I love your site because it does not offer opinions on anyone, just facts as you learn them. It's very refreshing. -Lori (Back to New York)
    The Real World
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
New Orleans
Back To New York
Las Vegas
San Diego
Key West
Las Vegas Reunited
Washington DC
New Orleans 2010
Las Vegas 2011
San Diego 2011
St. Thomas
       Road Rules
USA Tour 1
USA Tour 2
Northern Trail
Down Under
Latin America
Semester at Sea
Maximum Velocity Tour
The Quest
Campus Crawl
South Pacific
Viewers' Revenge
All Stars
Challenge 2000
Extreme Challenge
Battle of the Seasons
Battle of the Sexes
Battle of the Sexes 2
Inferno 2
Gauntlet 2
Fresh Meat
Inferno 3
Gauntlet 3
The Island
The Duel II
The Ruins
Fresh Meat II

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sydney Episode #20: Post your reactions here

The relationships in the house seem to be busting at the seams (No pun intended) when the two couples seem to run into trouble.

On tonight's episode, Kelly Anne (Sydney) and Cohutta (Sydney) experience the second pregnancy scare in the history of the Real World. This time, they let us in the bedroom, as the condom breaks, and the two freak out over impending offspring. Last time, Steven (Las Vegas) and Trishelle (Las Vegas) had a freak-out when Trishelle was a few days late.

On the other side of the house, Ashli (Sydney) and Dunbar (Sydney) run into their own snags, at it seems like the two are finally getting to each other.

Will these relationships last? Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The MySpace page of Kimberly, another roommate, is revealed

Kimberly (Hollywood) is another roommate on this season of The Real World. Apparently, all we know about her is that she's blond and is 25 years old. She was billed on the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? flyer and she was seen in the video taken by the blogger who caught the seven strangers in action.

Here is her MySpace page, which is set to private.

Famous theater actress is rumored to be the boss of the 20th season cast

Charna Halpern, founder of ioWest, the comedy troupe that the 20th season is working for, may be the group's boss.

Halpern has been with ioWest for more than 20 years and she is a renowned theater actress in Chicago. She is rumored by the Chicago Sun-Times to be the leader of the comedy troupe "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot", the group that the seven strangers came up with after interning with ioWest for the past couple of months.

And yes, much like other reviews that are online, they say that it seems that the seven strangers are horrible at improv. We'll see when this season airs.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Blogger reveals names of the Real World cast; they are interns at ioWest

A blogger over at The Josh Place has revealed the names of the new cast of The Real World which is currently filming in Hollywood.

Brittini, Brianna, Dave, Kimberly, Nick, Sarah and Will are supposedly the cast of the Real World Hollywood. This matches up with information we received on one of the castmembers, Brianna, who has a MySpace and was once a contestant on American Idol.

Conspicuously missing from this list is Greg, who won the MTV online casting round. Greg, reportedly unhappy with his roommates and job, was kicked off the show after he missed a performance to attend a runway show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Apparently, he was fired by ioWest, a local comedy troupe in Hollywood, after he failed to appear in the show. It looks like he has since been replaced.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sydney Episode #19: Post your reactions

Tonight, Dunbar (Sydney) finally crosses the line: he has sex with Ashli (Sydney). We'll see how he handles the situation and whether he'll tell Julie. Also, we get our sixth roommate back as Isaac (Sydney) returns from his grandfather's funeral.

Isaac is happy to hear that Trisha (Sydney) was kicked out of the house, while the girls start warming up to the idea that it was possible that they had no real reason to hate Parisa (Sydney) for doing what she does. Ashli even admits that all she liked about Trisha was that she was fun to party with.

Parisa will also begin to get more comfortable with her decision as her roommates open up to her again.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Trishagate: The update

Last night's episode saw Trisha (Sydney) go home at the hands of Parisa (Sydney) much to the the dismay of Kelly Anne (Sydney) and Ashli (Sydney). The girls have been the center of drama in the Sydney house since Day 1. With the exit of Shauvon (Sydney) and Trisha, does it get any better?

Last night's episode hinted that Kelly Anne and Ashli would be turning against Parisa after they were unhappy with Parisa's decision to send Trisha home. With Ashli joining Parisa's Contiki team, the tension is palpable.

Here's a small update:

If you look at Parisa's MySpace, Ashli's MySpace, and Kelly Anne's MySpace, you can see the three are on each other's Top Friends.

If you've been keeping a close eye, they'll post messages on each other's page insinuating that they get over the drama and make up. Kelly Anne also posted a message not too long ago about spitting on the window in the phone room yesterday. She claimed that she was drunk and that there was a lot of fights between her and Parisa before that, but she did call both Parisa and Trisha her friends.

Keep watching to see how this plays out, especially with the return of Isaac (Sydney), who apparently didn't like Trisha either.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sydney Episode #18: Post your reaction here

Eighteen episodes into the season, it's finally what most people have been waiting for: the fight over the phone with Trisha (Sydney) and Parisa (Sydney). While last week showed everything leading up to the push, editors left us hanging, when Parisa has to decide whether or not to send Trisha home.

Tonight will be a good episode and most people are expecting Trisha to leave. It's all up to Parisa. How will she make this decision?

Post your reactions here.

Friday, November 23, 2007

BMP sends out a casting call for Real World 21 and Road Rules 15

Although MTV hasn't given its greenlight yet, Bunim-Murray Productions is already accepting applications for The Real World 21 and Road Rules 15. Check out their website, which has a small casting notice.

This would mean that Real World would continue going after its twentieth season and sixteenth year. Also, ever since Viewers' Revenge mostly disappointed fans, there hasn't been much talk about renewing the series. At least not yet. The casting notice suggests that Road Rules may very well be brought back as well.

So far, Hollywood and Gauntlet 3 are the last two productions to be filmed.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sydney Episode #17: Post your reactions here

Tonight is the night. This episode actually has already aired on MTV and if you were lucky to catch it on Monday or Tuesday, you were able to watch Trisha (Sydney) and Parisa (Sydney) finally go at it. After seventeen weeks of speculation, it has happened: Trisha pushes Parisa.

The argument was really a conglomeration of tension between the two, but it culminates in a fight over: the telephone. After Parisa's parents call when Trisha is on the phone with Jared, Trisha hurls insults at Parisa. Parisa pretty much responds by treating Trisha like crap, then the push.

If you're expecting to see the fallout from the push, don't hold your breath. Tonight really just showcases the fight leading up to the push and Dunbar (Sydney) fighting with Julie, while warming up to Ashli (Sydney).

Next week we'll see how this actually plays out. I've heard any number of things. It seems that Trisha does go home. But I've heard that she voluntarily leaves. I've heard that Parisa forces her out. I've heard that it comes down to a 2-2 vote with the Ashli and Kelly Anne (Sydney) supporting Trisha, Cohutta (Sydney) and Dunbar supporting Parisa, and then Parisa decides to send her home. It might very well be that the producers just decided to send Parisa home.

Post your reactions here.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Coral returns to MTV when she talks about the Sydney cast this weekend

Coral (Back to New York) is coming back to MTV after a short hiatus, giving us her opinion on what she thinks of this new Sydney cast.

Coral will be on the upcoming Gauntlet 3, but she will make a brief appearance as the host of a Real World Sydney marathon this Saturday beginning at 11a/10c.

Sydney is now coming to a head now that we have Ashli (Sydney) in the house and now that Parisa (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) will have their penultimate scene which leads to the finale in which presumably Trisha goes home.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sydney Episode #16: Post your reactions here

After Ashli (Sydney) had been in the house, and the girls battled it out from there, we now have another castmember who may leave the house. It seems trouble seems to brewing from home, when Isaac (Sydney) gets a sense that something may be off. Dunbar (Sydney) comments that Isaac actually goes home. It isn't unheard of for castmembers to leave for good reasons during the show, then to come back. This is most likely the case for Isaac, who is supposed to make it through the entire show.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sydney Episode #15: Post your reactions here

Tonight, Ashli (Sydney) enters the house and it seems that drama will resurface. Ashli comes in and rips Shauvon's (Sydney) photos of the wall. This only begins the drama, when Parisa (Sydney) seems to have a problem with the new roommate. How will the roommates react to this new person? Will it be more drama or will the roommates all learn to get along? When does Trisha (Sydney) finally blow up at Parisa?

Post your reactions here.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Weekend Update: Who goes home?

This weekend, we want your opinion on the game of musicial chairs that is playing over at the Real World Sydney house.

Shauvon (Sydney) just permanently said adieu to the house when her boyfriend asked her to leave. Ashli (Sydney) has just moved in and now there's the question of Trisha (Sydney). The girls seem to still be at odds with Parisa (Sydney) and if the previews are any indication, Trisha pushes Parisa, and according to the zero tolerance policy, will be sent home.

Talk about the Real World Sydney girls. The predictions for when it will happen, if it will even happen. Do you agree with Shauvon's decision to leave the house? What about Ashli? Do you like her?

Opinions here!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sydney Episode #14: Shauvon leaves the house, the roommates go on vacation, Kelly Anne settles

This episode primarily focused on Kelly Anne (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney). The group gets news that they will be visiting Cairins, Australia, which is where the Great Barrier Reef lies. Shauvon returns home, calls David, and tells him. David is clearly upset that she would even think about going on vacation while the two were at this stage in their lives. Eventually, Shauvon musters the courage up to say that she will not be going with the roommates to Cairins and she will indeed be leaving the house. Shauvon has left the Real World.

The rest of the roommates go on the trip to Cairins. The episode is really about Kelly Anne. Kelly Anne is trying to get over Sutton, her boyfriend back home, but she's only finally starting to realize that. She has Cohutta (Sydney) here in Sydney, but the relationship with Cohutta is still very unclear to Kelly Anne.

