people will start going home. This sends everyone into a tizzy. Because there are less people to choose to go into the Duel, it becomes apparent that the alliances will have to battle it out against each other.

When the mission comes up, the guys are mega-critical of the girls, namely because the girls performances heavily affect the guys. Evan picks Kina, who after he doesn't express the greatest amount of confidence in because she is a "lot of talk", propels him to victory with her quick time. Eric interestingly chose Beth. Anyway, the pecking order is set off with the "drama mafia" being picked first as Evan chooses Kina. The last guy chosen was Wes. Diem makes this choice, which she presumes pisses Eric off because they are in an alliance together. The last two guys are Nehemiah and Eric, with Beth having to make the decision. Beth says that she doesn't like Eric, and of course, she can't leave out her "tenderoni", she picks Nehemiah. Eric picks Nehemiah, because he's 80% talk.

The two compete in "I Can" and Eric is challened to lift 165 logs. (They max out on the number of logs they can lift, which is kinda weak.) Anyway, Eric pulls through and sends "tenderoni" home. Next week, the "tenderoni" alliance will be faced with dwindling numbers, especially since there is only one guy left on that alliance.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Duel Spoiler Alert #6: Will the "tenderoni" alliance be broken down or will another Fresh Meater be sent home?

The question of the day, the question of the day. The promos obviously show that Nehemiah (Austin) and Eric (Fresh Meat) are going head to head in this Duel. The pecking order has left Fresh Meat out in the cold, as the other alumni have formed alliances and such to protect them.

We see that Eric picks Nehemiah to face off against him in the Duel. The question is: Will the "tenderoni" alliance live to see another day or will Eric return to battle it out once again in the Duel?

Beth (Los Angeles) posts on her MySpace regarding the alliances and such. She also posts that they won't show much of the romance.

(Highlight to read:) Beth also makes it seems that Nehemiah won't be beat this week and suggests that the realtionship might be shown in future weeks. Nehemiah is sent home this week from the Duel. The "tenderoni" alliance will crash and burn. This is the beginning of it.

According to an interview with Get Real Denver, Brooke was casted on MySpace

So, there's been this small posting on the Bunim-Murray website, stating that there are agents all over MySpace scowering profiles to cast for their shows.

Brooke (Denver) granted an interview with Get Real Denver in which she states that she was casted via MySpace. Now, this begs the question of how that actually works. I don't know who does the casting via MySpace, nor do I think that they want to publicize their profile. Nevertheless, Brooke is evidence that it does happen. She also suggests that her casting process was relatively short and she didn't go through the extensive interviews that her roommates did.

Brooke also talks somewhat about the nightlife in Denver and a little about her roommates, but of course, she doesn't give away anything major about the season.

Davis gives an interview in the Advocate where he compares himself to New Orleans' Danny

Being the "token gay guy", Davis (Denver) did an interview with the Advocate.

They start out the interview discussing how he was cast as the "gay character" on The Real World, but he largely felt that he didn't fit that role, mostly because he considers himself to be a "straight gay guy." This obviously begs a comparision to Danny (New Orleans), who if you remember, came to the house with a "secret", and didn't want the housemates to know of his sexuality right away.

Davis also talks about his relationship with Stephen (Denver) and also implies that the two are the closest of friends, even though the promos suggest somewhat of a different tone of their friendship. Davis also discusses his extensive past as a member of the Baptist faith and how that caused turmoil for him as an adolescent.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Westword Magazine does a brief article on the seven strangers before they join the ranks of alumni

The same magazine that pulled off the Real World prank, making people believe they were the Denver cast simply by having cameras follow them around bars in and out of Denver, has posted an article detailing what they think of the seven strangers. (The above trick even fooled Holly (Latin America), who was in a bar in Denver during the trick and even came over to introduce herself.)

Check out the article here. They actually got to meet the cast and the impressions are, well, the impressions aren't so great. This is part of the local journalists who didn't want the Real World in Denver.

Check it out, it's an interesting read.

Syrus will be in Syracuse this morning making a public appearance in a bookstore

Syrus (Boston) will be in Syracuse, NY this morning at Aladdin's Natural Eatery, 163 Marshall St., signing autographs and meeting fans.