The group does any number of things while in Cairins, from lying out in boats, snorkeling in the reef, going to the beach, bungee jumping. Most prominently, Kelly Anne gets jealous when Cohutta starts talking to girls. Kelly Anne not wanting to be outdone, goes and finds a boy at a bar. Except, Parisa (Sydney) cuts in while Kelly Anne is dancing with a boy and this infuriates Kelly Anne.

Kelly Anne and Trisha (Sydney) break off to talk crap about Parisa and call her an "undercover slut." The two eventually are able to reconcile with Kelly Anne apologizing for her behavior. The roommates return home, and Kelly Anne eventually warms up to Cohutta. They decide that Kelly Anne needs a male presence in her life, a fatherly figure, and she seems to be okay with letting go of Sutton.

Most importantly, next week, Ashli (Sydney) comes into town. What's the first thing she does? Rips down all of Shauvon's pictures.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sydney Episode #14: Post your reactions here

It looks like this will be the episode where one of the roommates actually moves out. Talk about new developments as Shauvon (Sydney) moves home to be with her boyfriend David. Will Ashli (Sydney) replace her? Will Trisha (Sydney) go crazy without Shauvon in the house? Will Trisha even go home? Are the boys even part of the show anymore?

Post your reactions here.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Weekend Wrap-Up: Gauntlet 3 spoilers

This past weekend, we invited you to post spoilers on the Gauntlet 3. The information is pretty extensive, but you can take it with a grain of salt, as again, none of this information is really confirmed until the season airs.

We got plenty of spoilers, even as one internet visitor posted a complete cast list (which is accurate), a boot order, and the final mission status. In addition to that, the poster posted alliances and rumors about interactions between the cast. This season is full of supposed romances, fights, drama, and everything you love about Challenges.

I'm not going to spoil it here, since most people hate to know about the outcome before the season airs, but it looks to be one wild season. To check out the comments on the blog, go here.

Ricky Croft, the Key West boss, shows up on America's Most Smartest Model

Every once in awhile, the reality shows will cross over. You'll have one prominent member of a reality show show up on some other reality show. It's like one big, happy inbred family. Ricky Croft, who was the manager of Key West's mystic tan store, showed up on America's Most Smartest Model.

Although this isn't really news, Croft was hawking his mystic tan system and showed up for no particular reason whatsoever. The models won a challenge in which they were able to use the machine, but it seemed like the models didn't need direction to use it. Croft was just there to introduce the machines.

If you remember, Croft actually got a lot of criticism for calling himself the "eighth roommate" and starting a blog posting small details amongst the cast. Looks like he's moved on to other avenues.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Weekend Update: Spoilers on the Gauntlet 3

We're going to try something new here at the blog. Since weekends are relatively dead, we'd like to start a new feature of the site since a lot of people seem to be into the posting comments.

We're handing of the reigns to you, the internet visitor. Every weekend we'll post a topic for internet visitors to discuss. This weekend, we invite you to post comments on the upcoming Gauntlet 3.

There are tons of rumors out there about potential alliances, who gets booted out, who leaves, etc., People have been so full of rumors, that they have even started posting comments in posts that have nothing to do with the Gauntlet 3! So, this is your chance to spread information and share gossip.

Post here about the latest season of the Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet 3.

The Hollywood cast is rumored to be interns at the Comedy Club iO

The Hollywood cast is rumored to be a part of iO, a west-coast based version of iO Chicago, an improvisational comedy troupe. Since this season is the season of aspiring actors, musicians, models, etc., it would make sense to give them a job like this, where the roommates are learning to be entertainers/performers.

You can check out the website here. Rumor has it they have had a show already, but it seems like no reference to any of the castmembers being a part of iO is made on their website.

Greg (Hollywood) apparently missed one of the comedy shows in order to attend LA Fashion Week sometime ago. He was then let go from the cast.

Greg Halstead, winner of RealWorldCasting.com, might have gotten the boot

Greg (Hollywood) who was selected out of thousand online applicants and an online vote may have possibly gotten kicked out of the house.

There are rumors that Greg may have left because he was fired from the job the castmates have. If you remember, back in Season 10, Back to New York, producers instituted a rule in which, if you got fired, you would automatically leave the house. Surprisingly, it has never happened until now.

Rumor has it, that the group are a part of a comedy improv group in Hollywood. Sort of a niche market for 7 strangers brought together, some of which probably don't want to be comedians. Anyway, Greg was supposedly not into it, and was pursuing modeling work elsewhere. He apparently was let go from the comedy troupe and was kicked of out the house.

More on this info as the story develops.

Jamie, fresh off news about her casting in pilots, had a guest spot on ER

Jamie (San Diego) who we heard a lot about last week, with her being cast in a pilot for ABC Family and Days of Our Lives, apparently showed up on ER last night.

Jamie joined the cast in the emergency room for a brief guest spot. Congratulations to Jamie who seems to be in the news more and more lately.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sydney Episode #13: Dunbar's girlfriend comes to Sydney and accuses Dunbar of being mean

Tonight's episode was centered around Julie, Dunbar's (Sydney) serious girlfriend. Dunbar is excited about her impending arrival, so he's a little on edge. He wants to clean house, but he gets frustrated with all the filth that everyone leaves around.

Later on, Shauvon (Sydney) is still wrestling with what to do with her ex-fiance David. He's pretty much unrelenting in her coming home. Kelly Anne (Sydney) tells Shauvon that if she's sure that she's going to marry David, she should just go home and be with him.

The next day, the group gets their next assignment. They get their next assignment of going out to different restaurants. While Parisa (Sydney) tries to help, she gets in Dunbar's way. Later on, when Dunbar wants to go out to do their job, he has issues with getting the group together at a certain time. Dunbar explodes when Parisa tells Dunbar she won't put a blanket back that she took into the computer room. A screaming match ensues.

Julie makes into Sydney and of course, Dunbar is ecstatic. The group ends up going to a Thai restaurant, which is an ordeal in itself. Later on, Julie tells Dunbar in relation to how he acts with Parisa, that Dunbar can definitely be mean. Parisa is overjoyed that his girlfriend would agree with her.

It all comes to a head in the meeting at work. Parisa realizes that she didn't have the receipt for the Thai restaurant, so the cast won't be reimbursed for the dinner. Dunbar starts to flip, but Parisa seeks out mediation from their boss. The episode ends with the two of them trying to work their differences out with their boss. They either have to get along or lose their jobs.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sydney Episode #13: Post your reactions here

Tonight on the Real World: Sydney, we see Shauvon (Sydney) still try and make the ultimate choice between her ex David and the life in Sydney. She'll still struggle with the fact that she really loves her boyfriend, but she still wants to be a part of the Real World experience very much. In addition, Dunbar (Sydney) joins the group who have troubles with their significant other, as his girlfriend Julie is coming to Sydney fairly soon. Nervous or anxious about her arrival, Dunbar rips into Parisa (Sydney) and lets loose on her.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Brooke and Ev are no longer friends on MySpace and are rumored to have broken up

While we try to avoid drama, especially that which has unfolded on MySpace, there has been a development as of late. Former girlfriends, Brooke (Denver) and Evelyn (Fresh Meat), who met on the upcoming Gauntlet 3, seem to be kaput.

Their relationship actually hit MySpace before anything else, with Brooke proclaiming to be bisexual and the two professing their undying love for each other. Now, all evidence of Ev is completely gone from Brooke's is completely gone and Ev no longer has Brooke as the centerpiece of her MySpace page.

So what happened? Well, it's hard to tell. But this message board reports that it may be telling that Brooke now has Syrus (Boston) as her #1 friend, while Syrus has Brooke as her #2 friend. Or does it not mean anything?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Real World New York's Kevin is running for Congress once again

Kevin (New York) who is party of the group of the first set of Real Worlders is running for Congress. Kevin put up a new website where he'll be running in a congressional district in Brooklyn. The district is heavily Democratic, so he'll have to challenge the incumbent congressman who has been in office for several years now.

Kevin also has the distinction of being the oldest Real Worlder ever. Kevin was the oldest of his cast and older than any of the other subsequent castmembers.

Good luck to Kevin!

Monday, October 22, 2007

TJ Lavin suffers a broken tibia and fibula during the Dew Tour Finale in Orlando

Real World/Road Rules Challenge host TJ Lavin, who not too long ago, returned from Mexico from filming the next installment of the Challenge, Gauntlet 3, has broken two bones in his leg during a BMX event in Orlando, Florida.

Lavin, who is a professional BMX rider first and a television host second, was competing in the Mountain Dew Tour Finale and suffered two fractures in his leg in his first run of the prelims on the BMX dirt course. Lavin had been treated at a local, downtown hospital.

The tour concluded Friday night. Check out the article here.

Jamie cast as the lead in a new pilot on the ABC family series "Samurai Girl"

We reported last Friday, that Jamie (San Diego) had been on Days of Our Lives as a recurring castmember. Last week seemed to be Jamie's week.

Jamie is actually working on a pilot that's in production for the 2008-2009 cable television season. She's been cast in the lead role of the series "Samurai Girl" which is the story of an adopted girl who's trying to merge her heritage of ancient Samurai traditions and her newly adopted lifestyle. The series is a pilot for ABC Family.

The series is based upon a book series of the same name. Congratulations to Jamie and we hope to see her on television quite soon.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Jamie has been part of Days of Our Lives for about a month

Jamie (San Diego) has been keeping busy in her professional life as of late. She is officially the second alumni to join the cast of a major soap opera.

Jamie joined the cast of Days of Our Lives as sorority girl Cordy late last month. She is a recurring cast member on the show.

Jamie joins Kyle (Chicago) who once part of the main cast of Days as Philip Kirkias. Congratulations to Jamie!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sydney Episode #12: Shauvon is given an ultimatum, while Trisha tells her boyfriend

This episode took us a step further in the world of Shauvon (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney). The episode started out by rounding out the fight between Trisha and Parisa. The two, basically drunk, just hurled a bunch of insults at the other. Eventually, Dunbar (Sydney) gets pulled into it, after Trisha is told that everyone hates her. Dunbar, when asked by Trisha, doesn't get a definitive statement either way. The next morning, Parisa apologizes to all the girls.

That night, Shauvon gets drunk and brings a boy home. She feels super guilty about her ex back home, who she still has feelings for. The boy that Shauvon brought home just leaves even before Shauvon wakes up. Shauvon writes her fiancee, David, an email telling him how much she loves him still.

Trisha, meanwhile, tells her boyfriend that she kissed Alex over the phone. She does this after both Isaac (Sydney) and Cohutta (Sydney) tell her that it would be the best, to get it over with. Trisha is left fumbling in the wind when her boyfriend tells her that he trusted her, not Alex. So, their relationship status isn't clear.

Meanwhile, Shauvon gets an email back from her fiancee. She calls him. The two cry because they both still like each other. But then, her fiancee gives her an ultimatum: pick him or the Real World. The episode closes out with Shauvon struggling with the decision. Will it really be Trisha who leaves? Or will Shauvon decide to get out of Sydney?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sydney Episode #12: Post your reactions here

On tonight's episode of The Real World, the fallout between Parisa (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) continues. After Parisa blows up at Trisha, the door opens up and the two confront each other. Dunbar (Sydney) actually finds himself in the mix. Meanwhile, both Shauvon (Sydney) and Trisha confront the situation at home as they discuss their ex and current boyfriend.

Post your reactions here. The episode airs tonight at 10pm.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tori is Miss Virginia 2008, she will compete in the Miss USA pageant next Spring

Tori (Viewers Revenge) won the Miss Virginia 2008 competition. The event, which was broadcast yesterday, was covered by the local news station.

Tori actually has the chance to compete in the national pageant in the Spring, where she will be vying for the title of Miss USA. If you're a pageant fan, you know that the current titleholders for Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe all have their own reality show on MTV called Pageant Place.

Tori will also be making an appearance in the upcoming Gauntlet 3. Congratulations to Tori!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hollywood house has a fishtank surrounded by 19 television screens showing each season of the show

The Real World Hollywood house is revealed: at least for a bit anyway.

Check out this USA Today article, which is more an article about the actual production company than the new season of the show. However, they talk about the Hollywood house in small detail. They also show a picture of the fishtank. Here are the pertinent excerpts:

"One wall inside the 20th-edition Real World house presents the reality-as-fishbowl metaphor, MTV-style. An aquarium with fish swimming around a HOLLYWOOD sign is surrounded by 19 video screens documenting each season of the show, which premiered in New York in 1992 and has been to such cities as Paris, London, Boston, Miami, Las Vegas and Sydney, home to Season 19.

The house, a signature mix of brightly colored whim and production efficiency, has its share of Hollywood fun and folly: an outdoor pool, bar and exercise area, a faux Jaws set in the living room and a huge neon hotel sign."

And they mention that this season actually looked for people who wanted "Hollywood careers." So this could be a very interesting season.

Ever wanted to analyze the MySpace pages of the Real World Sydney girls?

This blogger who just apparently blogs about random things, blogged about the Real World Sydney girls.

In his post, he talks about how many friends each girl has, which of the castmembers are their friends, and analyzes why some of them would have their profiles set up the way they do.

Tim is not so kind to Shauvon (Sydney) or Trisha (Sydney), but it's an interesting read nevertheless.

Sydney Episode #11: Post your reactions here

On tonight's episode, we begin to see the tension mount. Parisa (Sydney) blows up when Trisha (Sydney) antagonizes her. If you remember, this is hot of the heels of their tryst with the local Sydney boy they both made out with last week. This time, as the roommates were picking sides, we'll see a couple of roommates get involved with the fracas, and join either side.

How will this end?

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Parisa and Trisha will get into a fight; Trisha leaves; Ashli replaces her

It's been quite a few seasons since a castmember on the Real World was replaced. If you think about it, it's only happened a handful of times: Beth A. replaced Irene and Glen replaced David in Los Angeles; Jo replaced Puck in San Francisco; Charlie replaced Frankie in San Diego. That's right, it's only happened four times. If you think about the actual number of people who left the show early or momentarily and were never replaced, there's Melissa (Miami), Irene (Seattle), Justin (Hawaii) and Ruthie (Hawaii) whom all left the show earlier than scheduled or in Ruthie's case, went to a treatment program for alcohol mid-season.

It's happening once again: Trisha (Sydney) either decides to leave or hits Parisa (Sydney). It's not clear at this point what exactly happens, but tensions between the two are heating up, as you see for previews for tomorrow night's episode. The trailer makes it seems as if Trisha runs up to push Parisa.

In the past, whether it be on Challenges, Road Rules, or the actual show, the policy on hitting or physical contact has been varied. Stephen (Seattle) actually slapped Irene (Seattle) while she was leaving the house and the rest of the cast was able to vote to keep her in. Brynn (Las Vegas) threw a fork at Steven (Las Vegas) and while he demanded at first that she leave, he rescinded and decided to let her stay. Gladys (Latin America) was immediately sent home after attacking Abe (Latin America), with no intervention from the cast, who later asked if she could back to the show. Steven (Las Vegas) was immediately sent home for slapping Shane (Campus Crawl) during the Battle of the Sexes 2. So, the policy has varied.

The incident which instituted a "no hitting" policy was Steven and Shane. So, by virtue of the fact that Trisha pushes Parisa (as we see in the trailer) she could be immediately sent home. Nevertheless, Trisha does go home midseason.

Who is her replacement?

Ashli (Sydney) - MySpace Page

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Melissa Howard gets married to her longtime boyfriend Justin Beck

Melissa (New Orleans) who has stepped out of the limelight for a couple of years has recently gotten married to her longtime boyfriend. Late last month, her and Justin Beck officially tied the knot. Melissa, who now goes by Melissa Beck, had the wedding in New York, but it seems that no Real World or Road Rules alum were in attendance. (Update: Coral (Back to New York) did attend.)

Check out:

Melissa's Website
Melissa's MySpace
Pictures of the Wedding

Congratulations to Melissa and her husband!

Sydney Episode #10: The house takes sides in World War III: Parisa vs. Trisha

Last night's episode begun with Cohutta (Sydney) maintaining that he and Kelly Anne (Sydney) didn't do anything. Trisha (Sydney) also tells her boyfriend that she is flirting with the local, Alex. Later that night, Alex is flirting with both Trisha and Parisa.

Alex writes a letter/poem to both Parisa and Trisha. The two compare notes and it creates tension between them. Shauvon (Sydney) says that Parisa is asking for drama, but Trisha should not care. Kelly Anne says that Trisha should back off.

Meanwhile, Parisa gets the feeling that Alex isn't romantically interested in Trisha. At the bar that night, Cohutta (Sydney) saves Kelly Anne from two local drunkards. Cohutta saves the day.

Kelly Anne calls her friends back home and finds out that her boyfriend is seeing other people. Kelly Anne tells Cohutta. Trisha begins flirting with other boys and goes out to Cargo Bar with some of the other locals. Parisa and Alex get closer that night. Trisha says that Parisa doesn't understand "Girl Code" that when a girl hangs out with a guy first, she's marking her territory.

Shauvon claims that even though Trisha has a boyfriend, she has dibs on Alex. Trisha calls Parisa an idiot for going after Alex and tells her to "watch herself". Isaac (Sydney) even weighs in on the conflict, telling her to back off Alex, even if he has a boyfriend.

Later that night, Alex tells Trisha that he doesn't like Parisa. Then, Alex rates Trisha a six, a seven. Shauvon gets rated a six and the two are furious. Cohutta gets extremely annoyed. Parisa tells Shauvon that it is ridiculous that she's hurt over the rating, from two drunk guys who were teasing her.

That night at the house, Alex and Parisa make out. Isaac says that "Team Drunk Girl" will get Alex, that if Dunbar gets drunk, he might get Alex. Parisa feels bad that she made out with Alex. So the house is abuzz that they made out. Then, Trisha takes Alex outside, and makes out with him. Shauvon tells Parisa. Then, Parisa walks out with Alex, gets his number, and makes out with him once again.

Next time: World War III starts as people start taking sides on "Team Parisa" and "Team Trisha". While Kelly Anne seems to side with Parisa and Shauvon seems to side with Trisha, the argument comes to a head as Cohutta and Isaac defend Parisa over a grilled cheese sandwich. Glasses are thrown, words are exchanged. Don't miss it.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Sydney Episode #10: Post your reactions here

On tonight's episode, we see more of the Parisa (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) tension building up as they vie for the same guy. This time, a local, Alex, comes to visit the girls. When Alex makes out with both Parisa and Trisha in the same night, all hell breaks loose.

It seems like these events are leading up to a breaking down point for Trisha. It is also heavily rumored that Trisha either leaves or gets sent home after a fight with Parisa.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Register to win a trip to Europe with Evan and Johanna or pay to go with them

If you have been keeping tabs on your alumni, you know that last year, Evan (Fresh Meat), Johanna (Austin), Melinda (Austin) and Alex (Denver) all went to Europe last year, as they all had these professional photos done in front of famous European landmarks.

Well, this year, you can join them. EfCollegebreak is allowing you a chance to go on the trip with either Evan or Johanna. You can also actually pay to go on this trip as well.