This event is sponsored by and Syrus will simply be on hand to promote the site. He will be there at 10:30am and will be there meeting and greeting fans.

So, if you're a Real World fan and live in Syracuse, go over to see Syrus.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Blair's video game show G-Hole will finally get some love on MTV

Blair's (The Quest) "other show", which is not the Aftershow, will be getting some love on the regular channel.

Blair has been working on another show, focused solely on video games called G-Hole. G-Hole, which has been airing exclusively online, will now be moving to the regular channel in short segments.

No details are available as of yet. But, if you want to check out the website, go over to the website for G-Hole, which has the first episodes online.

Monday, November 13, 2006

In anticipation for the Denver season, Real World: Las Vegas marathon is this Saturday

In anticipation for the Denver season, which starts next week, MTV will be airing a marathon of Real World this coming Saturday.

A couple of weeks ago, MTV conducted an online poll to see which season of the Real World viewers preferred most to see. The winner? Las Vegas

Yes, revisit one of Real World's most arguably popular seasons where Alton, Arissa, Brynn, Frank, Irulan, Steven and Trishelle live it up in the Palms hotel and casino. And after that gets you, be sure to tune into the Denver season with none other than Alex, Brooke, Colie, Davis, Jenn, Stephen and Tyrie coming Wednesday November 22nd.

Road Rules 14 website is up; MTV is asking YOU who do you want to see behind the wheel of the RV

Road Rules 14 is currently in pre-production.

We announced here that the roadies would be headed back onto your tv screens and six alumni would be behind the wheel. MTV just opened up their website for Road Rules.

Right now, the site is just bare content. There's a photo travelogue from South Pacific up, but more importantly, the network is asking who do you want to see behind the wheel of the RV this coming January. Very much like our own poll we conducted.

Although they might be more concerned with which Roadies are the favorites, don't expect the most popular Roadies to be selected, as production will probably mix and match between cast favorites and production favorites. Look for Road Rules to debut in January.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Aftershow: Casey willingly dishes the dirt to Blair and takes it out on Kina and Jodi

Casey (Fresh Meat) visits Blair (The Quest) in this week's Aftershow.

Blair congratulates Casey for winning the Fresh Meat Challenge. He asks her about the scholarship that she said that she would set aside with her prize winnings. Casey came to this new Challenge to give her all. She talks about her rollerderby heat win.

She chose Robin (San Diego) because she wanted to challenge someone who was the most physically different from her. She knew she was going home. She talks about a short hook-up with Derrick (Extreme), then she talks about John (Key West). She admits to sleeping with him, although they didn't get a chance to talk.

She points out the hypocrisy of Kina (Extreme) in how she would play both sides. Check it out, as the Aftershow plays clips that seem to back up Casey's assertion.

The Basket Game:

John: Great kisser.
Kina: Kinda of a bitch. Looks like a lion. Did you see what she was wearing in the credits? Not a good person inside.
Jodi (Extreme): Didn't rub her the right way. She might've rubbed a few other people the right way. She says her and Kina weren't very nice. Rolled her eyes when she heard about her and John. Accuses her of hooking up with Evan.
Beth (Los Angeles): Not as bad as they said she was gonna be.

The Sh(& You Didn't See: Casey taking forever to prepare for the Duel. Casey making faces at the camera. Derrick and Casey in a pillow fight.

Duel Episode #5: Beth expands the alliance, CT dominates, Svetlana takes it home, Casey takes on Robin

Last night's episode of the Duel was a good one. It started out with Beth (Los Angeles) who is now dominating the strategy of the game picking up stragglers Casey (Fresh Meat) and Svetlana (Key West). She even mentions a second plan to pick up Brad (San Diego) once Robin (San Diego) is sent home. All this, is in retaliation for what Beth calls the "drama mafia", which is the alliance of Robin, Kina (Extreme), Jodi (Extreme) and Diem (Fresh Meat).