Both links will take you to the same trip, but I'm sure both castmembers get more compensation for the more people they sign up. Check it out and enter the contest! You might win a chance to travel with one of your favorite alumni.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Alex will be participating in the Denver Marathon as part of a Celebrity Relay

Former Denver lothario Alex will be back in his old stomping grounds early next month for Denver's marathon. Alex will run a part of the marathon as part of a team of "celebrity relayers".

The team includes 11 other "celebrities" which you can check out here.

If you're in the Denver area on October 14, go and check it out. You might see Alex running his two miles worth of the marathon.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sydney Episode #9: The job episode and Trisha irks her roommates

Last night's episode began with the castmembers getting a package from Contiki. Contiki is a worldwide travel agency that sets up tours, packages, etc, typically for young travelers. The package doesn't inform them what they will be doing, but the girls seem to be really excited, but the boys seem to be pessimistic. While Dunbar (Sydney) complains that the girls will complain about trivial things like the weather, Cohutta (Sydney) makes the statement that none of the girls have had a real job as Trisha (Sydney) buys clothes for other people, Parisa (Sydney) is a professional student, Shauvon (Sydney) writes sex stories, and Kelly Anne (Sydney) does nothing.

On the day of the job, Parisa wakes up the house, visibly excited for the job. Dunbar gets upset as she ruined his mojo for the day. When getting ready, Parisa belts out a rendition of Amazing Grace in the shower. Meanwhile, Trisha (Sydney) starts trashing Parisa in front of Dunbar, and Dunbar agrees.

Later on, Parisa made breakfast for the cast prior to them going out. In the car, Dunbar vents his frustrations, saying that he was pissed that Parisa woke him up and believes that she's being too "maternal" in cooking for the group. Isaac (Sydney) and Cohutta disagree, but do agree that Dunbar needs to calm down.

Then they get their job assignment. The cast is responsible for making a two-day itinerary for Sydney. They have to scour the city to find the best attractions, dining, and lodging to take groups of tourists on. If their itinerary is accepted, they become travel guides for their tour. (The group was indeed spotted as travel guides.)

The group then goes on their first day at the job. Dunbar is driving and Parisa is in the front seat. The two bicker, but Dunbar seems to genuinely care about Parisa as a friend when the two are alone in the car. The relationship between the two seems strained. During lunch, Dunbar wants to drink, so Trisha volunteers to drive home.

Isaac, Kelly Anne and Cohutta decided to take a cab home because of it, but Trisha drives home in an almost comical manner. Dunbar, although buzzed, is seriously concerned about the multi-tasking Trisha attempts to pull off while driving.

Later on, the girls have a girls talk. The main subject of the night: the boys. It seems the girls are frustrated that the boys cause as much drama in the house as the girls, but the boys claim to have no part in it. While the girls are outrightly confrontational, the boys talk behind everyone's back. While everyone agrees, Trisha begins listing things that Dunbar said about Parisa. Amongst them: That Parisa sounds like a fake Christina Aguilera and that Parisa only cooks for the boys because she wants to hang out with them.

This hurts Parisa. The next morning, she confronts Dunbar who vehemently denies ever saying either statement. Although, earlier in the episode, we did see him agreeing with Trisha's bashing on her singing and his complaining about her cooking in the car. Dunbar does seem sincere that he truly believes Parisa is his friend and not Trisha. She seems to accept what Dunbar tells her, so she asks Isaac and Cohutta the same question, to which they also deny ever happened.

Later on, Parisa confronts Trisha and Trisha also "gets pissed" that Dunbar would deny those allegations. While the episode doesn't provide any resolution, it seems like tension is building in the house and it seems like the house will soon implode on itself.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sydney Episode #9: Post your reactions here

Tonight, the tide turns against Trisha (Sydney), as Dunbar (Sydney) explodes when Trisha apparently tries to turn Parisa (Sydney) against him. While the focus around Trisha seems to be elevated, especially with her protest against the Sydney Gay Pride Parade and her fight with Cohutta (Sydney) last week, everyone is expecting Trisha to leave the Real World house. Rumor has it that she will butt heads with Parisa.

Discuss tonight's episode here. Post your reactions.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More news from inside the Real World Hollywood house

News from the house continues to spill out as the Real World Hollywood seems to be well underway. While not of this is 100% verifiable until the season begins to air or MTV releases a press release, there seems to be rumblings of who the seven strangers are.

Here's what a local has told us the cast is made up of:

Greg Halstead - winner of RealWorldCasting.com
Male - Black, with dreadlocks
Male - Gay
Male - Blond, "jock-type"

One of these girls should be Brianna Taylor. Again, this is all speculation.

I'm also told that if you drive by the house on Sunset and Gower, it's actually viewable. However, as of yet, no interior pictures have been snapped since the building looks to have no windows. More to come soon.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Brianna Taylor, a former American Idol semi-finalist, may be a part of Hollywood cast

This is strictly a rumor, but we hear that another person to join Greg (Hollywood) in the cast is Brianna (Hollywood). Brianna Taylor, is a 20 year-old aspiring singer from Warminster, PA. Rumor has it that she's on the next season of the Real World.

Brianna appeared on Season 5 of American Idol and she made it to Hollywood. She's definitely an aspiring singer, so she fits the mold that the casting directors were looking for in this twentieth season. Her MySpace profile has also been abandoned for the time being. Meaning, either she's in a locale that doesn't allow computers or she may not be allowed to be using a computer.

This doesn't entirely make sense, as each cast has had internet access in the past. This would also mean that the cast is already being filmed or is in the process of filming as we speak. So far, no word from the bowels of Hollywood.

Update: Since last week, cast and camera crews have been spotted all over Sunset and Gower. It seems that Columbia Square is indeed the site of the Real World 20 house.

Dr. Steve-O, co-starring Trishelle, begins to air next week on USA

Trishelle (Las Vegas) has landed another job, this time with her good friend Steve-O. Trishelle will be the nurse on the new Dr. Steve-O show which airs on October 1 on USA. Check out the clip for the show.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sydney Episode #8: Post your reactions here

Tonight, the roommates are out and about at Sydney's Gay Pride Parade. While the rest of the roommates are comfortable with the festivities, it seems to be the breaking point for Trisha (Sydney). Finally fed up with the lifestyle that comes with living in the Real World house, Trisha may go off the deep end in tonight's episode, perhaps starting a downward spiral that results in her eventual blowup with Parisa (Sydney).

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zach, with a new haircut, blogs about Sydney and now calls himself Isaac

Zach (Key West), who we haven't heard much of, recently sat down and blogged about the Real World Sydney. The article has a little picture of him that shows that he got a new haircut in which he looks like he's a completely different person. Other than that, he's scheduled to be on the upcoming Gauntlet 3. Since the show ended, Zach has been taking the time to produce his own movie, so I'm sure you will be hearing about that a little more as time goes on.

In the article, he gives you his opinion of each of the new roommates. Most prominently however, is the fact that he refers to himself now as "Issac", which may be his real name, and he may have used his nickname when he was on Key West.

Nevertheless, read the blog. it's a good read.

Lori is now a pharamaceutical rep living in Boston once again

Fresh off her chatfest with the hosts of The Hills Aftershow, Lori (Back to New York) is doing a variety of different things in post Real World life.

First, she's living in Boston again, she is working in sales for a pharmaceutical company. She's no longer in the reality television game. She hardly keeps in contact with any of her former roommates. While she attempts to contact Coral (Back to New York) at least twice a year and she and the Miz (Back to New York) only text each other, she finds it rough to keep up with that gang.

She's also attempting to sing again and is in a local cover band in the Boston area. Good luck to Lori!

Sydney Episode #7: Dunbar blows his top; Kelly Anne and Cohutta make mountain babies

The beginning of the episode finds Cohutta (Sydney) and Kelly Anne (Sydney) flirting with each other yet again. However, when the potential for love seems unclear, Kelly Anne seems to get a suitor who brings flowers to the door. Carey, an Englishman that Kelly Anne met in Sydney sends her flowers. Dunbar (Sydney) isn't impressed.

Then it turns into this big old thing. Dunbar gets angry. Shauvon (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) defend the gesture, but Dunbar has to apologize to Kelly Anne in private. Kelly Anne later tells Dunbar that he needs to chill or he's going to freak out in the house.

The next morning, Dunbar, Trisha and Isaac (Sydney) begin to talk about sex before marriage. Trisha is pretty admanant that one shouldn't have sex before marriage, but Dunbar doesn't see where its relevancy is in relation to the Bible. Cohutta stops the madness before anyone can get worked up any more.

While Isaac leaves porn in the bathroom for Dunbar to relieve himself, Dunbar confesses to Kelly Anne that his anger issues come from being abused as a child.

Kelly Anne then meets Carey and while this new guy may have money, she seems to realize that he might not be the one for her. Cohutta, meanwhile, mopes around the house without Kelly Anne. Isaac tells Cohutta not to get involved. At the end of the date, Kelly Anne refuses to kiss Carey. And, when she comes home, she jumps into bed with Cohutta, finally cementing the fact that the two at least like each other.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sydney Episode #7: Post your reactions here

Tonight, on the Real World Sydney, Dunbar (Sydney) gets his aggression out. So much so, that even Isaac (Sydney) even seems to think that he needs to blow off a little of that testosterone. In the preview for tonight's episode, we see Dunbar get frustrated to the point where he breaks furniture (which, in case you didn't know, anything the roommates break, they pay for). Discuss what gets Dunbar all riled up tonight and all the quirks of tonight's episode in this post.

Post your reactions here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Isaac opens his own website and promises to answer questions, blog, and have live chats

Resident funnyman Isaac (Sydney) recently opened up his own website at Istout.com.

He promises to interact with fans quite a bit, so it's a real treat if he comes through with his promise. You can actually ask him questions, which he promises to answer. He has scheduled live chats, several times throughout the week. He also has a blog from the website.

He also lets us know that he is currently working on an album that will feature 10 different genres of music and may have appearances from his buddy Cohutta (Sydney) via the studio they had while they were in the house.

Lori shows up on the Hills Aftershow, she is called both thorough and attractive

Lori (Back to New York) recently moved back to Boston. We all know from her blog that she's a Hills addict. Last night, Lori showed up on the Aftershow via webcam, but not as a Real World alum, but as a genuine fan of the show. Her appearance is short, but the hosts call her "thorough" and the female host calls her "very attractive". Lori appears with about 1:20 left to go in the video.

The video may have problems opening. Click on this link to go to the video directly.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sydney cast may have been in attendance for the VMAs, Parisa did attend several parties

Each year at the MTV Video Music Awards, the current cast of the Real World and Road Rules is invited to walk down the red carpet. Well, this year is a little different. Either the Sydney, Denver or Viewers' Revenge cast didn't make it down the red carpet yesterday, or no one cared enough to write about it or take pictures of it. Also, a couple of people from the Challenges are traditionally invited, but no alumni seemed to be there either.

Last year, the Key West cast walked the red carpet at the VMAs just as their season was getting underway. However, we can confirm that Parisa (Sydney) was in Las Vegas for the past couple days including yesterday, attending some of the pre-parties for the VMAs. It is entirely in the realm of possibility that the cast was there in the audience, but they just did not get to walk the red carpet this year. Meanwhile, the cast of MTV's other reality show The Hills, did walk down the red carpet and got to present an award to Justin Timberlake.

Trisha may have been spotted outside Les Deux Saturday night with MTV vet Andy Milonakis

In one of the strangest news stories yet, Trisha (Sydney) could have potentially been spotted by TMZ cameramen on Saturday night, walking out of famed nightclub Les Deux, with none other than Andy Milonakis.

While TMZ stopped short of claiming that the girl with Milonakis was actually Trisha, the similarity is striking. We also know that Trisha recently moved to Los Angeles, so it is likely it is her. However, we should mention that Trisha was not the center of the post, more of what Milonakis had to say to the TMZ cameramen.

Finally, Les Deux is famous for a couple of reasons, it was opened by a couple of Big Brother alumni, it also is the spot to hangout for the girls of The Hills, and it is also a couple of blocks away from where the next Real World house is rumored to be located.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Dave is appearing in Pizza Hut commercials, first time he surfaces since the Gauntlet

Someone we don't hear much of often, Dave (South Pacific) is once again on your television screens appearing in a nationwide Pizza Hut commercial.

The last time we saw Dave, he was with Cara (South Pacific) on the Gauntlet, in which they both were able to make it to the end and share the grand prize. Since then, they have broken up, and Cara posed for Playboy and has done several more Challenges, while Dave has done none.

There were a lot of emails about this one. Keep your eyes peeled for Dave in the latest Pizza Hut commercial.

Challenge host Jonny Moseley has his first child, son Jonathan

Battle of the Sexes host Jonny Moseley is a father. Celebrity Baby Blog is reporting that Moseley and his wife Malia welcomed their first child, Jonathan aka Jack, on Wednesday September 5th.

The Olympic medal winner was the host of three Challenges including Battle of the Sexes, The Gauntlet, and Battle of the Sexes 2.

Congratulations to Jonny and his family. We wish him the best of luck.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sydney Episode #6: Kelly Anne crushes on Cohutta and Shauvon yells at Isaac

The episode began with Kelly Anne (Sydney) flirting with Cohutta (Sydney). It was innocent enough, as Kelly Anne was in bed with him, just scratching his back. Later on, Kelly Anne debates whether or not to tell her boyfriend back home, Sutton, about her flirtation with Cohutta. While Trisha (Sydney) advises against it, Kelly Anne lets it out.

During the phone call, Sutton gets angry with her and this crushes Kelly Anne. Trying to put on a brave face, Trisha and Shauvon (Sydney) comfort her while she gets off the phone. She's worried that Sutton may be the one and she doesn't want to be with him. She also doesn't know that if she can't be faithful or he to her.

Later on, Trisha starts flirting with Cohutta, which sends an alert to Kelly Anne, proving her crush is a little more than she anticipated. Meanwhile, Shauvon tells Parisa (Sydney) that she's been avoiding talking about her ex to avoid a depression. She's worried she's going to take her aggression on someone in the house.

Then the fight: The roommates are playing twister and then Shauvon screams. It seems that Shauvon tried to sit on Isaac's (Sydney) lap and fell. She calls him names, he calls her names, she throws stuff at him, he throws stuff at her. It gets out of hand. Isaac walks out to cool down.

Kelly Anne comfors him, but for some reason, lets it spill out that she likes Cohutta and is worried about Trisha. Isaac tells her not to worry about Trisha, that Cohutta doesn't like her. Isaac then half-apologizes to Shauvon and she does the same. She cries later on, and she misses her ex.

Meanwhile, it looks like the rest of the house is abuzz with news of Kelly Anne's crush. Maybe Dunbar's (Sydney) prediction of mountain babies will come to fruition.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sydney Episode #6: Post your reactions here

The honeymoon is over tonight as the roommates get down and dirty, leaving all reservations at the door. After a night when the roommates get wasted, Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) get into a screaming, glass-breaking, food throwing match over who knows what.

This is probably as a result of the tension between the two after Shauvon hooked up with Ky and Isaac hooked up with Noiri. Will the two ever be friends again after tonight?

Post your reactions here.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Jacinda welcomes Satine Anais Geraldine

Jacinda (London), who recently has been in a recent string of films, welcomed a baby daughter into the world on August 20.

Jacinda and her husband actor Gabriel Macht had announced they were expecting in May, and had the child two weeks ago in Los Angeles.

The pair decided on the name Satine Anais Geraldine.

Congratulations to the couple!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Virtual Real World allows you to hang out with the castmembers and other fans in cyberspace

MTV has unveiled a new feature over at their website. They are allowing people to create their own identities online and mingle with other fans all over the world in Virtual Real World.

Finally, you can break the wall between you and the castmembers and be a part of the action in the Real World Sydney house.

There are contests held and celebrities stop in every once in a while for you to chat with. Be sure to check it out at virtualrealworld.vmtv.com.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sydney Episode #5: Post your reactions here

On tonight's episode, Parisa (Sydney) and Dunbar (Sydney) are at odds over feelings over each other, while Kelly Anne (Sydney) is caught in the middle. At the same time, Cohutta (Sydney) and Kelly Anne fret over their own impending relationship by having a tryst in the confessional and Cohutta's bed.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sydney Episode #4: Post your reactions here

Tonight is another episode of our seven favorite Americans living Down Under. Parisa (Sydney) and Dunbar's (Sydney) relationship is tonight's central focus, as the relationship between the two is explored a bit further, while KellyAnne (Sydney) seems to somehow also figure into this tryst between the two flirtatious friends.

Meanwhile, Isaac (Sydney) meets a new "friend" on the streets of Sydney and may take that relationship to the next level.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Sydney Episode #4: Preview the first third of the new episode

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Isaac wants the luck of the Irish to rub off on him a little

Trishelle joins Dr. Steve-O as the "nurse on duty" this coming September on the USA network

Trishelle (Las Vegas), who we last saw with the Reunited cast is officially moving onto her next project.

Trishelle will be joining her friend Steve-O in his new television series on the USA network with Dr. Steve-O.

Dr. Steve-O is a series where the Jackass Star travels around the country helping men get their acts together. The series premieres in September.

MySpace reveals more information and pictures from the Gauntlet 3

MySpace has proven to be an invaluable resource for the upcoming seasons of the Challenge. The castmembers from each Challenge usually visit their MySpaces before and during filming, comment on each other's pages about the Challenges, and even post pictures on the Challenges. Yesterday, Brooke (Denver) and Evelyn (Fresh Meat) revealed that they were dating.

Today, Tori's (Viewers' Revenge) MySpace reveals that she dated Brad (San Diego) dated during the Challenge, but also she has pictures from the Challenge.

Moreover, Ryan's (Fresh Meat) MySpace has tons of pictures from the Challenge with several different castmembers.

Check 'em out.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Denver's Brooke and Fresh Meat's Evelyn met on the Gauntlet 3 and are now dating

Confirmed via their own MySpace pages, Brooke (Denver) is now dating Evelyn (Fresh Meat). The two are part of the upcoming Gauntlet 3 Challenge, which airs on MTV this Fall.

If you take a look at Brooke's MySpace, you clearly see that her default picture is with Ev. She also calls Ev the finest specimen she's ever seen and now declares herself bisexual. Evelyn, who has been a lesbian for quite some time, also has a picture of Brooke as her default picture.

This will probably play out on our television screens this coming Challenge and we should see two unlikely people begin a relationship. Frank (Las Vegas) also began a bit of a showmance with Jillian (Extreme) during the airing of the show.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sydney Episode #3: It's girls night out except when Trisha and Parisa fight, again

Tonight's episode of the Real World Sydney saw Trisha (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) liberating themselves from their American significant others and exploring possibilities with others abroad. Trisha begins the episode by breaking things off with Jarod, her longtime boyfriend. Trisha, who says that the two needs time apart, is just looking to explore what Sydney has to offer. Meanwhile, Shauvon is also looking forward to exploring what Sydney has to offer after she broke off her long term relationship.