We see the Challenge and it's a pretty crazy one as castmembers are required to jump from platforms in the air collecting flags. CT (Paris) blows away the competition by landing his jumps on his feet. On the women's side, Svetlana (Key West) narrowly wins the competition when she finds a flag stuck in her bathing suit.

So, with Svetlana out of the running to be chosen and with her beginning the chain, the "drama mafia" is clearly scared of the implications of Svetlana winning. Svetlana picks Wes (Austin) which starts the "Beth Alliance." However, Casey is left out of the numbers game. She, along with Diem, Eric (Fresh Meat) and Evan (Fresh Meat) are the last standing.

Evan selects Casey. Casey picks Robin. The Duel is pole wrestling. Robin wrestles the pole away from Casey, Robin wins.

Duel Spoiler Alert #5: The Question of the Day - Will Svetlana go home tonight?

So after all three Key West castmembers have been sent home, you'd believe that Svetlana (Key West) would logically be the next person to be sent home. Well, that's not the entire story. If you don't want to find out what happens tonight, stop reading.

Alright, here we go. Tonight is a girls Duel day. The girls are obviously scared mostly because only Fitz is left from Key West.

Well, the girls actually end up selecting none other than little Casey (Fresh Meat). That's right, rather than going after Fitz, Casey is the last woman standing this time. (If you remember back, she's often the last girl to be picked along with the Key West crew. Plus, she's supposed to be close friends with Fitz.)

So, when it comes time for Casey to choose who to go into the Duel... She chooses Robin (San Diego). Bold choice.

Highlight to read who goes home: Casey unfortunately can't pull off the win and is sent home by Robin.

Tonight they're airing the Spiderman 3 trailer alongside the Duel. So be sure to catch that as well.

Road Rules 14 cast may be replaced with new castmembers instead of alumni

Here's an interesting tidbit: We all know that the press release announcing the return of Road Rules let us know that the castmembers who would be returning in the 14th season would be alumni. Bunim-Murray stated that the season would begin filming in January with six old faces behind the wheel.

What's also interesting, is that BMP is now casting for Road Rules, simply meaning that they will most likely be replacing the alumni with the new.

The format is relatively unclear still. It seems like there will be some sort of vote off period that the viewers at home will be able to select who to kick off, then there will be some sort of face-off (like the Challenges) between castmembers.

Should be interesting once it comes up in January.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tyrie gives an interview to Get Real Denver and explains his time in Denver and the Challenge

Tyrie (Denver), who is probably not allowed to reveal much anyway, granted an interview to Get Real Denver in which he explains that "officially" he's the first one voted out of the Challenge. (This, assuming, because CT (Paris) was "unofficially" sent home for hitting someone.) Also, he comments that he doesn't really have a desire to go back again.

More than likely, the castmembers are targeting the Denver cast, which is what always happens on the Challenges. However, maybe one of the last three remaining Denver-ites: Colie, Davis or Stephen, may make it to the final Challenge just like the last two Challenges in which newbies made it to the end.

Anyway, he also talks in some surprising detail about his time in Denver. He doesn't really give away storylines, but he does give some insight onto how the cast gets along and whatnot. It's an interesting read considering that he can't really reveal anything.

November 22: The premiere of the Real World: Denver.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today is Election Day... Don't forget to go to the polls and let your voice be heard


Today, November 7th, is Election Day

Voting is an understated privilege in this country today. Not only do millions of Americans fail to exercise this privilege, but policies are essentially enacted that typically do not represent the interests of our electorate at large. Typically, young voters, some of who visit this site on a regular basis, are commonly excluded from politics because their voice is not heard in the polls.

Go out and vote. It doesn't matter what you vote for, it doesn't matter who you vote for. All that matters is your vote.

Check out your polling place and be sure to cast your vote. Every single vote matters. Your voice matters. Get your friends to vote. Get your family to vote. Everyone needs to vote.


Monday, November 06, 2006

Footage from the user who leaked Denver footage of CT flashing Diem and Robin hits YouTube

So, obviously, MTV is leaking videos.

After the Denver video of Tyrie, Brooke and Jenn in the hot tub, comes this little tidbit from the Duel. This YouTube clip shows CT (Paris) flashing Diem (Fresh Meat) and Robin (San Diego). All nudity is blurred. (Like the Denver footage, it still has the timestamp on it.)