Trisha invites Alex, the local Sydney boy she met at a club on the first episode, back to the house. While she, KellyAnne (Sydney), and Dunabar (Sydney) look comfortable chatting with Alex, the rest of the roommates question how quick Trisha was able to move on. Later on, Shauvon invites Ky out, another friend that she met at a nightclub.

Parisa (Sydney) decides to let her inhibitions go and begin drinking that night. While Trisha makes it known that she can't stand her, Parisa almost immediately begins losing control. Later at dinner, Parisa passes out at the dinner table and Dunbar carries her home. Shauvon takes Ky home and the two fool around. Isaac (Sydney) laments that he ever hooked up with Shauvon in the first place, especially since they're sleeping next door to each other.

Trisha talks to Cohutta (Sydney) about her relationship and she finally comes to the conclusion that she's pushing things with Alex too fast and too far. In an effort to redeem herself, she sends an email to her boyfriend back home. Parisa, who wants to use the computer, says that Trisha is hogging the computer. The two begin to get into a fight with Trisha throwing insults at Parisa. Parisa just walks away with Shauvon and when Trisha asks if Isaac likes her as a person, Isaac responds, "I don't know yet."

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sydney Episode #3: Post your reactions here

Tonight is another episode of the Real World: Sydney. The girls are on the prowl tonight, as Trisha (Sydney) breaks it off with her boyfriend back at home, while Shauvon (Sydney) is looking to get back into the game after she breaks it off with her boyfriend. The house seems to divided on Trisha, as some see that she broke up with her boyfriend only to free herself to date Alex, the local she met in the first episode. Meanwhile, Shauvon also pursues someone she met in the first episode. Finally, we see the tension between the girls rear its ugly head again, as Trisha and Parisa (Sydney) can't seem to get along, even when Parisa goes out of her way to be a part of the group.

Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Trisha's trip to McDonalds stirs a bit of a controversy Down Under

In a now infamous remark that she surely regrets, Trisha (Sydney) is apparently the center of controversy in the Asian-Australian community over her impatience with a McDonald's employee in Sydney.

If you remember, this is the impetus behind Trisha and Parisa's (Sydney) falling out, after Parisa becomes disgusted after hearing Trisha's comment.

While the article doesn't post any information about the scandal, it links you to a clip of the comment. If you want to know what a Crunchie McFlurry is, consult this Wikipedia entry.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Short article praises Parisa and reveals her YouTube Account

Parisa (Sydney) is profiled over at this online news magazine. They don't reveal much about Parisa, but they contend that she's not the first Muslim to appear on the Real World. Mohammed (San Francisco) was actually the first. The article also reveals that she herself did not pursue the Real World audition, casting producers had asked her to audition.

The article more significantly reveals that Parisa has a YouTube account where she posted a video of her singing the Star Spangled Banner. You can also check out her MySpace Music page.

Monday, August 13, 2007

New Hollywood House may be located in an old television studio on Sunset Blvd.

All signs point to the fact that The Real World: Hollywood house is currently under construction. A new report from LA Curbed states tha the new Hollywood house will be located on the old CBS building lot on the corner of Sunset and Gower just blocks from the world famous Hollywood/Vine intersection, where among other things, the Kodak Theater is located.

While this seems like a perfect opportunity to film a Real World series in an old converted studios that once filmed shows like I Love Lucy and The Jack Benny Show, there are some conflicting reports that has suggested this lot was intended for a massive redevelopment that had nothing to do with the Real World.

To check out the CBS building in all its glory, check out this page which details its past, its Wikipedia entry, a picture from the Los Angeles Times, and this report that suggests that the site is intended for a mixed use project comprising more than 400,000 sf of office and retail space, 400 multifamily units and a 125-room hotel.

This doesn't mean that the Real World can't be filmed here of course. But it does mean that the house will be constructed in the old building, especially since, according to the Wikipedia page, there are heavy efforts underway to protect the preservation of the site. Google Maps has the complete street view of the complex.

Johanna continues to post her views about the Sydney cast over at RealityDish

Johanna (Austin) first shared her views about the Sydney cast during the casting special. Now she's turned around and given us what she thinks about the first few days of the cast now that they've moved into the house.

Reality Dish posted an article where Johanna talks about the interesting dynamic that took place in Sydney the first day. She blames a lot of the drama on the producers and how they choose who comes to the house first. She was almost certain that KellyAnne (Sydney) and Trisha (Sydney) were one of the first to arrive, because they were most likely to cause drama. She was also certain that Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) met each other first to stir romantic inclinations. She compares this to her first day where Rachel (Austin) wanted to immediately room with her, but Johanna told her to wait until the other castmembers came through the door. She also says that she and Wes (Austin) were made to meet each other first, as were Danny (Austin) and Melinda (Austin).

Johanna goes on to comment on the fights between the girls. She says that the only team she seems to be on at this point is "Team Cohutta", although she is taking a liking to Shauvon. Check out the article for more.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Real World 20 is confirmed to be in Hollywood; Will be a "green house"

Real World 20, the twenieth anniversary season of the series is officially going back to Los Angeles. However, this time around, the series will not be titled Real World: Back to Los Angeles, the series will be titled Real World: Hollywood.

This 20th season of the Real World will be crucial for the series. The network renewed the series during the filming of the Austin series up until the 20th season. MTV has yet to decide whether or not to continue the series after Hollywood, but with recent major changes in the network, the fate of the series is definitely up in the air. In 1998, the series was once close to being off the air, when MTV executives had decided that the 10th season would be the last. After the surprising ratings of the Hawaii season, MTV continually renewed the series. It's sister show, Road Rules, had been in limbo for three years, been labeled as "on hiatus", only to come back this past winter to a poorly received restructuring that featured MTV's new strategy of viewer interactivity of its centerpiece.

The 20th season, even in its early pre-production stages, is showing major changes. The show will be based in Hollywood. This is the second time the show will be in Los Angeles and the fourth time in the state of California. Season 2 filmed in Venice, CA; Season 3 filmed in San Francisco, CA; Season 14 filmed in Point Loma, CA. During the casting process, producers advertised for people with ambition, looking to live in a city that would foster that ambition. Presumably, that was a cry for Real World's early days in which Julie (New York) aspired to be a dancer on Broadway, Jon (Los Angeles) aspired to be a country music artist, and Pam (San Francisco) aspired to be a doctor. Also peculiar for this casting process is the casting of a seventh roommate via internet voting. Greg Halstead, from Daytona Beach, FL will be living in the Hollywood house this Fall.

In addition, MTV has revealed that this house will be "green". The concept is intended "to introduce ways in which today's youth can incorporate environmentally-friendly household items and make eco-friendly lifestyle choices."
The house "will include everything from solar energy solutions to bamboo flooring, recycled glass counters, some sustainable furniture and recycled vintage décor, energy star appliances, a solar heated swimming pool and energy efficient lighting."

The house is located in Los Angeles' 13th District, which is smack in the middle of Downtown Los Angeles. You can check out a profile of the 13th District here. This season will definitely be in the heart of Hollywood. What remains to be seen, however, is whether or not this season will continue the tradition of recent seasons where the cast gets drunk and parties at nightclubs (which Los Angeles has no shortage of), or will actually revitalize the series in some way by returning it into its roots.

Nevertheless, it may be interesting to see the cast on TMZ at Les Duex cavorting with the likes of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan months before the season airs on MTV. More to come as we get it.

Trishelle and Steve-O do a set at the Laugh Factory and it ends up on TMZ

Recent Las Vegas reunitee Trishelle seems to be keeping busy.

She reunited with yet another one of her friends, Steve-O, of the Jackass crew to do a comedy set at the Laugh Factory last night.

The set, in which Steve-O caught more attention for calling himself the n-word, ended up on TMZ.com. Check out the set which is up online at TMZ.

Sydney Episode #1/2: Catfight sets off fireworks in Sydney

Last night's episode began with Cohutta (Sydney) and KellyAnne (Sydney) being the first to arrive in the house. Cohutta had never lived in more than two places, while KellyAnne was looking to have a party while in Sydney. The two arrive at the house and begin to check everything out. Soon, Trisha (Sydney) comes and joins the twosome. Meanwhile, Isaac (Sydney) and Shauvon (Sydney) get to know each other a little better than the rest of the roommates, to join the group.

Somewhere else in Sydney, Dunbar (Sydney) and Parisa (Sydney) have a first awkward meeting, mostly propelled by Parisa being mesmorized by Dunbar. The two go to the house to complete the sevensome.

The guys pretty much easily decide to share the room with three beds. Trisha and KellyAnne seem to develop a quick friendship, while Parisa makes a bad first impression on the two because she's not overally friendly with the two.

The group decides to go out and have dinner. They're interrupted midway by fireworks, to which Dunbar responds that Sydney is pretty amazing. That night at the club, Parisa is immediately turned off by the atmosphere and decides to go home rather than spend the night to "fit in".

The next morning, Parisa and Shauvon talk about KellyAnne's behavior. While KellyAnne is a staunch partygirl, Parisa had seemed turned off the night before by KellyAnne's attraction to Dunbar in the hot tub. KellyAnne actually hears the two talking about her and confronts them. Parisa dosen't appreciate the dose of attitude and the two are on bad terms. KellyAnne vents to Trisha, who seems to share her dislike of Parisa.

Shauvon and Isaac, meanwhile, turn up the heat, as the two are heavily flirtacious, especially after feeling they are the closest in the house after being introduced to each other first. The two make out in the confessional room, momentarily interrupted by Dunbar and Parisa.

At the end, KellyAnne isn't sure about her relationship with Parisa and Shauvon. Shauvon seems to be approachable and seems to want to mend the friendships in the house, so she suggests that KellyAnne approach Parisa to explain and talk the situation out. The two have a talk about what's going on and they decide to set their differences aside and start anew.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Sydney Episode #1/2: Post your reactions here

It officially begins tonight. Cohutta, Dunbar, Isaac, KellyAnne, Parisa, Shavoun and Trisha descend upon Sydney for the beginning of the 19th season of the Real World.