Also, Robin gets at CT in this hilarious clip where CT is passed out:

Dan has a new part-time gig, he's the newest reporter for NBC news in South Florida

Dan (Miami) has an exciting new job on his long list of things that he does for a living.

Dan is currently doing reporting for the local NBC affiliate in South Florida. He actually covered ballroom dancing (the 36th Annual Grand National Ballroom Dancing Championship) and says that NBC might be inviting him back again to do some investigative journalism.

You can check out the actual video at Channel 6's website. It's pretty funny. Check it out.

Dan's blog is nominated for the Gay Bloggies; Be sure to vote for Dan

Dan's website, which is hosted over at Typepad, was nominated for the Gay Bloggies.

You can vote for Dan (Miami) in the category of "Best Writing" over at The Gay Bloggies website. Under the heading of "Best Writing of a Blog" you'll find Dan's website listed under "How was your day, Dan?"

Note: The link leads to other suggestive content not suitable for children under 18.

Congratulations to Dan and good luck!

Spider-man 3 trailer is to be attached to the next episode of the Duel

Spider-man 3, Sony Pictures major vehicle and superhero franchise, will release its long awaited trailer on Thursday alongside this next episode of the Duel.

Originally slated to be released in theatres, Sony decided to move up the release of the trailer and will release it upon MTV.

So, if you're a fan of Spider-man and a fan of The Real World and Road Rules, you're in for a treat on Thursday.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Denver Episode Preview: We detail the first half of the first episode of the Real World: Denver

The episode starts out with Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton congratulating the Tulane Class of 2006. It shows Colie (Denver) packing up to leave New Orleans to Denver. Also, the title looks a bit different, with the cast screaming The Real World: Denver Colorado at the end.

Then we go to Jenn (Denver) who is taking Amtrak from San Francisco to Denver. Tyrie (Denver) is leaving Omaha on Amtrak to go to Denver. His family sees him off. We see Jenn and Tyrie meet up at the train station in Denver. Tyrie calls Jenn a "11" and says the first thing he's unpacking is a box of condoms. They get picked up by a horse-drawn carriage.

Alex (Denver) arrives on a plane and meets Brooke (Denver) in the airport. Alex and Brooke establish their single status and they get picked up by a limo.

We see Stephen (Denver) waiting in the middle of Writer's Square and he meets Davis (Denver). Stephen quickly establishes their Baptist religion as the backbone between him and Davis. Colie comes up on a horse-drawn carriage and Davis feels an instant connection with Colie. They get instructions to get to 1920 Market Street.

Tyrie tells Jenn he's studying political science and has a focus in social justice. They arrive to the house first.

Aftershow: A rather bitter Kenny drops by to talk about his experience on this Challenge with Blair

Kenny (Fresh Meat) begins by saying what he did with his winnings on Fresh Meat. Instead of getting Quiet Riot to perform at his party, he spent his money on a wrestling ring, a Harley, and lots of strips to strip clubs.

Then he talks about how Tina (South Pacific) picked Nehemiah (Austin) over him and praises Diem (Fresh Meat) for picking him. Tina then apologizes to Kenny. He then makes a comparison between Beth (Los Angeles) and Tina, and how Beth told Kenny that Tina was in the alliance between Aneesa (Chicago), Wes (Austin), Beth (Los Angeles) and Nehemiah (Austin). He couldn't understand it because Tina hated everyone in that alliance. Then he talks about the weak punch that Tina through.

The basket game starts:

CT (Paris): Two thumbs up, although Tina said to stay away from him.
Kina (Extreme): Wish she didn't have a boyfriend.
Beth (Los Angeles): She isn't that bad. She's cool. Although she's into weird stuff like Nehemiah.
Casey (Fresh Meat): The stripper little sister you never had.
Paula (Key West): Decided to throw all the left-over food on top of him. CT told him it was Paula. Got cold water dumped over him.
Nehemiah (Austin): Not a big fan of him.