Drama will be the keyword for tonight, as the four girls seem to be immediately at each other's throats, picking sides, making judgments, and just fighting in general.

It's promised to be a great season. Post your reactions to tonight's episode here.

Dunbar sits down with his local paper and reveals that he's still together with his girlfriend

Dunbar (Sydney), who seems to be a point of argument between several of the girls in the house this season, is officially still with his girlfriend. In fact, the two are planning a vacation to Florida in the near future.

The Clarion Ledger gives us the 411 on Dunbar, which tells us how Dunbar was cast, what life was like before he auditioned, and what he's expecting life to be after his audition.

Dunbar, who should've been done with school, is back at Ole Miss, trying to finish up his degree. He says that he's a Army National Guardsman, has a full-time classload, and works as a bartender. There's tons of interesting facts about Dunbar. So check the artictle out.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tomorrow's one-hour episode of Sydney can be viewed On Demand

For about two weeks now, MTV has made the first two episodes of the Real World Sydney available for On Demand suscribers. While most are aware of this, some people have recently found the episodes on their cable boxes.

Tomorrow's episodes promise some enlightenment as this season looks to be both dramatic and fufilling with some actual resolution at the end of the premiere episodes. Usually, the series begins with a high note and it's downhill from there, but fans who have viewed the first two episodes are surprised about this upcoming season.

The premiere episodes will air tomorrow night on MTV at 10PM. It's a one-hour season premiere.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Alton will face Evan, Kenny will face Tyrie, Beth S. will face Tonya; Wes and Johanna will host

In two months, former Real World and Road Rules alumni will battle it out in three boxing matches to find out who's the real competitor amongst the group. Alton (Las Vegas) has agreed to face off against Evan (Fresh Meat). Kenny (Fresh Meat) has agreed to face off against Tyrie (Denver). And finally, with what should be called the title match as these two have had some bickering in the past, Beth S. (Los Angeles) will face off against Tonya (Chicago).

The three pairs will train for the next two months in order to square off against each other in a "professional boxing match" which will allow each winner to retire as an "undefeated professional boxer". No details are given about the organization is running the event, but all proceeds will go to charity.

The event is scheduled for October 20, 2007 at the Celebrity Theater in Pheonix, AZ. There's no word yet on when you can buy tickets but you can check out the website here.

Johanna tells RealityDish what she thinks of the Sydney cast after watching the casting special

Johanna (Austin) blogged about the first episode of the Real World Sydney that aired last week. In it, she talks about her personal feelings about the seven new strangers from the perspective of someone who went through it several years ago.

You can check out what she said here but, in her blog, she takes issue with KellyAnne's (Sydney) seemingly insecurity with herself and Dunbar's (Sydney) action with KellyAnne in the hot tub.

She pretty much sides with the rest of the cast, praising them for their five minutes on television last week. Check out the article, it's an interesting read.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Trisha has no regrets, has moved to Los Angeles, and is still friends with Shavoun

Trisha (Sydney), who has been the center of some controversy early in the season, sat down with the Fresno Bee to talk about her experience in Sydney.

While she admits that she did things that don't match with her conservative upbringing, she has no regrets about her time in Sydney. If you remember, Trisha is seen almost hitting or hitting Parisa (Sydney) in the preview, and it's rumored that Trisha will be sent home and an eighth roommate will be sent in her place.

Trisha also says that she has moved to Thousand Oaks, a suburb of Los Angeles, to capitalize on the attention that the show is bringing her. She also mentions that she is still friends with her fellow castmember Shavoun (Sydney).

Puck was or is a part of "Celebrity Rehab" on VH1; He may have left the show mid-filming

Perez Hilton reported earlier this week that VH1 is currently filming a new series titled "Celebrity Rehab" where out-of-control celebrities are put through some sort of program to rehabilitate their rebellious ways.

Puck (San Francisco) was rumored to be a part of the cast, along with Chyna Doll, Tom Sizemore, Mary Carey, and Brigette Nielsen. However, the series, which is taping right now, is reportedly sans Puck. According to Perez, Puck has left the show.

Is it too much of a surprise? Not really, considering Puck also left Battle of the Sexes, which later turned out to be a calculated move. No word on the format of the series and it should debut in Fall.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sydney Casting Special: The alumni discuss the new seven strangers

Blair (The Quest), Randy (San Diego), Colie (Denver), Wes (Austin), Paula (Key West) and Svetlana (Key West) start by sitting around the couch, discussing the season.

Issac (Sydney) is first and he talks about the calamity that is his life. He talks about the stuff that he pulls, how he gets high, how he gets drunk. He’s a “boob guy”. He says that he can always find good things about everyone.

Shavoun (Sydney) has her own column called “Sexcapades”. She wants to be an entertainment reporter. She’s single and she got out of a long-term relationship where her boyfriend made her pick between her career and him.

The alumni talk about how Issac and Shavoun might hook up. Blair shows a sneak peak, where the two of them are flirting heavily throughout their season. The two are making out in the confessional and are caught by roommates. The two end up fighting later in the season.

The alumni discuss the two. They’re excited about the impending fights. Randy thinks she’s pretty, but she’s not his type. Wes thinks that he could be friends with her and she looks intimidating.

Dunbar (Sydney) is next. He’s more proud to be Southern than he is to be American. His girlfriend Julie is something accidental, but he acknowledges it to be special because she is willing to do anything to make him happy.

Parisa (Sydney) is from New York City. She knew since she was little that she was different. Her friends think that nothing fazes her, that she’s the “tin man”. Parisa used to have trouble rejecting guys. She used to put a lot of self-worth in her relationships.

The alumni girls seem to love Dunbar. Parisa takes herself too seriously, according to Colie.

Dunbar and Parisa meet each other. Parisa said that if Dunbar is single, it would be a fairytale. Parisa flirts heavily with Dunbar and he responds by treating her differently than the rest of the cast. The two end up fighting because he seems to be disrespectful toward her.

The alumni feel like the relationship between the two is unrequited. They think that Parisa is finally learning what it is like to be rejected. Paula calls him a beefcake.

Cohutta (Sydney) is up. He’s from a “different country” where everyone knows everybody. He introduces us to his family. He’s looking for a “good mama” that he can “take back to the mountains” and raise some children with.

KellyAnne (Sydney) doesn’t like guys who talk about their families, bad kissers, bad teeth, people who have different opinions of her. She wrote “Pick Me” on her underwear in her casting video.

Paula says that Cohutta seems genuine and he’s going to get rocked the most. Colie says it’s weird that he’s living in 1976. Paula says he won’t be used to these kind of girls that show up on the show. Colie says that this Real World harkens back to the “social experiment” because there are different people reacting to each other.

KellyAnne hears Shavoun and Parisa talking about her in the bathroom. Parisa doesn’t want to babysit and KellyAnne flirts heavily with Dunbar, which irritates Parisa. KellyAnne calls herself a “co$%tease”. KellyAnne and Cohutta seem to be crushing on each other later in the season.

Wes says that he hates girls that are teases. Colie says that she’s gonna get picked on by the other girls, but the other girls says that she may want to get picked on.

Trisha (Sydney) comes to the house with a boyfriend and a chastity ring, kind of. She got the ring when she was 12 years old, but she lost her virginity. Trisha is trying to “get it all out right now”.

Wes likes Trisha more than he likes KellyAnne. He thinks that he’s trying to figure out what she’s about.

Trisha and Parisa start a fight. The tension seems to mount. Trisha starts to flirt with Cohutta, which irritates KellyAnne. Trisha seems to try and hit Parisa.

The alumni think that this season will be good. Blair can’t wait for the Sydney cast to see the casting special and talk about the alumni.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Going Down Under: A First Look at the Real World" airs tonight; Post your reactions here

The casting special "Going Down Under: A First Look at the Real World" airs tonight. We will be introduced to the seven strangers, most likely a brief snippet that has a couple of interviews, and shows what life is like at home. They'll also be sure to interject some of this season's drama in the preview tonight.

Post your reactions in the comments section to what you think about the seven strangers first appearance on MTV. Are you going to enjoy this season? Do you like how this season was cast? What are you looking forward to? Can you wait to see these faces on future Challenges?

This episode airs tonight at 10pm.

Parisa says that she does nothing in the upcoming season that would embarass her

Although KellyAnne (Sydney) says she's nervous about how she will be portrayed in the upcoming season, Parisa (Sydney) offers a different take. Although she did party "seven days a week", there's nothing that "wouldn't be proud for my family to see."

Parisa is a New York native, who attended NYU, and went to a casting call because she thought it was a sorority gathering. Although she didn't think much of it, she talked a little more than usual during the casting session, and she was asked to stay after.

She's now living on Long Island with her parents, pursuing a music career. Check out the full article here with the New York Daily News.

Issac does another interview with his school's newspaper which talks to the friend that dragged him to casting

The Arizona Daily Wildcat talked to Issac (Sydney) about being cast in the new season of the Real World.

Although he's given the same interview to several different newspapers, the school paper also talked to Molly Leibowitz, his friend that dragged him to the casting session.

The paper also reveals that Issac was able to backpack in Sydney after the show with the money he earned from appearing on the season, that he has a clothing line called "Stout", and that he would do a Challenge only to travel.

Check out the article.

RealWorldCasting will turn into VMACasting for the VMAs which are September 9th

Now that Real World 20 has found its seventh castmember, casting producers have decided to use the profiles that people posted for the Real World for people to get the chance to be correspondents on the upcoming Video Music Awards this September 9th at the Palms Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas.