The S*$( You Didn't See shows Kenny fighting with Wes (Austin) and Nehemiah (Austin). It's almost joking around, but it's not. Then it shows Evan (Fresh Meat) trying to hit the pool table ball out of Kenny's mouth. Then it shows him successfully doing it to Wes.

Duel Episode #4: Nehemiah and Beth start their "showmance"; Beth strikes back; Derrick wins for the guys and Nehemiah sends Kenny home

This episode was "Beth-centric" as you saw. It opened up showing the relationship between Nehemiah (Austin) and Beth (Los Angeles). As we mentioned before, this was part of the alliance that Beth, Wes (Austin), Nehemiah and Aneesa (Austin) have. While Beth maintains that this is a "showmance" (taking the term off of another reality show, Big Brother.)

The mission, which involved knocking people off a platform was pretty brutal. The girls seem pretty concentrated on getting Beth out of the competition. She actually ended up winning the competition. The guys seemed pretty intense as well, with Derrick (Extreme) knocking off CT (Paris), Eric (Fresh Meat) and Brad (San Diego).

Then Beth confronts Jodi (Extreme) about the alliance the girls have which Beth has termed the "Drama Mafia." Nehemiah ends up being the last man standing. He picks Kenny (Fresh Meat). The two compete in the Ascender. Nehemiah pulls off the win. It interestingly ends with Aneesa, Beth, Wes and Nehemiah conspiring to be the final four.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Strictly for your enjoyment: Men on Men and the T&A Team

Looking forward to tonight's episode. These two clips should keep you rolling until tonight. Here's the "Men on Men" clip and the "T&A Team":

Duel Spoiler Alert #4: Beth's "showmance" begins, Guys Duel Day and who gets booted tonight

So, tonight is another episode of the Duel. Check out the trailer for this episode:

Yes, it seems like a pretty harsh challenge, especially for the guys who will be going pretty hardcore in the mission. Also, you get to what Beth (Los Angeles) herself termed as a "showmance" with Nehemiah (Austin). If you haven't figured it out, Beth is also in an alliance which includes Nehemiah, Wes (Austin) and Aneesa (Chicago). Although we hear that the "tenderoni" relationship between Nehemiah and Beth wasn't 100% "showmance."

Now for the actual Dueling, Kenny (Fresh Meat) and Nehemiah (Austin) are sent into the Duel. However, I don't know who sends who. Highlight to read to find out who wins: Kenny fails to beat the "tenderoni" and Nehemiah gets to stay for one more week.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Results Have Been Tabulated: Your Dream Road Rules All-Stars cast

So, we took an informal poll of who should be on the next season of Road Rules, which is set to premiere in January.

The new cast will bring back old castmembers to once again ride the winnebago and they will be in danger of being voted off by viewers if they don't perform in missions. We took a poll last week to see who you would like to see behind the wheel this time. Here are the results:

Final Six

Kendal (Campus Crawl)
Ibis (Extreme)
Veronica (Semester At Sea)
Derrick (Extreme)
Abram (South Pacific)
Jake (Islands)

By far, Derrick, Abe and Veronica received the most votes. Here are the alternates:

Patrick (Extreme)
Kit (USA Tour 1)
Piggy (Down Under)
Angela (Extreme)

The new season of Road Rules premieres in January.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Spoiler Alert: The Inferno sends its first person home and is someone already being sent home for violence?

Here's the first spoiler from the South Africa challenge, which is being called the Inferno 3. A couple of things have already happened in the short amount of time the castmembers have been there. If you don't want to know what happens, stop reading, these are spoilers.

These spoilers are all courtesy of MM Agency.

First, Ty (Denver) will be the first one to go. He was sent home by none other than Alton (Las Vegas). Now, we reported earlier that Alton was actually scheduled to be at Northern Michigan University tonight in a speaking engagement. However, we can confirm that he's filming the Challenge in South Africa. The school made a mistake and thought Alton would be showing up, but he's not.

also, CT (Paris) has supposedly been sent home for hitting someone. if that's true, CT will be the fourth person sent home from a Challenge for hitting another castmember, following Ayanna (Semester At Sea), Steven (Las Vegas) and Tina (South Pacific).