This corroborates earlier reports from finalists who claimed that they were up for a hosting gig on TRL. Some MTV correspondents go onto larger duties, such as being a full-fledged news anchor or VJ.

All the profiles up on RealWorldCasting.com will be switched over to the new competition, which will go purely based on viewer votes and will have no casting rounds. The website is promised to be up soon.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Theo is on the syndicated show "Comics Unleashed" as a panelist

There's a syndicated show called Comics Unleashed where several different comics are invited on a show and shoot the breeze with host Byron Allen.

The episode is up online at the website for the show, where Theo (Maximum Velocity Tour) is a special guest. Theo talks about his southern roots, his father who was 70 years old when he was born, and a lot more.

You can actually check out the episode, which is airing on television, but check out the website to see what station the show airs on in your area.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Issac calls himself the "alpha male" of the cast, yet he's also "conceited and a little brain-damaged"

Issac (Sydney) seems to be making the rounds with the newspapers. He granted yet another interview with an Arizona newspaper. This time, he talked to the Arizona Daily Star.

Issac says that he was this season's "alpha male" and "party boy". He also throws it in there that he wasn't afraid of swimming naked in the fish tank. He talks about how the cast gawked at the amount of cameras in the house, but he wasn't worried he says, maybe because he's "conceited and a little brain-damaged."

This season's casting special airs August 1st. The series begins August 8th.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

KellyAnne is worried about being the "crazy bitch... a la Brooke"; Arizona locals disapprove of Issac

KellyAnne (Sydney) has been profiled on MM Agency's website and she says that she has seen the first episode of the show and she's worried that she is going to portrayed like the "crazy bitch" of the house.

KellyAnne confesses to having ADD, which seemed to make her unstable in the house, and confront her issues much like last season's Brooke (Denver).

In other news, responding to the article that the Tucson Citizen wrote yesterday about Issac (Sydney), several UA students and supporters seem disappointed that Issac will be representing the UA student body.

Taking messages of its online community board, posts like "Please tell me that UA is not being represented by someone who poses like the Ali G of the trailer park." are showing up, which are disapproving of Issac's partyboy status. Read the article.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Issac tells a newspaper that he put himself in the emergency room to attend a casting call and stayed in Sydney a month after Real World

Issac (Sydney), the castmember who is already being labeled the quintessential joker of Sydney, granted an interview with the local paper in Tucson, the Tucson Citizen. Issac attends the University of Arizona as a business major.

Issac reveals some tiny tidbits for the paper. Most notably, he tells the paper that, of course, he had the time of his life. He was getting paid to live his life in a mansion. He spent an extra month in Australia, working at a restaurant and backpacking up the Australian coast.

He wanted to apply for the Real World, but the day of the casting call, he was scheduled to go into court for a DUI. So, being the asthma sufferer he is, he smoked cigarettes until it put him in the emergency room and the courts gave him a week's extension. The rest is history.

He says that the seven of them were "cool" people, he generally got along with everyone, and that he messed with Cohutta (Sydney) the most. The seven of them left as friends, he says. He also tells the paper that although he wasn't supposed to tell the paper, one of the castmembers dies.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Johanna posts pictures from the Gauntlet 3 of girls just being girls

Johanna (Austin), who is a part of the upcoming Gauntlet 3 Challenge, recently posted some new pictures on her MySpace of the Gauntlet 3.

There are other photos surfacing out there, but this one has a pretty good group shot of a large group of girls huddled around in their "costumes" for some sort of party the group had when they were in Mexico.

Check out her MySpace for more information.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Greg Halstead wins the seventh spot for Real World 20 which begins filming August 26

Greg (Season 20) has officially been cast as the seventh castmember for Season 20. Greg, hails from Daytona Beach, FL, goes to the University of Florida, and was a former Mainland High School baseball player. Check out his profile here.

Greg was contacted by producers yesterday and told he won the competition. He will soon be traveling to California to meet with producers and take a drug test.

This actually adds speculation to the rumor that this 20th season might be Back to Los Angeles, keeping in pattern with the Back to... theme they used back in the tenth anniversary season where they went Back to New York. It would be an easy choice for producers as the castmembers wouldn't be ridiculed in Los Angeles, where the city is used to seeing production filmed all the time, and for its ease of access, as Bunim-Murray Productions is located in Los Angeles, along with MTV Networks.

More info as this develops.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A message board claims to reveal the complete cast of the Gauntlet 3 which has wrapped up in Mexico

Speak Reality, a message board, has claimed to reveal the complete cast of the Gauntlet 3, Rookies vs. Veterans.

The list, posted on the message board, looks like this:


Beth S. (Los Angeles)
Coral (Back to New York)
Adam (Paris)
CT (Paris)
Brad (San Diego)
Robin (San Diego)
Danny (Austin)
John (Key West)
Paula (Key West)
Katie (The Quest)
Casey (Fresh Meat)
Diem (Fresh Meat)
Eric (Fresh Meat)
Evan (Fresh Meat)
Ev (Fresh Meat)
Kenny (Fresh Meat)


Frank (Las Vegas)
Johanna (Austin)
Melinda (Austin)
Nehemiah (Austin)
Rachel (Austin)
Janelle (Key West)
Tyler (Key West)
Zach (Key West)
Alex (Denver)
Brooke (Denver)
Jillian (Extreme)
Ryan (Fresh Meat)
Angel (Viewers' Revenge)
Derek (Viewers' Revenge)
Tori (Viewers' Revenge)

Trailer suggests that Kelly Anne conspires to create a fight that will get someone sent home

The website has some new clues about the upcoming season. Immediately, on the first night there's tension:

On their first night together, KellyAnne gets tipsy and goes wild, sending up red flags for The Real World housemates and leading Parisa to fear they'll be "babysitting" for the next four months. Then when KellyAnne and Dunbar are the first to hit the hot tub, Parisa knows she's in for a bumpy ride. There's immediately an "us vs. them" mentality in the house, as the roomies pair off and take sides. But what will they do when they have to work as a team at their new job?

If you watch the trailer, you'll see Kelly Anne (Sydney) conspiring against another female roommate, to attempt to send her home. What's the outcome? Trisha (Sydney) pushing down Parisa (Sydney). We also see Trisha and Cohutta (Sydney) in a pretty heated fight. This leads us to speculation that someone, a female, will be sent home this season. There's been rumors about this and the trailer seems to corroborate this.

The Seven Strangers are finally profiled by MTV's new website

Cohutta, 23 - Blue Ridge, GA

Born and raised in small-town Georgia, Cohutta is a southern gentleman who's quick to impress the ladies with his chivalry, his wit, and his country wisdom. When he's not building houses (he's a self-employed contractor), this 23-year-old cowboy spends his time wandering the mountain ranges, riding horses, and playing the banjo. Ultimately, Cohutta wants to settle down and raise a family in Georgia. In fact, he'll be the first to tell you he's looking for a wife. But in the meantime, lookout Sydney.

Dunbar, 22 - Natchez, MI

At first glance, Dunbar appears to be the stereotypical southern fraternity boy, but a series of life-changing obstacles has forced him to learn responsibility. When his family lost everything after a money-laundering scandal, Dunbar was forced to negotiate his own financial situation, and since then has taken full responsibility for his livelihood. He enrolled in the military to help build his college fund, and now he attends Ole Miss. Dunbar is well-spoken and opinionated on political issues, literature and poetry. He's also arrogant and hot-headed. Though he doesn't seem the "relationship" type, he's very committed to his girlfriend back home.

Issac, 21 - Cleveland, OH

His rugged, "bad-boy" look makes this 21-year-old seem intimidating initially, but deep down Isaac is just a handsome, lovable party boy. He grew up in an unstable household surrounded by drugs and crime, but he's worked hard toward achieving a better future for himself. A student at the University of Arizona, he strives hard to maintain a 4.0 GPA. With his comedic personality, he bonds with the guys and charms the ladies.

KellyAnne, 20 - Austin, TX

Twenty-year-old Texan KellyAnne doesn't just show up to the party; she has to be the center of attention at it, too. She's a self-described tease who craves the attention of men. She's hot and she knows it... and she'll use it to get what she wants. At a young age, KellyAnne had to deal with her parents' divorce. As a result of that difficult split, she has trouble trusting men. Despite all of the drama that might have come her way, KellyAnne just wants to have fun.

Parisa, 21 - New York, NY

Parisa is a thoughtful and smart New Yorker, who at first might seem out of place among The Real World party girls. She was raised by loving but hypercritical Muslim parents who don't support Parisa's dream of being a singer/songwriter. So, Parisa maintained a perfect GPA in school and jumped straight into a business career to please her parents. It wasn't until recently that she put aside their expectations to make room for her own dream of stardom.

Shavoun, 24 - Sacramento, CA

Shauvon is more than just a buxom blonde bombshell; she is also an intellectual sex columnist for Sacramento State University's newspaper. Raised primarily by her controlling mother, Shauvon was pressured to have her ambitions and goals intricately planned out. This often resulted in Shauvon putting her mother's happiness before her own. Tired of being told what to do, she recently broke off her engagement to a man who forced her to choose between a career and him. Although she knows she made the right decision, the wound is still raw.

Trisha, 19 - Fresno, CA

Trisha is a sharp-tongued party girl from California who enjoys flaunting herself with the popular crowd. Raised as a devout Christian by her adoptive parents, 19 year-old Trisha lives a life of rebellion, spending most nights drinking and hooking up. She recently committed to a serious relationship with her boyfriend, shedding her self-proclaimed "virgin party girl" image. Trisha is talkative and opinionated and will do whatever it takes to make her voice heard.